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“Is this … my limit …”

Baili Qingfeng bowed his head and looked at the sword edge running through his chest slightly.

Blood ran down the cut-out sword tip, and brought with it weakness and pain that could not be suppressed by adrenaline.


Draw a sword!


Fang Baiyun echoed behind Baili Qingfeng with a tired and relieved voice …

This is a sword that can determine life and death.

And Baili Qingfeng …

With Fang Baiyun drawing his sword, he seemed to be pulled away from all Essence, Qi and Spirit on his body, and leaned forward involuntarily, as if to fall …

His injury …

too heavy.

It’s really too heavy.

He is just an ordinary King Guardian who has been repaired without leaking. He does not even know if the human body has been broken twice.

It was an unbearable serious injury to life, exceeding his endurance!

Fight again, today …

I’m afraid I will die here!

After all, fleeing requires physical strength, and he must save some energy to escape, the injury has too much impact on the escape efficiency.

“Four 4 levels, one heartbeat … is it my limit …”

Baili Qingfeng flashed this thought in his mind.

But this thought lasted only a moment, and he was forcibly suppressed!

The Walkman seemed to be broken. There was no singing voice to inspire his heart, but his heart was still burning like Flame Furnace, and offered him Strength that would not fail and never give up.

“Limit !? No! This is not my limit! My limit is more than that!”

Quantum Battle Body!

“hong long long !”

Baili Qingfeng made a crackling noise throughout his body.

At this moment, his extremely damaged body seemed to be refreshed for a round, and all injuries and pains were thrown away by him, as if he had resurrected in situ, transformed with blood and magic, and weakened. The body glows infinite Strength!

“This is not the end!”

Baili Qingfeng drank swiftly, the body that was about to fall suddenly turned around, with the rotation …

And the sword on the hand.

That battle sword that belongs to Chixiao!

“Not good !”

Baili Qingfeng’s changes Fang Baiyun had an instant insight. His complexion greatly changed without the slightest hesitation, and he withdrew his sword. The reaction was extremely fast …


The 180-degree rotating giant sword is fiercely chopped on the sword edge intercepted by Fang Baiyun!

Pure and violent to the point that not a badly wounded person could have burst out on the giant sword, the explosive Strength strikes the sword body intercepted by Fang Baiyun, and hit his own with his sabre wrapped around him. Body, body flew out involuntarily.

At the moment when his side flew and lost his balance, Baili Qingfeng had rushed forward as if the tiger had started, his left hand shocked, raised high, and then suddenly blasted, carrying crushing dry weeds and smashing rotten wood Fist fiercely hits his chest!


skeleton is broken!

Fang Baiyun, who flew sideways, slammed into the ground, colliding violently with the ground.

Among the dust, a mouthful of blood spewed out of his mouth.

But he hadn’t waited for him to breathe out from this violent blow, and Baili Qingfeng, who had just been killed, had already struck a meteor. The right foot of the flashing metallic luster was lifted up and trampled down …

“Do not……”


It’s like stepping on a ripe watermelon.

Blood smashed.

Scream …

Suddenly stopped.

“Elder Fang !?”

Incredible shouts came from the mouths of several True Immortal and Kingdom Guardian powerhouses on the side.

“Why is this !? Why is he all through the heart and still safe !?”

“Even if you are repaired without leakage, you will still die if you are hit by the key … monster … Is he a monster?”

The eight survivors looked at Fang Baiyun, who had been stepped on by Baili Qingfeng, and his face was full of terror, shock, and incredible.

Some people even have fear on their faces.

After stepping on and killing Fang Baiyun, the breath that erupted from Baili Qingfeng fell thousand zhang and fell back again, but the eight people present looked at in horror, and no one dared to attack again for a long time .


Quantum Battle Body’s Strength has faded, and unprecedented weakness has swept the whole body. Baili Qingfeng’s body is shaking and he almost falls on the spot.

He controlled his breathing rate. The heart wound quickly moved and repaired in one breath, and the breathing time slowly slowed down.

“Fortunately, I have become a leak-free real body, and a martial artist who has repaired a leak-free real body has almost got rid of the physical body. In addition to greatly improving the ability to adapt to the environment, the restoration of fleshhy body will also be significantly enhanced!”

When he was in the Oya Forest, he once fought with Wood and Montgomery, and was torn by half of his body, including the liver and other organs. It took him 2 hours to recover some battles. strength.

But as he completed Five Qi Towards The Origin to consolidate a leak-free true body, and coupled with the two human limits that seemed to be broken, he improved all of it regardless of Life Strength or resilience.

This improvement is not noticeable on large wounds, it is estimated to be around 30%, but the self-healing efficiency in the face of small wounds can be improved geometrically.

It is as if humans are continuously burned at a temperature of 1000 degrees for ten seconds, and burned ten times at a temperature of 1000 degrees, one second at a time. The temperature and time have not changed, but the actual change is inexcusable.

He just stood there, within the body 10000, the cells can lyse, turning into a source of energy to restore the injury, and the body is improving almost every second.

On his side, the four elephants, Dulu, Beacon, Blackbird, and the others looked around at him, as if looking for a weak spot.


No one was the first to launch an attack.

Baili Qingfeng’s ferocity, very ruthless, madness, and the kind of battle that made it clear to burn together with you both jade and stone Faith stunned them all.

This monster …

Maybe they will be killed by them, but before he is dying, one or two people will be dragged and buried with him.

They are not the masters of the heavenly heart.

Tian Xin was forced to give up everything and had to give up everything with Refining Spirit Secret Technique and Baili Qingfeng, so …

he died.

But they …

“Creating a leak-free true body will have a significant increase in life strength, even if the number of swords in the body will not fall as long as it does not hurt the vitals, but … once you hit the heart, the skull, the most powerful person will only have dead end, Body Refining Streaming martial artist … Even if the Body Refining breaks the second human limit, streaming martial artist can only struggling on whilst at death’s door to live longer, we will stare at him here, and it wo n’t take long before he will Died from running out of blood energy! “

Duluy said solemnly.

“It is better to chase Yu Yong to the poor, and Baili Qingfeng’s heart is on the right?”

4 Elephant yelled: “The red night General, Lichen General, Kongmingmai Zhu, Xiao Elder, and Elder Fang have died, and they have scared you into death, Baili Qingfeng is clearly an arrow at the end of its Flight, if you ca n’t kill him now, when he recovers, our Three Great Holy Lands, and your underground World, will never be peaceful! The Martial Dao world of Hea will truly fall into the hands of Thunderbolt Sect and be ruled by Thunderbolt Sect! Are you willing to be driven away from Shia by Baili Qingfeng like a stray dog ​​then? “

Dulu’s face was a little embarrassed.

“You, the breath of Baili Qingfeng is growing!”

At this time, the blackbird suddenly said: “I have mystery and are extremely sensitive to the breath. Baili Qingfeng is recovering quickly!”

Heiyu’s words chilled everyone.

Baili Qingfeng is actually recovering fast! ?

If you let him recover, use him to slay the horror of 5 8-level powerhouses and heart vein masters …

“Her Majesty, Bronze Elder Long! You 2 are both Kingdom Guardian and Battle Armor, you are two of us, we are shooting at the same time! Space Passage can only be opened tomorrow, if you ca n’t kill Baili Qingfeng, we all Will die in this World! “

4 Elephant Road.

“Okay, shoot at the same time!”

8 people reached consensus instantly.


As 2 Kingdom Guardian-level powerhouses emerged from the crowd, battles stalled for less than one minute broke out again.

“Although it has recovered a little, it is not enough to continue a war, this time, it can only run away …”

In the eyes of Baili Qingfeng, there was a flash of regret as he looked at the 8 great experts who were quickly killed.

next moment He turned sharply, pointed in one of the directions, and broke out!

Seeing Baili Qingfeng turning around and escaping, the speed and breath obviously fell to the trough, 8 people showed ecstasy in their eyes.

“He won’t do it! He won’t do it! Kill him!”

“He is an arrow at the end of its flight, kill him to avenge Elder Fang!”

“Stop him, don’t let him run away!”

Among them, Dulu, who had previously feared Baili Qingfeng and had almost lost his heart against Baili Qingfeng, announced this at will: “Baili Qingfeng, you must die today! No matter where you escape, we will catch up with you Find you, kill you! Luck Emperor, the Space Passage will start immediately. After killing you, we will return to Space from Space Passage, killing the truth first, then killing Yuan. Plate, then rushed into Xia, uprooted Thunderbolt Sect, Thunderbolt Sect whole family up and down, even chicken and dog doesn’t remain! And you, Baili Qingfeng, because of you, we do n’t have everyone in the whole Xiahai Prefecture with the surname Baili I will let go, we will make the Baili tribe extinct in Xiahai! I will use slaughter and blood to let everyone in Shia understand the price of doing right with our Three Great Holy Lands! “

“Space Passage will start soon …”

Baili Qingfeng pupil suddenly intended to break out of charge.

If Space Passage opens during the time when he escaped and recovered from the injury, the people of Three Great Holy Lands surge out to return to Hea, slaughter in Hea, and he is trapped in the 2nd World …

Baili Qingfeng seems to have seen the scene where Thunderbolt Sect corpses everywhere across the field and blood flowing into a river when he returns to Shia …

“No! I don’t allow this to happen!”

Baili Qingfeng, who was running wildly, stopped abruptly, turned around, and went back to kill the fastest copper dragon.

He was seriously injured and couldn’t play half of his cultivation base. He would fight against 8 people and inevitably nine deaths and still alive.

Fortunately, he is not just a Body Refining Stream Powerhouse.

And only one after another Refining Spirit 8 heavy powerhouse has been killed by him.



(At this time, the plot cannot be broken. The code continues to be used by the wind, but the code is slow, and coupled with no dinner, the next chapter is expected to be very late, even ten o’clock. )

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