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“Deepwater bomb !? Big model!”

“We are exposed !?”

“Dive, dive! Extreme dive!”

The command room quickly became busy.

However, Worcester’s order to dive was not given for a moment. The entire submarine fiercely shook, as if pushed by an invisible giant fiercely. The lights inside flickered violently. Some of the lines were due to this suddenness. The shock was broken, twinkling with the flare of stars.

Tessie let herself enter One with the World, carefully sensed and listened to the dull bang outside, and suddenly changed her face: “Too many, the enemy has launched too many deep-water bombs!”

“This is a trap!”

Nascar looked pale.

The energy transmission of underwater blasting is many times larger than that of air. These deep-water bombs do not need to hit directly, they only need to detonate at all around several dozen meters of submarine, which is enough to give them a fatal blow to this submarine!

Moreover, the deep-water bombs launched by the enemy are too dense. As if they don’t need money, they have lost countless breaths at once, almost forming a saturated bombing. With the speed of submarine diving, there is absolutely no way to survive this attack.

“hong long long !”

During the conversation between the two people, a violent shaking came again, and those soldiers with poor balance were standing still under this shock, and the command room was panic.

In addition, several other True Immortal in the submarine rushed over quickly, with a hint of fear in the expression: “Hall Master …”

Tessie closed her eyes in pain, watching Commander Worcester trying to rescue the submarine.

“I underestimated Baili Qingfeng. I did not expect that his willpower was so strong. I took out the most important Divine Transformatio to seduce him. He still did not reject the slightest hesitation, and expected the enemy to be prophet-like. He clearly understood our plans for him … we beat somebody at their own game, why didn’t he? We ended up in his carefully woven trap … “

Tessie said, with a hint of weakness in her tone.

She thinks that she clearly understands people ’s hearts. Even if Baili Qingfeng is left with nothing to do, as long as she can lock in the weakness of other people’s nature, she can still turn things around and become the final winner, didn’t expect ……

“Innate Talent is outstanding, determined, deep-working, extraordinary in battle strength … why is this talent not born in our Aurora Empire …”

Tessie opened her eyes with a strong unwillingness: “Xia … the kingdom of perishing, but this and the others at the critical moment … how lucky!”

“Hall Master …”

Naskar, Yegor, and the others gathered around Tessie, listening to the growing sirens on the submarine, crying with some worries.

“Let the submarine go up!”

Tessie forcibly calmed herself, gave Worcester an order, and at the same time quickly said to several people: “Immediately change the diving equipment! There are less than ten kilometers away from Wuhe Port, we …”

“hong long long !”

Tessie didn’t finish the words, a devastating impact suddenly exploded from their heads, and the sturdy submarine armor was like a rundown voxel. It was shredded with no difficulty in front of this horrible Strength, The flames were mixed with the turbulent water pouring down, and everyone was overturned in an instant …

“Baili Qingfeng!”

Tysies roared angrily, no longer wanted to change clothes, and rushed to the nearest escape opening against the current.

There are too many deepwater bombs invested by the Shia Navy, densely packed everywhere in this Sea Territory, there is a tendency to destroy all living beings in this area regardless of the actual situation.

Absolute Death Region, woven by deep-water bombs, has completely shredded the submarine to pieces in less than one minute.

What is inescapable net! ?

This is the real inescapable net!


Wuhe port.

The three people, Baili Qingfeng, Ke Ke, and Shouzhen who got the news, came to this port under full martial law at the same time.

There are already several warships waiting at the port. As long as Baili Qingfeng and the others need it, they can take the warship at any time to the attack site.

“Captain Zhou Bo from the Southern Fleet sent news that the” Seal “class submarine of the Aurora Empire was confirmed to have sunk ten minutes ago!”

Shouzhen smiled and heard the good news.

“Sinking? Tess … buried in the sea?”

Baili Qingfeng slightly startled.

“This cannot be confirmed. After all, Tessie is Level 9 Celestial. Not only does she have a leak-free real body, but she also realizes One with the World. Even if the submarine sinks, she can still escape by relying on One with the World’s sensing of the current. Of course If she is unlucky and just happens to have a bomb detonating around her, then … “

Shouzhen said this, laughed, and didn’t say any more.

But everyone also understands that if Tessie was just hit by a deep-water bomb, relying on the conductivity of the current to the shock wave, even if she is the peak Level 9 Celestial, there is still only dead end.

“Let’s go and see? I always think the consequences would be serious if Tessie’s death could not be confirmed.”

Baili Qingfeng was a little uneasy.

He has seen many movies. The villains were shot, bombed, and thrown into the sea, but he always survived tenaciously, eventually causing fatal injuries to the protagonist, causing the protagonist to fall into endless suffering.

If it is a good ending, the protagonist may kill the villain with a universe outbreak, but if it is a regretful ending, the protagonist may even perish with the villain.

As the Emperor of the Aurora Empire, Tessie will madly retaliate once she has not died. The means of everything is very ruthless. She thinks that she feels send cold shivers down one’s spine. He doesn’t want this to happen to him. .

and so……

Still had to make sure that Tessie was dead or alive.

At present, 3 people boarded a light frigate and drove towards the sinking point of the Aurora Empire submarine.

However, the frigate traveled less than 3 kilometers. Baili Qingfeng seemed to sense something, and suddenly said: “Wait a minute!”

Long Sheng quickly conveyed his meaning to the captain.

Baili Qingfeng came to the deck, condensing spirit.

Ke Ke didn’t know why, but he did understand what the fidelity of Baili Qingfeng Refining Spirit realm had been promoted to Illusory Cave, and his eyes lightened slightly.

“Go over there!”

Baili Qingfeng said suddenly.

The frigate turned instantly and headed in the other direction.

Look like …

Seems to be approaching the coast.

In less than 5 minutes, Ke Ke, who is also working on Refining Spirit, and the Refining Spirit realm has reached 7 Divine Power, was very impressed, and with a quick look, he quickly saw a silhouette that was swimming towards the coast 2 kilometers away.

Although that silhouette was unstable and seemed to be exhausting, it still swam to the coast at a slow speed.

Currently, she is less than several hundred meters from the coast.

When the crowds approached a kilometer again, that silhouette had already swam to the coastal reef zone.


Even if she was seriously injured, her induction decreased. When she saw the frigate approaching quickly in the distance, she still couldn’t help showing a hint of despair.

“It’s Tess.”

Shou truth solemnly: “Let’s go.”

“OK! Mr. Baili you …”

Ke Ke glanced at Baili Qingfeng.

True Immortal, with its transmuted internal force and mysterious One with the World, can swipe up to 100 meters in the sky, but Ruler …


With the fiercely shock of the frigate ’s deck, Baili Qingfeng, who could n’t wait to confirm the target, flew out like a cannonball. People are in the void. The mysterious appearance of Celestial is better than One with the World, making him with no Difficulty crossed a distance of more than a hundred meters, steadily fell on the reef of ten meters in front of Tessie, crushed the reef and crushed the debris.

“Lord of the Sun Temple, Tess!”

Baili Qingfeng said.

The image of Tess …

Unlike Baili Qingfeng’s expectations, she is not like auntie feet, but rather well-maintained. She looks like a young woman in her 30s, maybe because she is a Celestial. The skin is so smooth that many young girls are not comparable. Got it.

Coupled with just escaping from the sea, covered with wetness, there are wounds in many places, drenched with blood, a black and beautiful long-haired wolf howling on the chest, quite a sense of pity.

No wonder her voice sounds so young …

“Baili Qingfeng!”

Tessie looked at the silhouette of a victor in front of her, and her face was filled with tragic colors: “Oh! You are so ruthless! We thought we were performing by beating somebody at their own game. Didn’t Expect, you actually staged a scene like asking monarch to enter the urn … “

Having said that, she glanced at the other 2 Celestials that fell in this direction immediately following the break …

The tragic look on the face can’t help a little more: “Especially you also set up double insurance, 2 peak Celestial, one peak Ruler! Even if the deep-water bomb can’t kill us, with your 3 peak Level 9 powerhouse lineup , Killing 7 of us is still more than enough! “

“Hmm! Hmm!”

At this time, Ke Ke and Shouzhen had steadily landed on a rock not far from Baili Qingfeng and Tai Sisi.

Compared to Baili Qingfeng’s violet force, the two people appeared casually when they landed, even the reefs under their feet were not destroyed.

“Unexpectedly, after all, you have a high game, Baili Qingfeng, you won. I, Tai Sisi, planned for the first time, thinking that she clearly understands the hearts of the people, playing with her opponents in the palm of the hand again and again. Peck, planted in your hands today, not wrong … “

Tai Sisi looked at Baili Qingfeng: “However, have you thought about what it would cost me to kill me? If I die in your hands, Your Majesty will anger the thunderbolt. What Shia needs most now is to recuperate and restore vitality. In order to deal with the crisis that may come next, if I were you, I would imprison me, exchange your chips with Your Majesty, and develop time for Shia … “

The truth listened to what Tessie said was slightly frowned.

Shia …

It really takes time.

If Tessie can be captured, the Aurora Emperor will be reluctant to delay the offensive against Sia Kingdom …

“The experts at the headquarters of the Da Rih Church have been killed, and then killed them, can the threat of the Da Rih Temple be completely dismantled?”

Baili Qingfeng asked Shouzhen.

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