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Shouzhen listened to Baili Qingfeng’s inquiry, and thought for a moment, and said, “According to the information we have obtained, the number of 8-level powerhouses in Dain Shrine is about ten, and the number of 7-level martial artists is about 25. You are in Chi. Yan Guo slaughtered 8 people at the 4th level powerhouse, 8 people at the 2th level powerhouse and 7 at the 6th level powerhouse, including those who were sunk along with the submarine … almost, But there should be some terrestrial True Immortal, Kingdom Guardian-grade a fish that escaped the net in other countries. “

“There are still some terrestrial True Immortal and Kingdom Guardian-class remnants … can you find out their information?”

“This … I’m afraid it’s a bit difficult.”

Shouzhen said with a bitter smile.

This hidden action team has always been hiding very much, not to mention that the other party is lurking in the countries of Chiyan, Bucks, and Moro. Even if they are hiding in Shia, they are not easy to find.

“I knew I would run a little faster, so that before they start the self-destruct process, they can download all the information of everyone from their database, know their identity and location, and then find each and everyone … This time … a fish that escaped the net is too much, leaving great hidden dangers … “

Baili Qingfeng has some remorse on her face and some blame in her heart.

“What did you do !?”

At this time, Tai Sisi, who had been listening, screamed suddenly, widened her eyes and stared at Baili Qingfeng: “Baili Qingfeng, what have you done !?”

“It’s nothing, I’m just forced to helplessly, just to protect myself.”

Baili Qingfeng said, took a look at Tai Sisi, and sighed: “You sent 4 True Immortal to kill me in the Red Flame Kingdom. I can’t bear it. After all, I still want to be friends with the Emperor Aurora. His wife, Aiwu and Wuxia, I do n’t care about what you have done, I ’m not thinking about what ’s going on for a while, and taking a step back to the sea. Destroyed, want to smash my spirit of will, I am a newcomer to Martial Practice for 2 years, still a student, weak in will, I really let you start the plot, I will definitely not stand the kind of pain and collapse, so … I You were also forced by you, don’t blame me, besides, the self-destructing process of the Great Sun Temple was started by yourself, I just want to destroy the monitoring room. “

“You … you raided my Dainichi Temple !? You destroyed my Dainichi Temple !? Isn’t it !?”

With her eyes wide open, this shocking news almost stopped her thinking.

“Not me! I don’t! Don’t talk nonsense!”

Baili Qingfeng quickly waved his hand: “I said, they started the self-destruct program by themselves. I just want to destroy the general control room and database. If you blame them, blame them … Oh, it’s a middle-aged man in his 40s. The face is long and thin, with long hair, and a mole on the left side of the chin. At first glance, I know that he doesn’t look like a good person … Maybe he is the spy that the enemy has inserted inside your Da Ri temple, and that’s the day … … “

“It’s ‘God right hand’ Kevin …”

Tai Sisi heard Baili Qingfeng’s description of the man …

Suddenly become desperate!

Kevin, who is the first hacker of the Aurora Empire who has been in the Sun Temple for 6 years. In 6 years, he has never left the database area. He is the Guardian God of the Sun Temple Network. No one outside knows his existence.

Baili Qingfeng can describe his appearance so accurately …

Originally under the shock of the deep-water bomb, the internal organs, which was severely damaged by Tess, felt a sudden surge of blood.

Immediately after, she seemed to think of something suddenly.

Baili Qingfeng Time to destroy the Great Sun Temple …


“Conspiracy! Conspiracy! This is all your conspiracy, right! Lured the tiger away from the mountain! You first lurk around the temple of the sun, and use lured the tiger away from the mountain to chase me and the temple of the sun After all the masters were mobilized, after confirming that we had left, we rushed into our Great Hall of the Sun, destroyed the Great Hall of the Sun, and then got my plan of action in the Great Hall of the Sun, and then cooperated with the Shia Nanhai Fleet. Sea Territory laid down inescapable net, destroyed our submarine with deep-water bombs, and killed my 6 Great Experts in Da Ri Sheng Temple, all these are your conspiracy, right? You … Baili Qingfeng! Hello poison! Hello evil Ah! Ahhh! “

Under the grief and grief of Tess, she couldn’t control the inside of her injury, a mouthful of blood spurted out suddenly.

At the next moment, her expression freezes, and she just falls down, and the breath on her body fades away.


Fidelity is unbelievable.

“What a conspiracy? What lured the tiger away from the mountain? Does it make sense to frame me like this?”

Baili Qingfeng is a little speechless: “The bird will die and its song will be mournful, and the person will die and its words will be good. If it were not for your great day of the Holy Church, give me 100 courage, I would not dare to say anything Church is the enemy, the Great Sun Temple, what a powerful force it is, the spy spies are in every country in the East Divine Continent, even if I fight hard and not far away ten thousand li back and forth to your Great Sun Temple to kill so many masters, but There are still nearly ten level 7 masters, and to kill the remaining ten people, I do n’t know how much time and energy it will take … Think of it, it will make your scalp numb … ”

“Ahem …”

The truthfulness on the side seemed a bit inaudible. He coughed and turned to Baili Qingfeng: “Qingfeng, Tai Sisi is dead, and it doesn’t make sense anymore, what we should consider next is how to deal with it.”


Baili Qingfeng looked at Tess …

Dignified Lord of the Church of the Great Sun, how could Celestial of the pinnacle Level 9 die so easily?

Think of the pictures he sees on many TVs …


Baili Qingfeng suddenly culled, and the sword that was not killed in his hand stabbed with lightning. The speed of the sword seemed to penetrate the void.

The safest time is the most dangerous time without confirming the actual death of the opponent!

According to the plot on TV, I don’t know how many people were suddenly killed at the moment when they thought they were safe, and finally ended with hate. Therefore, Baili Qingfeng is doing his best to make the sword astonishing!

Almost as soon as his sword was about to stab Tessie, Tessie, who had lost her breath, suddenly opened her eyes and slammed the ground with a right hand, as if she wanted to pull away and break …



Baili Qingfeng herself is ready to stab the sword in her heart in the face of her desperate counterattack …

He even got it done. If any hidden weapon burst out from Tessie’s hand, he managed to carry all the hidden weapon down and burn both jade and stone with her.

Therefore, this sword is full of indomitable, dead and no life decisions!

Under this decisive Strength …

Tessie’s struggle was completely futile!

“Do not!”

In the scream of resentment, Baili Qingfeng’s non-killing sword instantly passed through Tessie’s head.


In Tai Sisi’s wide-eyed, unyielding and persevering eyes, the sword imprisoned on the sword edge followed closely …


Blood light 迸射.

Baili Qingfeng pulled back again to avoid the scattered blood mist.

“This time should really die.”

Baili Qingfeng breathed a sigh of relief.


Shouzhen opened his mouth and seemed to want to say something, but he couldn’t say a word.

Ke Ke aside looked at Tai Sisi, who had lost her head, and then looked at Baili Qingfeng. The expression was a little weird.

Originally, she had some admiration for Baili Qingfeng’s Innate Talent, cultivation base, and battle strength, so now …

Admiration … gradually turned into awe?


It ’s really good for a while, and then long put out a breath, from this …

Among the sudden changes came back to his senses.

He looked at Baili Qingfeng. For a while, the feeling of the new generation over the old became stronger.


He is old and can’t keep up with the times. The future of Shia will ultimately be given to these youngsters …

“Tessie, she is too terrifying, too dangerous. As the Lord of the Sun Temple, she acted sinisterly, very ruthless, and used everything to achieve her goals, so we can’t be too careful.”

Baili Qingfeng said with a look of surprise.

Killing Tessie, he is not only responsible for himself, or for his friends and relatives.


Fidelity somewhat numb’s nodded.

He didn’t even know what he was nodded even when he was nodded.

“Tessis … is the wife of the Emperor Aurora after all, and regardless of their relationship, her identity alone, the Aurora Emperor has to express something …”

Ke Ke reminded vaguely.

“I believe that the Emperor Aurora is a man. Although I have not met him, I have been with him for a long time. In my opinion, the Emperor Aurora must be a hero with a broad and profound structure. I will personally write a letter to Aurora. Emperor, explain to him how Tessie is destroying our relationship between Shia and Aurora 2 … At the same time, I will also show that I really give and take on Tessie and their Great Sun Temple, and finally They had to fight back when their swords were all around my neck. If the Aurora Emperor is not dead, I am willing to apologize to him publicly. I believe that the Aurora Emperor will understand me by then … “

Baili Qingfeng said.

What he said is true.

Although he did fight back under the persecution of the Great Sun Temple, it was a fact of killing Tess, so he did intend to write a letter to the Emperor Aurora to apologize to him.

Despite excuses, you should admit that you made a mistake.

In order that Sia Kingdom and the Aurora Empire can be a little less misunderstood, and that the two nations can complete their reunification peacefully and friendly in the future, he is a little bit grieved by himself.

“This … Qingfeng, I think it’s fine to write a letter …”

Shouzhen looked at Baili Qingfeng, who was so expressive, and became slightly cautious in speaking.

“Yes, for whatever reason I have, after all, killed a wife of Emperor Aurora …”

After Baili Qingfeng said, in order to show his sincerity, he said at the moment: “Tai Sisi’s body, you have to converge, I will write to apologize to the Emperor Aurora.”

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