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Baili Qingfeng hurriedly returned to his home.

The home is still a bit deserted.

Baili Die went to work, Baili Hong was busy with factory matters, and …

The relationship with that Aunt has been getting better and better, I guess …

To find a new life.

Baili Qingfeng didn’t know what to say about it.

“It’s too fast to walk, it’s a bit hot, it’s too full, and it’s easy to get tired after an activity.”

Baili Qingfeng fanned his hands.

All sweating.

It’s just that I’ve just taken a shower, and I’ve been washing too often … bad.

He came to his room and found that the room did not seem to be cleaned for a while, and there was a faint layer of dust.

It happened that the food he had eaten in the Sun Temple was not fully digested, so he found a rag from the kitchen, wiped the dust, and it could be digested.

Half an hour later, Baili Qingfeng was busy and sweated again, so …

Take another bath.

After washing, he came to the desk, tore a page from one of his workbooks, held the pen, and wrote as hard as possible in a sincere tone.

“Dear Emperor Aurora, hello, sorry, I didn’t find your name on the Internet, otherwise I can look more sincere.”

Baili Qingfeng did search the information of the Emperor Aurora. The general information is there, but his name is really nobody said.

“My name is Baili Qingfeng, an ordinary martial artist in Sia Kingdom. Of course, Martial Practice is just one of my hobby. I am still a student, and I also like to listen to songs, sing, and research. If you have similar Hobby believes that we can have many common topics by then. “

I wrote about this Baili Qingfeng wondering if I should recommend a song to the Aurora Emperor …


I tore a piece of paper by myself, and wrote a song on it.

“I have a long history of understanding the Emperor Aurora. I wanted to know it a long time ago. In my mind, the Emperor has always been a great great character with far-sighted, broad-minded, and broad-minded talents. , Faith, will, I believe that you must be able to treat this matter from a fair and just stand-I was forced to kill the Emperor Taisse … Please believe me, I have never undermined our relationship between the two countries. I mean, I have to endure it again and again, and let it go again and again. The 2nd World asked the European Iron Banner to stop me. The northern battlefield stirred up another 2 troops. The 10000 Great True Immortal sieges in Chiyan. It ’s time to live in the city of Xia where I live, but Empress Taisie still chased it up, a look that would never let me die. If it was n’t because I still have a little ability, I ’m afraid I have already I ca n’t write to the Emperor Aurora … In the end, I had no choice but to kill Tessie … ”

Baili Qingfeng wrote, slightly unaccustomed.

He still likes typing on the Internet, and can also add expressions, such as “aggrieved”, “helpless”, “sad”, “sad” and so on, but unfortunately …

He does not have the chat number of the Emperor Aurora.

Therefore, he could only paint a “poor” expression.

After painting, he made his writing tone full of sincerity as much as possible: “The emperor should understand the truth of nothing but 3, not to mention that Tessie has conspired against me more than 3 times, please assassinate and army encirclement, Send people to siege, cut my network cable, and carry out spirit destruction … I have no choice, because I don’t have the slightest grasp to stop the various methods after Emperor Taisith. In order to survive, I have only visited you The Great Sun Temple of the Aurora Empire, destroyed your Great Sun Temple, ‘big cry’, let the Great Sun Temple … “

He didn’t feel right when he wrote this. He quickly crossed out this sentence with 2 words: “Although I went to your Sunshine Church, I killed 2 True Immortal, 6 Land True Immortal, and Kingdom Guardian. Maybe it also affected some other people, but it wasn’t me who destroyed the Great Sun Temple but you, and I later learned from Empress Taisies that his name was Kevin and he was called ‘God right hand “It seems that you’d better check if he is a spy in another country, these spies are too mean and irritating …”

Draw an “angry” expression.

In order to show his sincerity in his heart, he added the following sentence: “Of course, I also have to take the secondary responsibility in this matter. If it was not because I attacked the Great Sun Temple, he would not be arrested. Seize the opportunity, so … if you have a complete chain of evidence to find out exactly what background he belongs to which spy, I can help you eliminate them to complement the friendship we have some misunderstanding! “

Writing this, Baili Qingfeng thinks it’s almost the same.

Between the lines of this letter, he was full of his apologies, his grievances, I believe the Emperor Aurora will understand.

“Finally, I apologize again to the Emperor Aurora. Although Tessie strictly stated that she deserves her destiny, but … people will be biased, even if I am in mind, the wise and mighty Aurora Emperor, you are no exception, even if she is really wrong. It was ridiculous, but I killed her, I believe you will still be a little angry, I understand the monarch you … but this is the end, killing is all killed, if you are really angry, you will scold me Well, I’m definitely not saying anything back. “

The front side of the page has been written, Baili Qingfeng flips over to the reverse side and continues to write: “After scolding, we should look forward. The aurora monarch in my mind may be motivated, but the overall situation is absolutely admirable. I still I hope that the two of us, as well as our Shia and Aurora, will become good friends. Everyone is also a fate in East Divine Continent. Let us cherish this hard-won fate, unite friendship, help each other, live together in harmony and create a harmonious new Divine Continent. “

At the end, 6 words “Baili Qingfeng” are written.

“Hu! Almost!”

After Baili Qingfeng finished writing, he exhaled a long breath.

He checked it, and between words, he was full of sincerity, I believe that the Aurora Emperor will be moved by his sincerity, turn hostility into friendship.

For the peace of the two nations, he wouldn’t mind even if the Emperor Aurora scolded him, after all, death would be great.

Seeing that there is still some space on the other side of this page, he copied the song “It will be better tomorrow” long ago, hoping to make Aurora Emperor have a good mood.

“I don’t know how the Senior Shouxi collected the body of Tessie … I don’t know if the people of the Aurora Empire paid attention to the ground, but in order to show my sincerity, I still give the body of Tessise to the Emperor The Lord has delivered, and by the way, you can save the postage by sending the letter along. “

I thought Baili Qingfeng picked up the phone and called Shouzhen.

“Senior Senior, are you packed up there?”

“Clean up, but Qingfeng … are you really planning to write to Emperor Aurora?”

“Yes, although Tessie is not a good person, she is the wife of the Emperor Aurora after all. I must show something. In addition, Tessie’s body, please ask the true Senior to arrange for someone to send to the Aurora Empire. Have my letter and send it over. “

“Letter … an apology letter … I don’t think it will do anything …”

“No, the Emperor Aurora can develop the Aurora Empire to the extent that the East Divine Continent First Army is a big country in such a short period of time. It should have the boldness, maybe he will be more open-minded than we think.”


The fidelity paused for 3 seconds, and then reorganized the language: “If … I mean if, if this letter does not work, and it also angers the Aurora Emperor?”

“Will not.”

Baili Qingfeng said with a smile: “Although I haven’t met the Aurora Emperor, we have been in a good relationship for two years. With my understanding of him, his pattern is far beyond our imagination …”

Speaking of which, he seemed to think of something, frowned: “Unless … someone stalks it!”


“I remember that the Emperor Aurora seemed to be sitting on the battlefield of Tianyu Mountain. The Aurora Empire is now ruled by Ogle? He and the cabinet handle all matters?”


Baili Qingfeng listened, and the optimism slightly converged slightly: “If this letter can successfully reach the hand of the Aurora Emperor, the Aurora Emperor will scold me at most, but if Oglie stalks it …”

Speaking of which he shook the head: “It should be fine.”

He shouldn’t make people think so dark.

Since Ogle is the emperor’s reserve chosen by the Emperor Aurora, it is believed that the vision of the pattern is not too bad, and it will not stir up the storm in this matter.


Speaking truthfully, “Anyway, whether we can kill Tessie or not, the Aurora Empire will still turn our attention to Shia after stabilizing the situation in Tianyu Mountain, but the difference is that’s all, you kill With Tessie, the Great Sun Temple was disintegrated, making it impossible for the Aurora Empire to accurately grasp the movement of our Shia. Careful and cautious, their offensive might be postponed, which is equivalent to indirectly fighting for us.

“There will be a solution. After I have the qualification to talk to the Emperor Aurora, I will talk to the Emperor Aurora.”

“Eligible for dialogue with the Emperor Aurora …”

Shouzhen associates with the amazing Innate Talent along with Baili Qingfeng Refining Spirit, and a smile can’t help showing on his face.

“Well, we will try our best to get the time and wait for the day to come.”


Baili Qingfeng nodded.

He Shouzheng reminded Baili Qingfeng.

Many officials were honest and honest, but the people around him were extremely corrupt, and eventually the official was taken to the road of degradation.

Emperor Aurora may be broad-minded, but it does not mean that the people around him are the same.

Tessie is the best example.

10000 one…

He is saying 10000 one.

10000 Ogle and Tessie are of the same virtue. After realizing Tessie’s death, she takes over her duties and wants to take revenge for her and stir the wind and the rain. Then he …

“At that time, I can only make another trip to Aurora Imperial Capital to help the Aurora Emperor clear his side and clear away the evil … I believe the Aurora Emperor will understand me.”

Baili Qingfeng rubbed his brows.

I really don’t want to run the Aurora Empire anymore, more than 8,000 kilometers back and forth, exhausting.

The sweat on his body hasn’t stopped yet.

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