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“Too first-class gold. It turned out to be this name.”

Baili Qingfeng suddenly nodded: “understood, many thanks guys answer.”

He was glad.

Fortunately, my cultivation is accompanied by a group of veterans.

It can be said that without them there would be no Baili Qingfeng today.

In particular, the amount of knowledge masters have helped him a lot, even if he is now a Level 9 Ruler, in some respects it is still more than a little bit worse than other big guys in the group.

It ’s like working together with the commercial shrimp shrimp, quantum Wargod text translation, Sword Monarch moderator and Oriental Winning moderator’s understanding and study of cultivation common sense. These are not the same as Baili Qingfeng’s ten years of study.

In the field of cultivation, he is better than everyone in the group, but in the field that they are good at, the big guy is 2 words, and they deserve it.

A highly valued application scientist will never be qualified to be a theoretical scientist who is devoted to studying.

2 There is no difference in emphasis between the two, and there is no high or low in status.

“Too first class …”

After thanking everyone in the group again, Baili Qingfeng immediately turned his attention to Heavenly Knowledge Hall.

Heavenly Knowledge Hall’s points can be used to exchange materials, even Xeon can be exchanged, Baili Qingfeng opened the list, and soon found the first-class gold in it.

“The exchange price, 2 100 points … It’s not expensive, only equivalent to 2 temple knights or 2 kg of Yaojin … Then again, the Yaojin here sells very expensively, one kg of 100 points … One temple Knight I can get at least a dozen kg of Yaojin … if it wasn’t for my boutique Yaojin Battle Armor, I would like to sell them … “

Baili Qingfeng said a glance at the recovery price of Yaojin …

Ten points.


Baili Qingfeng: “Hehe.”

What else can he say?

Points, worthy of being picked up, are really worthless, and doing tasks for points will lose money.

I looked at my points …

Changing the centrifuge and Heavenly Yuan Pill has already been used up, and it is not enough to change a few servings of superb gold.

“Is there no high-scoring task? Can you redeem several, or even a dozen, first-class gold tasks at once? Another main task of beating the Blood Wolf City is okay. What about 1000 points? There are 5 servings of gold, enough for half a month. “

Baili Qingfeng selected the reward task list of points and then watched one after another.

The highest task is to explore the truth of the oracle.

Rank 2nd task and get divine blood.

3rd … 4th …

Baili Qingfeng one after another. Looking at it, the first dozen tasks were arranged by the “God” series.

Only in the sixteenth task was the disintegration of the battlefield of Tianyu Mountain.

5 star missions with bonus rewards up to 6000.

To dissolve the crisis in Tianying Mountain, is it possible to let him kill those cavemen?

Hundred thousand cave people, even if killing 1000 a day, it will take 100 days to finish.

At such a time, he might as well go to the Temple Knight, kill one a day, you can kill 100 in 100 days, if you are lucky, you can kill 3 4 a day, and it may take less than a month to make up 6000 points.

The price is too poor.

It seems that the problem of too much first-class gold can only be placed on Three Fusion Technique. Those reviewed Refining Spirit 8-level powerhouses want Three Fusion Technique to let them exchange too much first-rate gold.


North of Sia Kingdom.

Tien Shan Battlefield.

A steel city wall with a circumference of more than 60 kilometers surrounds an empty lot.

In the center of that space is the Space Passage guarded by Sia Kingdom.

This Space Passage has a diameter of 29 meters, is oval, and has a height of more than 4 ten meters. Each time it is opened, the diffused space ripples sweep across a radius of 3 kilometers. Any building within this area will be subject to space. The ripples are pushed and crushed.

Because of this, around this Space Passage, the creatures are extinct, showing a basin trend. Even the ground with the ripples of space has become extremely strong. Even the shells strikes, at best, can only leave a small one on the ground. Gaping.

Due to the abolition of the Heisenberg Defense Line 100, and the need to prevent the Aurora Empire from being retaliated by the Legion’s annihilation of Fly into a rage out of humiliation, Joesen, the commander of the First Army of the Shia Group who had been sitting in this Space Passage I had to switch to Hessenburg to defend the Aurora Empire southward. I also tried my best to repair the Hessenberg defense line and tried to restore the defense at the fastest speed, so that only the thousand armed forces can resist the Aurora. The strategic purpose of the Empire invasion.

Although Jonson is not here, Chu Ying, the commander of the 2nd Army Corps who is sitting here, is still the famous Peak Warlord of Hiah. It is precisely because of the existence of him and Jonson that he can keep on for ten years. Yes, there is no step forward for the Aurora Empire.

At this time, Chu Ying was dispatching a total of 20 troops stationed on this front. He would not let go of any details.

The number of people in the caves has doubled from less than 50000 to the hundred thousand in the opposite side of the Tianyu Mountain battlefield. These changes have brought incomparable pressure to all countries in the Tianyu Mountain battlefield. Chu Ying is no exception, so he tried to do Go to every corner of the arm to prevent accidents anywhere.

“According to the cycle, Space Passage will start again in 3 days … Our Space Passage will last for 6 hours and the period is 40 days … According to the calculation, the biggest charge of the cavemen in Space Passage The number is 50. Of course, due to the post-war development, the number of people in the caves is generally around 30. Fortunately, because we know that our bones are not good, the first 2 Space Passages were opened. No one in the cave has impacted our front. Even a few times before, there are so many dozens or dozens of people in the cave, which are tentative attacks … “

Chu Ying looked at the materials of the past, thinking.

The six-hour battle was not easy. He had to give all soldiers a good rest and maintain their strength to deal with the situation that followed.

Of course, if you are lucky, the cave people will still be like the last few times, or they will not attack, or they will send a dozen cave people to impinge, and test the firepower.

This kind of easy situation can occur naturally is the best, and the soldiers can get a rest of 40 days.


Earlier this morning, he had a bad hunch. It seemed that something was going to happen, so he had to re-examine all aspects of equipment, manpower, and other aspects to make sure that 10000 was correct.

“da da da 哒!”

As Chu Ying continued to look at the information in his hand, a burst of gunfire suddenly passed over.

Hearing this gunshot, Chu Ying suddenly stood up: “Child carriage tour! What happened!”

“Chu Shuai! The 9th and 3rd divisions are fighting because of resource allocation!”

There was a voice outside the door.

The sub-car tour is exactly Chu Ying’s personal guard, a large Grandmaster-level powerhouse.

“The 9th Division, 3rd Division !?”

Chu Ying’s mind flashed the details of the 9th and 3rd divisions.

3 Li Meteor, the division commander, was picked up by his hand, and he was quite familiar with the deputy division commander, the chief of staff, and even several commanders, and the 9th division …

Chief Sasha, Deputy Chief Karachi, Chief of Staff Fang Yunsheng …

The 9th Division came from the 8th Army. At the beginning, the Heisenberg defense line fell and the Legion army fought fiercely. In order to cope with the pressure, Commander Jensen sent some troops from the 2nd Army to the Bluestone Fortress for reinforcement, and also transferred from the rear army. The army supports the 2nd Army and prevents the loss of Space Passage.

Later, with the collapse of the 3 Holy Alliance and the collapse of the underground forces, there is no need for a large number of troops to accumulate in the rear. These troops that have been reinforced to the front have not returned, but continue to guard this Space Passage, reducing the first and second Pressure on the Army.

But now…

“It looks like my premonition is working, and it will be over! In addition, let the 2nd and 4th divisions do a good job of sudden occurance to deal with the plan!”

Chu Ying shouted. Immediately summoned his guard to rush in the direction of the chaos, even at the expense of the two divisions to prepare for the squash.

“What the hell is going on !? How can you start firing because of resource allocation !? Find out whether it is a conflict or a battalion !? This is a felony to go to military court!

“The two divisions made a noise not long ago, and then the chief of staff came down and suppressed. Didn’t expect …”

Child car tour expression grave.

At the same time, his heart was somewhat fortunate.

Fortunately, this chaos is now erupting. If it is a critical period after the opening of Space Passage in 3 days, the consequences …


“en! ?”

As soon as Chu Ying stepped out of the command room and went in the direction of the noise, the carriage tour seemed to sense something, suddenly loudly shouted: “Chu Shuai be careful!”

“hmph! ”

Chu Ying also felt a bit in his heart and gave in shape.


The gunshot!

A bullet whistled through the void, passing by Chu Ying.


There was a flash of anger in the carriage’s eyes, and immediately he was going after the attacker.

But Chu Ying felt keenly: “Wait a minute, something is wrong, return to the command room …”

“weng weng! ”

Almost at the same time as the order of Chu Ying, sword light shone through the sky.

A horrible assault arrived with an incredible speedy assassination, the turbulent breath that made Chu Ying and Trolley Tour breath almost solidify …

“True Immortal !?”

The cry of surprise and angry came from the mouth of the child car.

next moment, blood light shot.

This suddenly killed silhouette erupted into an unstoppable sword light and directly smashed the eagle’s body.

one strike certain kill, he was not slow at all, and broke out instantly!

“Chu Shuai !? Stop him! A True Immortal, dare to break into the hundred thousand camp!”

The trolley whistled.

But at this time, the sporadic gunshots in the distance suddenly became dense, accompanied by the deafening roar!


This is the sound of heavy weapons firing!

Suddenly, the wagon straight felt his brain “weng weng” exploded, and a terrifying thought came to his mind: “No! This is not a conflict! This is not a camp terror! Rebellion! This is organized, Premeditated rebellion! “


(After writing, take the wind and go to dinner now, (ง • ̀_ • ́) ง, can be supper.)

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