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True Immortal, the assassination of a Warlord protected by a large Grandmaster is worth 10000.

Unlike the matchless powerhouse, True Immortal’s strength lies in its explosion.

Under a high-intensity outbreak, they continued fighting for a short period of time, impacting a military base stationed by 20 or 40000 people, which is almost equivalent to bringing about one’s own destruction. When the internal force is exhausted, they will be killed on the spot.

But while their internal powers are still …

Except for masters of the same rank, no one can stop it!

The True Immortal knew this.

After the assassination of Chu Ying, he had no intention of escaping. He slaughtered directly at all around, causing 100 deaths and injuries on Core personnel and guards around Commander Chu Ying. When the internal force was about to be exhausted, he rushed to the command room with his body. The presence of high explosives completely destroyed the command room.

The deafening roar accompanied the dazzling fire into the sky, almost overturning the several hundred meters of Fangyuan.

all of these……

It all happened in one minute!

When the trolley wandered out of the ruins and dust, what it saw was the entire command headquarters was razed to the ground.

“Dead! This is dead! True Immortal dead!”

A kind of unprecedented coldness rushed into the carriage to swim.

True Immortal, placed in any country is equivalent to a pillar-like battle strength. If it is in a small country like the Kingdom of Oao, True Immortal’s status is Supreme, and it can sit on an equal footing with the king.

To get a True Immortal-level powerhouse to die, let alone the Sia Kingdom in the entire East Divine Continent. Even if the Bucks, Moroes, and Chiyans can’t do it, only Aurora can do this!

Aurora Empire can cultivate True Immortal dead!

Regardless of the pain caused by the explosion in the volume of the shock wave, the trolley tour immediately climbed up: “You must immediately notify several Corps Heads … Aurora Empire, this is definitely a conspiracy of the Aurora Empire, they … they want What !? “

He was trembling all over, not knowing if it was due to pain or the incredible speculation in his heart.

“This is the Tien Shan Battlefield. Our War Zone is guarding the Space Passage of the Tien Shan Battlefield! The Aurora Empire! What are you trying to do!”

The roar roared in his heart, ignoring blood and wounds on his body, and ran towards the staff at the fastest speed.

In the distance, the gunfire was roaring and the machine gun fired, as if a fierce battle was taking place.

This space conflict will be exacerbated by the fact that Space Passage will be opened in another three days, and all the army’s ammunition is fully deployed.

Many people do n’t even understand why the situation suddenly turns into this. Even if there is a conflict between 2 divisions, one 2 or even ten 8 guns are the limit, and now, as if most of the divisions are caught in a riot, they are attacking insanely. , Destruction, venting the desire for destruction in the heart, even the most elite 3rd division was beaten by the very 9th division’s very ruthless, a loss of time.

Screams and flames filled the camp.

Ke Ziyou had no time to take care of it. At this time, he just wanted to rush to the staff at the fastest speed and let the staff mobilize the army to suppress the situation.

However, when he actually came to the staff, the sight he saw made him fall like an ice cave.


The staff also fell into ruin.

The stump of a stubble filled his eyes, the flames burned on the ruins, the smoke billowed into the sky, all around and the pain and sorrow of the soldiers who survived.

Blood and fire at this moment vividly and thoroughly the cruel interpretation of reality.

“Damn! Are the people of the Aurora Empire crazy !?”

The trolley tour shouted.

At this time, Refining Spirit realm also reached 6th-layer evolution. He seemed to feel something, and his gaze suddenly turned towards Space Passage.

Although the void in which Space Passage is located has not actually changed in any way, in his “induction”, a vortex, vortex expansion, and continuously self-insurgent garrison have drawn an unknown. The energy of the name, he can sense the screams and sorrows of countless people with just a little induction of those energies …


If at this time the top of the League of Legends would understand here, these are all grievances!

After decades of unremitting efforts, the leaders of the League of Legends have long discredited Space Passage.

Numerous data indicate that the formation of Space Passage depends on high-energy responses.

The more violent response changes can change the opening, closing, cycle, and duration of Space Passage, and these high-energy reactions also include dramatic changes in human emotions.

If it is a battlefield of 1000000 people, you can even create something from nothing to create a Space Passage.

The opening of the Tianyu Mountain battlefield originated from a fierce battle between the Blood Temple and the Black Temple. A short time after the war, Space Passage gradually evolved. At that time, although Space Passage was called huge, it was not so large. At present, the scale of the battlefield is constantly spreading, and human beings have been blocking and slaughtering in the burrows in recent years, and they have also accounted for some of the reasons.

Numerous souls are buried in this land, making Space Passage continue to expand. Right now …

10000 people blood sacrifice, pain, hatred, unwillingness, anger and other intense emotional collisions and frictions, forming another form of high-energy response, although not to the extent that Space Passage can be expanded, but it should have been opened after 3 days Space Passage, open in advance.

It is a pity that the identity of the sub-car tour has not been able to access such hidden information.

“this is……”

He noticed that Space Passage was abnormal, and he couldn’t help but widen his eyes.

“weng weng! ”

The next moment, originally only vortex in “induction”, suddenly projected from illusion to reality.

Circles of space ripples spread.

Seeing the ripples in this circle of space, the carriage feels like his heartbeat is stagnant.

After 3 seconds, the harsh alarm sounded the front!

Countless soldiers quickly awakened from panic, confusion, and chaos, and rushed towards their place at the fastest speed.

You must be inside.

The original methods of the 2nd and 4th divisions, which had been commanded for a long time, were relatively mild, but as the alarm sounded, the blockage became a repression and eventually evolved into a massacre.

The Aurora Empire has operated for many years in the 9th and 2th Divisions, but it does not mean that all soldiers are willing to merge with them. This is also the reason why the 4nd and 1th Divisions have not used very ruthless methods. But now, in the face of the threat from the cavemen, what Can’t bother.

The slaughter has further stimulated the formation of Space Passage.

Originally, the ripples appeared in space, and the diffusion time would be at least tens of minutes, but at this moment, they were shortened to ten minutes.

Ten minutes, without waiting for everyone to be fully prepared, Space Passage was formed immediately. Then, the cavemen who had been preparing for the opposite side had long been like a roaring torrent, 嗷 áo h u yelled and rushed out.

Every second, forty-fifty cavemen emerge.

Quantity …


The garrison of the First Army and the Second Army tried their best to pour out the artillery fire, and a deafening roar erupted, but within 2 minutes, a large number of burrowers had burst out of the artillery fire coverage area, and at the same time, war chariots were taken from Space With the launch of Passage, a large number of arrows are like arrow rain, which unexpectedly crossed a distance of several thousand meters and projected into the fire position.

Seeing this scene, Zheyou, who had reached the temporary command room, closed his eyes in pain.

“Crypts, 1000 to 10000 …”

“Collusion! Absolute collusion between the Aurora Empire and the Grotto people! They are inhuman!”

A deputy chief of staff turned pale.

“Legion furiously defeated, and we have been carefully guarding against the retaliation of the Aurora Empire … didn’t expect the Aurora Empire to do such a must.”

An old man said in pain.

There is only one of the six giants seated here in the first and second group army. This is the current Deputy Corps Head Wang Heming.

To this end, the Aurora Empire used 2 True Immortal, 4 Land True Immortal, and a total of 6 dead men.

However, with the death of these dead men, dead men tell no tales, they simply couldn’t find the head of the Aurora Empire, and the Aurora Empire could even directly blame the inhuman organization of those cults and yearning for the 2nd World, but other countries also Have to believe.

Because as long as the Aurora Empire is still defending at the front line of the Tianyu Mountain battlefield, it is impossible to operate such a huge monster internationally, which will have too much influence.

This is why the Aurora Empire is unbridled.

“Call for help from Hessenberg right now! Also prepare Hill’s Light for shock!”

The pain on Wang Heming’s Corps Head face lasted less than 3 seconds, and was immediately replaced by fortitude and determination: “We do our best to resist! Even if we fight to the last person, we will never retreat!”

After that, he expressed a stern glance at everyone in the command room: “Dear, a real man, Ma Ge wrapped up the corpse, it is time for us to be loyal to our country!”

Everyone in the command room was silent for a while, and eventually …

each and everyone returned silently to his post.

They will finally guard every inch of the land for Hea.


Half an hour later, the Prime Minister’s Office of the Hill of Lights, the capital of Shia, held the highest emergency meeting, and all the country’s high-level officials poured into the conference hall, each and everyone expression was in a hurry.

An hour later, the Battlefield of Tianya Mountain in Shia Kingdom declared a total loss. It is estimated that more than 40000 cavemen rushed out of the Space Passage, passing by like a torrent of death, carrying the destruction of crushing dry weeds and smashing rotten wood, and heading straight for The direction of the light from the south hill came.

At the same time, Hill Light entered a state of emergency, announcing a full withdrawal.

Ten minutes after the Hia Tien Shan battlefield fell out, the Aurora Empire declared that Sia Kingdom was unfavorable in guarding the Tien Shan battlefield and caused the cavemen to rush out of the Space Passage. The army advances towards Sia Kingdom, helping humanitarians clear the burrows in his country with a humanitarian spirit.

In the next ten minutes, Chi Yan Country also announced that it would send troops into Sia Kingdom to bring Sia Kingdom to heaven.

Soon after the announcement of the 2 major nations, the Knight Great Alliance members such as the Bucks, Moro, Beisen, Norway, and Ghana also sent troops to support Shia.

And this time…

Baili Qingfeng, who just finished cultivation from the cultivation cave, received a call from Prime Minister Yasuo.

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