Enforcer's Handbook

Chapter 128 To be rich and noble, don’t forget each other!

Get up and get ready for work.

This is the first time Song Lan and Lu Xiang have been woken up by each other in the early morning since they have been together for so long.

Because generally speaking, Lu Xiang goes to work very early, an hour or two earlier than in other professions like his. When he wakes up every day, the other party is already in his office and ready to work.

However, Lu Xiang woke up nearly an hour later than usual today and reached the same level as him.

When she opened her eyes, Lu Xiang, who was wearing pajamas, was stretching beside the big bed. Song Lan rarely saw the pain on her face because she didn't want to get up.


Lu Xiang yawned continuously. In order to make herself more awake, she quickly went into the bathroom and washed her face with cold water. After she straightened her appearance in the mirror, her expression returned to its previous appearance.

When she walked out of the bathroom, she saw that Song Lan had not gotten up for a long time, and the quilt was bulging. For a moment, she couldn't imagine what kind of artistic pose Song Lan had to make to stretch the quilt into its current appearance.

Hurry up, take my car to work today.

In the early morning of this day, the atmosphere in the psychological counseling department was solemn.

The subordinates were sitting at attention at their desks, not saying a word but engaging in intense communication with their eyes.

Because just now, a shocking news spread in the law enforcement compound - their section chief, Comrade Song Lan, came to work in the same car as Director Lu today, which directly caused Director Lu to go to work The time is an hour later than usual!

Although guards had witnessed Song Lan and Director Lu leaving the compound in the same car before, this could still be explained by work. After all, Song Lan had recently been worried about the financial problems of the law enforcement department. After work, It is understandable that the two of them still have to negotiate with the entrepreneurs in District 17.

But coming to work together in the morning is so unusual.

What kind of job allows two people to work together at night, and even makes the supervisor change his usual routine?

And what kind of job can make Section Chief Song yawn all day long after coming to the office, leaning on his chair and staring at the ceiling in a daze early in the morning?

You must know that although the section chief comes to work at a certain time every day, he is full of energy and energy. Does this also mean that the section chief's work and rest are also interrupted?

What happened last night?

Don't think too much. Roger broke the silence first. For law enforcement officers, working together at night is normal. Captain Doug often leads the special operations team to the crime scene in the middle of the night.

This man was so envious that he started making random metaphors.

Valian and Zhuang Chi exchanged glances. Is Section Chief Song the kind of person who can still work at night?

Obviously impossible.

Unless called by Director Lu, even in today's turbulent period of the law enforcement department, he will always be the one who gets off work on time - never being late and not leaving early. This is probably the best effort Song Lan can make for his work.

Valian, who had seen through the truth, was more pleased that Manager Lu finally stopped thinking about such strange questions as What should I do if Song Lan fell while riding a bicycle? and instead focused on On real issues.

As a love expert with four experiences, she knew that given Supervisor Lu's personal conditions, as long as she made a little progress on the road of love, the road ahead would be smooth.

Even though her conditions were far inferior to those of Director Lu, as long as she took a little initiative, her several relationships would go smoothly.

The reason why all four love relationships ended in failure was because of one reason.

I drank happily when meeting my parents with my boyfriend.

On the second day after drinking, Valian's boyfriends usually use various weird reasons to express tactfully that they need to take some time apart to calm down with each other.

Valian doesn't understand. Wasn't your family recommending this drink?

She approved of Song Lan and Lu Xiang with both hands. She didn't care what others said, but these two people were kind to her. In fact, from the day she left the hospital and came back, Valian had already started to smoke these two people. If her writing skills weren't limited, she might have to write a novel to satisfy herself.

The main reason is that the progress of these two people is too slow. This is the first time that she has seen two people who are obviously interested in each other, but they can still go back to this point. This kind of thing is unimaginable for a fighting nation.

Come, drink.

What do you think?

Go, go into the house.

For her, this kind of thing can be understood in just three sentences.

As a CP fan, Valian is happy and relieved today. This joy is even happier than her own love.

Zhuang Chi is more pragmatic.

First of all, she has no opinion on office romance. As an excellent professional, she can see the stakes at a glance.

No wonder Song Lan was suddenly transferred out of the Logistics Section and became the youngest section chief in the seventeenth district law enforcer system. Not long after, he also took on the position of Chief of the Propaganda Section. After knowing about Song Lan and Director Lu After the relationship, everything made sense - if this trend continued, Song Lan would be the future deputy director.

Even with the current reputation of the law enforcement department in District 17, it is possible that Song Lan will leave the law enforcement system in the future and be recommended by Director Lu to enter the political arena!

Many high-level officials in District 17 are promoted from various departments, which can be regarded as the tradition of this city.

So round it off…

Is Song Lan a strong contender for the future mayor of District 17!

In this way, the three of them are equivalent to working under the future mayor. If the law enforcement department's finances are in decline, it won't be difficult for them to ask Song Lan to transfer them to work in the government department through their connections, right?

Thinking of this, the radar above Zhuang Chi's head sharpened.

Section Chief.


If you want wealth and honor, don't forget each other!

What's going on with you three today?

I just think we should show off!

Zhuang Chi said seriously that she must work harder, whether it is for her future job or to solve the current financial problems of the law enforcement department as soon as possible so as to obtain funds as soon as possible to repair the automatic hamburger vending machine in the department.

Yes, the hamburger vending machines have been broken for a while, but with the fiscal budget cut in half next quarter, the department naturally has no spare money to repair the machines, and most law enforcement officers are already ready to tighten their pants. Belt ready for life.

Section Chief, how was the discussion between you and Tesla Technology yesterday?

There is no clue yet.

The conditions given were very generous, but the first one given to them seemed to be a life-threatening job.

As expected of a big company, it really doesn’t suffer any losses.

So do you have an idea of ​​the content of the next issue of the Law Enforcement Manual? We have already let the word out, and we will publish an issue of the manual every week.

Twenty-five of the small theater:

Tuesday, a certain day, a certain year, a certain month, noon.

During lunch break that day, a female subordinate came to Lu Xiang's office.

What's wrong?

Lu Xiang stopped what he was doing, raised his head and asked.

Minister, actually I have a personal question that I would like to ask your opinion on.

After much hesitation, the female subordinate sat across from Lu Xiang and said, Well, my boyfriend's department has been under too much pressure recently and he has suffered from insomnia. I would like to ask you if there is any way to help him fall asleep quickly?

Colleagues in the department are discussing privately that the minister seems to be quite experienced in this area.

After Lu Xiang thought for a moment, he asked, Have you ever heard of knee pillows?

Knee pillow?

The female subordinate opened her eyes curiously, as if she saw a continent heading to the new world.

Prepare an earpick. When your boyfriend comes home at night, let him lie on your lap and pick out his ears. This will help relax and sleep.

A Love Tip Every Day mentioned this technique, but Lu Xiang is not sure whether it is really useful.

Because Song Lan's sleep was so good, she had a regular schedule every day and could fall asleep as soon as she went to bed.

The female subordinate carefully recorded the handwriting, but she still longed for more.

She kept asking for advice throughout the morning, as if she wanted to know all the secrets of love.

There is another way to ensure that he will definitely fall asleep.

Lu Xiang, who was so disturbed that he couldn't read work materials all morning, decided to end the conversation, Prepare two handcuffs, cuff his hands and feet, and then cover his mouth and nose. After 2-3 minutes, he He must have fallen asleep.

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