Enforcer's Handbook

Chapter 129 The Princess of the Subjugated Country

The work pressure in the department is still very high.

The first issue of the Law Enforcement Manual caused a huge response across the city. Even departments in surrounding cities purchased some samples of the manual and brought them back to their respective cities for detailed study.

The reputation of law enforcers is growing, so there must be no surprises during this critical period.

Section Chief, if you copy the second issue of the Law Enforcement Manual, the problem will become quite serious. Zhuang Chi, who is very enterprising, had to remind everyone present, As far as I know, the citizens of the 17th District They are not friendly to pigeons.”

Don't worry, aren't you already thinking of a solution?

After meeting the CEO of Tesla Technology yesterday, he realized that the other person was not a good interview subject.

First of all, the citizens of the 17th District have always been in a state of hatred for the reputation of large companies. The long-term high unemployment rate has caused great social conflicts, especially Tesla Technology, a large-scale enterprise that they usually have no contact with. Enterprises will naturally be thought of as black-hearted capitalists who are brewing conspiracies.

Recently, the department has received anonymous reports asking them to thoroughly investigate Tesla Technology.

Therefore, if you conduct an exclusive interview with Tesla Technology at this time, you will immediately be treated as a land-washing dog by the citizens of the 17th District. Not only will you not be able to solve any problems, but you will be beaten as a people's of enemies.

Song Lan, who has rich experience as a keyboard warrior, will definitely not let the law enforcement department fall into the whirlpool of public opinion.

“We are following a people-friendly approach, and the content we publish must maintain a united front with fellow citizens.”

Song Lan described the policies and lines of the Law Enforcement Manual at the beginning of its publication in the office.

Now that we have the theory, the next thing to solve is the practical problem.

Every issue of Law Enforcement Manual needs to have an entry point. The last entry point is undoubtedly the enthusiastic citizens that the general public is most interested in. The exclusive interviews in this issue directly attracted the attention of countless people, but The inevitable result was that the second issue also found itself in a very difficult situation.

If it just promotes the fight against criminals in a regular way, it will be far from the quality of the first issue. Although it will not become an enemy of the people, it will still end up with a bad reputation.

The special operations team is expected to carry out a comprehensive attack on the 'Mountain Boar' territory next week, so treat this as backup news for now.

On this day, Song Lan deeply felt the pain of reporters. No wonder they swarmed in whenever big news broke out like sharks smelling blood.

But speaking of big news, after the big names mentioned by Tesla Technology arrive in District 17, they might really bring them big news.

This put Song Lan into a conflict.

On the one hand, he hoped that the big shot would do his best to keep the confidentiality secret and not go anywhere. It would be best if nothing happened during District 17, so that they could get Tesla Technology equipment for free after leaving safely; On the other hand, once the identity of the big shot is exposed, it will inevitably cause big news that will shock the city, which can be used as the content of the second issue of the Law Enforcement Manual.

But the ambivalence did not last long in Song Lan's heart, because he is a positive and optimistic person who always knows how to look at problems in different ways.

Therefore, as long as you open your mind and change your perspective, it will create a situation where the big shot can safely leave the 17th District and they will make a lot of money, and they will not lose if the big shot's whereabouts are exposed and cause turmoil.

You see, this is how opportunities arise.

The purpose of doing work is to always put yourself in a situation where you may make a profit, but I will never lose.

In this way, after three days of calm before the storm, the big shot arrived in District 17.

Facts have proved that Song Lan's idea of ​​taking Tesla Technology's armaments by staying in the office without doing anything was too naive, because that morning, this piece of information spread at the speed of light in the Gold Digger Bar.

On this day, not only did people in the 17th District know that a big shot would be visiting the 17th District, but her identity was also announced.

The daughter of the leader of the Twelfth Kingdom.

The purpose of coming to the Seventeenth District this time is to transit, and the ultimate goal is to go to the First District to request reinforcements from the Council.

Although the twelfth country does not have a strong military, as the trade center of the thirteen neutral countries, they are really rich.

It is rumored that the leader's daughter brought a huge sum of money with her on this trip as a military expenditure to ask for help from the coalition government. The leakage of this news even attracted criminals from the outside and gold diggers from neighboring cities. District 17.

No wonder Tesla Technology hopes that the law enforcement department can maintain security while the other party remains in District 17.

Judging from the current situation of the twelfth country, it is not an exaggeration to describe the other party as the princess of the subjugated country.

Moreover, she is also a subjugated princess who holds a legacy from the twelfth country.

There was just one problem that had been bothering Song Lan.

Now that transportation is so developed in 2166, why can't we take a special flight to District 1 as soon as we arrive in District 17?

The food store he often purchases online is much more efficient than you.

The same goes for the previous Snow Witch Ashe.

It was none of his business, but the person responsible for escorting Ai Xi suddenly went crazy.

Song Lan didn't know which department of the coalition government arranged the itinerary for these foreign guests, but he sincerely suggested that the leaders of this department pack up and leave.

If he thoroughly investigated this department, he felt that at least half of them would be undercover agents of the resistance.

And how did this news get out?

These questions made Song Lan think deeply and fearfully, because he felt that whether it was the coalition government or the princess who had lost her country, there were moles everywhere.

A princess in distress who carries a huge sum of money?

Zhuang Chi had obviously heard about the recent rumors about the Gold Digger Bar, his eyes lit up, This is big news.

It can indeed be used as the main content of the next issue of the Law Enforcement Manual, but we still have to find ways to obtain more information.

Roger said.

At present, they don’t know as much about this subjugated princess as the intelligence dealers in the Gold Digger Bar. If they talk in general terms, not only will they not be able to win the attention of the general public, but they will also make people wonder whether they have just gained access to the Internet. I You can go to the Gold Diggers Bar and see if you can find out anything.

He maintains a good relationship with the mayor of Lyon and Aoife, the owner behind the bar, and the news comes from the Gold Digger Bar, which is interesting.

Compared with this, I have actually been thinking about one thing since just now.

Zhuang Chi rested his lips with his left hand and acted as a thinker in the office early in the morning.

She did brood over it all morning.

What do you think... what is the success rate for us to steal her money and then blame it on the rebels?

Thanks to Eugil for the 100 starting coins!

Thanks to Master Chief Changgexing for the 100 starting coins!

Thank you for the 100 starting coins I rewarded!

Thanks to Black Cat Cafe for the 350 starting coins!

Thanks for the 500 starting coins from squatting down and pressing my belly!

Thanks to 533333 for the 600 starting coins!

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