Enforcer's Handbook

Chapter 322 The right to choose

After getting the important information, Song Lan controlled the Hornworm Warrior to go to a safe place, and then cut off the neuron links.

When his vision returned, he saw Lu Xiang, who had been sitting next to the sofa waiting.

Good news, your teacher is fine, and she's still planning a jailbreak.

This may be due to the boldness of talented people.

By chance, he also learned the secret of the Fourth Neutral Country. Verdo was still alive, and they also mentioned that the sudden action of the coalition government was related to something called the sun.

Combined with Lu Xiang's previous speculation, Song Lan suspected that the sun mentioned by Verdo was the source of the fourth neutral country's energy supply, and it was probably some kind of energy that the coalition government had not yet mastered.

The reason why Artyom created the intelligence agency and blocked the possibility of leading from the deep area to the surface was to prevent this secret from being exposed to the sight of the coalition government.

And now...

The Hornworm Warrior heard the conversation between Verdo and the teacher.

As soon as Song Lan cut off the neurons, she told Lu Xiang the news he had learned.

At the same time, the Devourer must also know the situation of the Fourth Neutral Kingdom. Under the influence of the mother's thinking, this secret quickly spread to all individuals who have established connections with the mother.

So rounding things off, everyone now knows the secret of the fourth neutral country.

But what to do now?

Song Lan fell into deep thought. He always felt that no matter who he helped, there was some discord in this matter. If he undermined Teacher Lu Xiang's actions, it would indirectly help Artem consolidate his power. But it is obvious that , the measures taken by the intelligence agencies in various places can be described as terrifying.

For the residents of the Fourth Neutral Country, it is very likely that you will be targeted by the intelligence agency just because you said a wrong word, and thus become one of the many missing people.

But if he helps the teacher complete the prison escape plan, it will be equivalent to helping the coalition government understand the secret of the sun. Now Song Lan understands that for the coalition government, the meeting between Eschenweg and Artyom was just a secret they made. Under the guise, their real purpose is to hide the energy of the fourth neutral country.

Based on your understanding of the coalition government, what will happen if Verdo is taken back to the core area?

The Council has many ways to dig out the memory of the 'sun' in his mind if he refuses to cooperate. It can also distort his thinking and turn him into a puppet politician.

Since meeting Song Lan, Lu Xiang feels that her speech has become much bolder.

These words were not meant to be spoken carelessly.

It may not be a lie to help him restore his reputation. If Verdo is sent back to the core area, they can use the excuse of 'justice' to launch a war and help Verdo regain power.

Lu Xiang has never doubted the military strength of the coalition government. Even if Eschenweg and Artyom are in the fourth neutral country at this moment, if the coalition government is serious about winning a certain local war, they will definitely can achieve final victory.

The only question is whether there are enough interests to motivate them to start a war.

The emergence of new energy has changed this.

If the secret about the sun is accurately passed back to the coalition government, they will have sufficient motivation to help Verdo regain power, help the people of the fourth neutral country return to life on the surface, and then use the grounds of cooperation and alliance to legally and legally Recycle energy that is hidden underground and no longer used.

At that time, Verdo will also be very happy to promote cooperation between the two parties.

...What's wrong with you?

Lu Xiang's analysis came to an abrupt end. She looked strangely at Song Lan, who lay down on the sofa with her hands around her abdomen and looked up at the ceiling as if she had entered a mid-life crisis early and had no hope for life.

Isn’t this what you asked me to analyze?

I just suddenly felt like I had lost my dream.

I know.

Lu Xiang expressed her understanding. She had experienced such a process as early as her school days. For people living in this era, good choices do not always appear in the options. Most of the time, they have to make choices. Choose one of two options that seem extremely poor.

This is the consistent approach of the coalition government, and they will also take into account their own image issues. After they leave, the local residents will often be grateful to them. For example, for the residents of the Fourth Neutral Country, They may eventually return to live on the ground. After forming an alliance, the coalition government will build various infrastructures on the ruins of the fourth neutral country, invest large sums of money there, increase the employment rate, and make their lives full of hope.

At least that's what it seems on the surface.

As for the energy hidden underground, as long as it has no impact on the lives of local residents, they will not care too much about its final destination.

You mean, this is a win-win deal?


Facing Song Lan's question, Lu Xiang shook his head, No matter what the process is, the ultimate winner is the coalition government. This is how we got here step by step... But no matter what the ending is, you have to choose one.

Can I choose to lie down?

Okay, you can just lie on my lap.

Lu Xiang knew that this was indeed a difficult choice.

Because even if Song Lan sabotages the teacher's actions, it will only keep the fourth neutral country stable for a short period of time. As long as the sun still exists, the coalition government will launch a war sooner or later.

You have been busy all night today, so you should take a rest.

Wait a moment.

After less than a minute of scalp massage, Song Lan suddenly opened her eyes. The amount of sit-ups startled Lu Xiang and almost hit her chin, What if we come to help Verdo restore his reputation?

Lu Xiang mentioned that the coalition government must at least ensure a decent appearance. If the fourth neutral country is no longer controlled by Artyom but by Verdor, it will be difficult for them to find reasons to send troops in a short time.

You want to help Verdo restore his reputation?

Lu Xiang felt that Song Lan never disappoints in terms of surprising words, You want to send the entire insect swarm there?

of course not.

He is self-aware. With the current strength of the insect swarm, going head-to-head with the elite units of the two resistance armies at the same time is undoubtedly an act of self-destruction. What's more, launching a large-scale war is undoubtedly an act of putting the cart before the horse. To understand the characteristics of a person, start from within them.”

...How did you suddenly think of this?

Maybe it's because knee pillows and scalp massages really work?

Thanks to Feng Yezuimenge for the 1,500 starting coins!

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