Enforcer's Handbook

Chapter 323 Caveman Joke

In the fourth neutral country, there is one absolutely forbidden topic.

Because of this topic, many people disappear mysteriously every month and are listed on the missing persons list.

But even so, there are always people who are not smart enough to learn.

The main reason why the old city is called the Garbage Treatment Plant is that they need to deal with some fools sent by the intelligence agency from time to time.

Igor's family is typical, another unlucky guy sent here because of a caveman joke.

After the publicity and topic of living on the surface were banned, some people who thought they were humorous and sarcastic created caveman jokes. They called themselves cavemen and satirized the policy prohibiting discussion of living on the surface.

But what's the result?

These satirists eventually became the cavemen they imagined, and many of their bodies were shaved shorter than the cavemen by people in the intelligence services.

It’s just that Nicholas didn’t expect that after several purges, someone would be arrested for promoting caveman jokes. He felt sorry for the family’s stupidity, because one of his jobs was to help the intelligence agency get rid of those on the list. people.

He felt that Igor's family must be stupid to the core.

Because when they were sent to the execution ground, the other party told him several caveman jokes in succession, as if he wanted to awaken his memories of the past.

But for a professional garbage disposer, the most basic professional quality is not to have unnecessary curiosity.

But today, what made Nicholas uneasy was another thing.

The intelligence department believed that he did not perform his duties well this time and deal with the people on the list, because someone witnessed that the Igor family was still alive and kicking. They went to the market early this morning and bought some synthetic ingredients.

But, how is this possible?

Nikolai was very sure that the bullet had penetrated the heads of the three members of the family, and the blood and brains were flowing all over the floor. They were obviously too dead to die anymore. There may have been a fleeting sense of guilt deep in his heart. , but that doesn't make him hold back. The only thing he can do for this family is to give them a happy life.

Nikolai filled the bathtub in the bathroom with cold water and put a large bag of ice cubes in it as his way of calming himself down.

Soaking his body in ice water, the biting chill made his thinking much clearer.

He didn't know how the Igor family came back from the dead. He was not a scientist and had no interest in getting to the bottom of it. He only knew that the intelligence agency was unhappy with the fact that they were still alive, so the next task he had to do was very simple. .

Take the guy and the bullets, get the job done one more time, and then treat everything that happened before as a nightmare.

When Nikolai once again broke into Igor's family wearing a black hood, the scene inside seemed familiar.

The room was filled with the aroma of red cabbage soup. This family was incredibly optimistic. Even though they were driven from the civilian area to the old city, their lives were still orderly. Their happy smiles were incompatible with the entire old city.

Nikolai stood still at the door for a moment. He carefully observed everyone in Igor's family and confirmed with great difficulty that there were no bullet scars on their heads.

They told many caveman jokes on the road that he had never heard before.

The difference from the last time is that this time Nikolai shot again.

He reloaded many guns until all the bullets he brought were empty. If any colleagues saw him, they would laugh at him for looking like a rookie for wasting so many bullets on a corpse - in the old city, bullets are hard currency. , only a rookie who touches a gun for the first time would do this kind of waste of bullets.

But he was frightened.

Not only because the scene seemed familiar to him, but because the other person finally looked him in the eyes and said, You can kill me, but you can't kill an idea.

In fact, Nikolai has never thought about killing a certain idea. He is just a person who collects money to do things for others. As long as he kills your people, his work will be completed.

As an experienced killer, he couldn't remember how long it had been since his hands shook while shooting.

But this time, his hands were shaking badly, and they didn't get any better after returning home.

Nicholas filled another bathtub of ice water, lit a cigarette, and soaked his body in it. The scene that just happened kept flashing back in his mind, making him have to bear the guilt again. of baptism.

Then a phone call interrupted his self-reflection.

Nicholas, are you having a brain cramp?

A female voice came from the other end of the phone.

Obviously, the other party was angry and had a very bad attitude, Where are you now?

I just got home, what happened?

Let me ask you, why are the Igor family still alive? I just saw them swaggering through the downtown area, and they even told a caveman joke in front of a group of people. The intelligence department must be angry about this. It exploded, do you think they can swallow this breath?

The woman on the other end of the phone almost roared. It wasn't until she finished venting her emotions that she lowered her voice slightly and said, Yes, I know there is a child on that list. I don't know if your conscience suddenly discovered it or something. Yes, but even if you keep them alive, can't you let them disappear temporarily for a while?

After this question, both parts of the phone call fell into deathly silence.


Are there any bullet holes in their bodies?

Nicholas asked in a low voice. This time, ice water and cigarettes could not suppress his mood, because he had already opened the photo album on his mobile phone.

In order to ensure that this was not a nightmare or his own fantasy, he violated his long-standing principles and left evidence when he left the scene. At this moment, in the photo album of his mobile phone, the Igor family was quietly Falling to the ground, lined up one after another.

The floor was wet with blood, and through the bullet holes in his body, he could see the scenery on the other side.

No, why do you ask so suddenly?

If I said that I had killed them, would you believe it?

You have killed them? But...how is this possible?

And twice.

This phone call made Nicholas understand one thing. He did not miss the last time. It was not a nightmare or fantasy. He really shot the family's head with a bullet that night.

Go to ****'s intelligence services and let them do it themselves if they can do it.

There is definitely something wrong with this family.

Nikolay never wanted to put on a hood again and break into that family's door, because he suddenly felt that Igor's family was more terrifying than the intelligence agency.

They always have positive and optimistic smiles on their faces and crawl back from the cemetery again and again.


That family is long dead.

The person he was talking to just now was some other creature with the same appearance as their family.

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