Enforcer's Handbook

Chapter 482 Things are changing

The impromptu meeting of the Psychological Counseling Department was interrupted by a lively voice outside the door, and the discussion between several people on The Love Story of the Law Enforcement Department also came to an end.

Zhuang Chiba, who was closest to the door, looked at the door for a while and then brought the news, It seems to be someone from the inspection department.

Since the Foster family withdrew from District 17, the prosecutorial department has disappeared from their sight for a long time. According to rumors, the Foster family did not have time to appoint a candidate, so they launched an internal battle against the prosecutor. The battle for one position.

Now, the new Grand Prosecutor has finally taken office, and he is a very senior prosecutor.

The Law Enforcement Department has always been bossy to Yi and the Inspection Department has made them take the blame. Without the relationship with the Foster family, they can hardly extract any money from the company. The company is always the smartest, and they can always Understanding the current situation and knowing who to have a good relationship with will help them gain a foothold in District 17.

The arrival of the new chief prosecutor has staged a drama of changing fortunes in reality.

In the past, when the Grand Prosecutor came to them, they held their heads high and wanted to look at people with their nostrils and treat them like servants. However, this time, the only one who came to the door was the Grand Prosecutor. He was not surrounded by bodyguards, and his face was full of expressions. He smiled and greeted the onlookers in a friendly manner.

He had already seen the situation clearly.

Today's law enforcement department is no longer what it used to be, and as the director, Lu Xiang also holds the title of three-star rescuer.

As long as Lu Xiang is unwilling to cooperate with their investigation, he can send them away with just one sentence.

He felt that after the law enforcement department gained power, he had done his best by not inflicting trouble on them. Perhaps Lu Xiang was really like the rumors, and had long since broken away from the low taste of retaliating against each other.

This is indeed the case.

Lu Xiang's current interest is to stay in the office and read the seventh issue of The Love Story of the Law Enforcement Department.

The day back to school made her miss the latest issue of the magazine. She had planned to wait until get off work to go home with Song Lan, but an uninvited guest knocked on her office door.

Excuse me, Director Lu. This is the first time we meet. My name is Tiger, and I am the new chief prosecutor of the Inspection Department.

Tiger, who is nearly 50 years old, took the initiative to hand over his business card.

This is definitely the prosecutor with the best attitude that Lu Xiang has ever seen. He took the initiative to bow after entering the door, instead of sitting on the sofa with his legs crossed like the previous ones, treating this place as their own office. Point the country.

I've heard about you, we actually met at the citywide meeting.

Aureliano preserved the tradition of city-wide meetings, which were opportunities for managers from all lines to get to know each other.

A series of changes in the 17th District not only implicated the Inspection Department, but also the heads of most departments have been replaced. Most of them saw that the situation was not good and ran away with money.

Oh yes, yes, I did see it.

Tiger said yes repeatedly, his posture almost lowered to the floor. He had indeed met Lu Xiang during the meeting, but due to the long-term delicate relationship between the inspection department and the law enforcement department, he did not dare to come forward and say hello several times.

Who doesn't know that Lu Xiang is at the height of her power in District 17, and even the mayor will listen to her opinions on many aspects.

And her work did have immediate results. Under her management, the crime rate and missing persons rate in District 17 reached a record low.

You might as well say what you have to say.

Lu Xiang was not interested in these false compliments. She closed the electronic journal calmly and spoke.

We received internal news not long ago that an important person may arrive in District 17 in the next few days. His name is Angre Saffron. He was once a three-star rescuer and now a member of the Abnormal Case Investigation Bureau. One of the most wanted criminals, definitely a dangerous person...

Tiger could only bite the bullet and say.

The source of this so-called inside information is naturally the Foster family.

He also watched the trial of Isabel a few days ago, but after the trial, the matter continued to ferment. The situation had risen from the Iris Consortium to a dispute between conservatives and reformists. Of course, those nobles swallowed Without giving up, he tried his best to find Angre Saffron who had escaped from prison before the reformists.

He's the only one who might know something.

And he's definitely a smart guy.

Angre knew that both conservatives and reformists were looking for him, so he fled all the way to District 17.

Due to the existence of the void, District 17 is likely to be the area least controlled by the Council within the coalition government. At the same time, it can directly leave the border and go to the neutral country area.

Although Tiger didn't know how the other party escaped from the Anomaly Investigation Bureau and the conservatives and escaped all the way here, he did become a big trouble.

The Foster family issued an ultimatum to them in the morning. They must intercept Angre in District 17 so that he cannot escape from the control of the coalition government.

This order is consistent with the Foster family's style.

They completely ignore the difficulties that exist in reality and just want to see the results.

With the old, weak, sick and disabled they are now, how can they stop a Samsung rescuer?

Therefore, in order not to be dismissed by the Foster family within two days after taking office, Tiger could only turn to Lu Xiang for help. As a popular saying goes, in District 17, Lu Xiang can solve all your problems.

Provided she is willing.


Lu Xiang nodded and gave an ambiguous reply, I will let you know when there is news.

Thank you in advance. Manager Lu, please go ahead and I won't disturb you.

This was not a completely satisfactory answer, but Tiger couldn't ask for more. Lu Xiang had already given him enough face without rejecting him face to face, which also meant that the matter might turn around.

After Tiger left, Lu Xiang glanced at the half of his clothes exposed at the door of the office, and laughed for a moment, because she suddenly remembered the description of Song Lan by the children in the orphanage - a person who had won the title of Peek-a-boo. The legendary player who won the championship, and this legendary player does not seem to be without loopholes.

Stop hiding and come in.

She quickly adjusted her expression and said towards the door.

Not being able to see Song Lan lying on the sofa in her office like a salted fish every day during the recent period also made her feel that something was missing.

Of course, in the book Love Story of the Law Enforcement Department and in the eyes of other law enforcement officers, Song Lan frequently appeared in her office to discuss some difficult cases with her.

Seeing Song Lan come in, she told him the news she had just learned, with a joking tone, Your good friend Angre Saffron is coming to District 17.

Small Theater Sixty-nine:

Wednesday morning on a certain day of a certain month of a certain year.

Based on the clues given by Minister Lu, intelligence personnel immediately launched an investigation.

After careful screening and comparison, they drew up a list of people suspected of being infected with the salted fish virus, and Song Lan's name was ranked first.

You won’t know if you don’t investigate, but you’ll be shocked if you investigate.

As the Void Investigator, Minister Song, who is deeply trusted by everyone and is considered responsible for combat effectiveness, actually takes more than half of the days of sick leave and injury leave every month.

The vast majority of them were work-related injuries, and their training fully complied with regulations.

This made intelligence officers realize that the salted fish virus would also significantly reduce human immunity, causing them to be gradually hollowed out by the virus.

Obviously, Song Lan's symptoms have reached a very serious stage, and now he is like a candle in the wind.

Minister Lu, may I ask Minister Song how he is doing?

Finally, an intelligence officer who was concerned about Song Lan's safety came to Lu Xiang's office.

The situation is very bad.

Lu Xiang frowned in the office. She had been thinking about this matter recently.

She had obviously bought a large number of high-end supplements for Song Lan according to the online introduction, but this guy looked listless every day.

But considering Song Lan's numerous criminal records, she didn't know whether the other party was just pretending.

After all, Song Lan was an actress who would miss work due to injury if she sprained her ankle on the way to work. She was even surprised to find out later that even the sprained ankle was fake.

There has to be a surprise inspection today!

The arrival of the intelligence officers made her determined. She wanted to see what this guy was doing when he was secretly at home alone!

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