Enforcer's Handbook

Chapter 483 Saffron’s Bizarre Adventure

This is the last long-distance bus heading to District 17 today.

At three o'clock in the morning, most of the seats in the car were empty.

After paying the money, the few passengers leaned back on their chairs and fell asleep. According to the travel time, they will arrive in District 17 at eight o'clock tomorrow.

Angre-Saffron had to choose this time and this method of travel.

The Abnormal Case Investigation Bureau has officially issued a wanted order, and the bionic guards at the airport and high-speed rail stations have recorded this information. Once he appears in these places, an alarm will be triggered immediately.

His intuition told him that in addition to his former colleagues, there seemed to be someone else chasing him, and this person was much more dangerous than the android guards and the agents of the Abnormal Case Investigation Bureau.

This is an innate talent that not only always brings him closer to the truth, but also allows him to turn danger into disaster at critical moments.

In fact, after the internal transportation lines of the coalition government were built, the internal long-distance buses were almost eliminated by the times. A large number of bus companies went bankrupt, or switched to other businesses before the bad days came. Today, there are not many long-distance buses left. , its main customers are those who are too poor to even afford high-speed rail tickets, or like him, have been rewarded or do not want to be exposed in public for some reason.

Their business also includes smuggling, and they also provide one-stop services to help criminals with bounties on their heads leave District 17 and go to the outside world.

The bus Angre chose pays great attention to the privacy of its guests. The departure location is different each time. After ordering the tickets online, they will send the specific departure location to their customers. In the eyes of passers-by, this Just an ordinary passenger car.

His goal is very clear.

As long as he can successfully reach District 17, his situation will improve.

Even the Abnormal Case Investigation Bureau would not easily get involved in the business of District 17. When the void incident broke out, they withdrew all agents for safety reasons and the requirements of the Council.

Whether he lives in District 17 temporarily or leaves District 17 for the outside world, his choice will be much more flexible.

Angre chose the seat closest to the back door.

He did not fully trust this company. Anyone who dared to operate a smuggling business within the territory of the coalition government had complicated relationships. What made him even more wary was that when he was dragging his luggage into the car just now, the driver looked at him too much. One glance, and her eyes stayed on him for about five seconds.

After that, the driver did not communicate with him throughout the journey.

After taking his seat, Angre kept secretly observing the driver. The group of people in the car waited for about a quarter of an hour before the train started. It was not until the last decrepit old man got on the bus shakily with a cane that they embarked on the journey. .

After he got in the car, the driver did not make eye contact with anyone.

In order to catch this bus, Angre had not slept for two whole days. He carefully investigated the route of each bus, and after ensuring safety, he anonymously booked a ticket online.

But now it seems that this journey will not be as smooth as he imagined.

Facts also confirmed his guess.

When the city's outline gradually disappeared into the darkness, an hour and a half after the journey, a violent impact woke the passengers from their sleep.

The shaking caused many people to fall from their chairs to the ground, and some people smashed their heads. Before they could figure out the situation, a tooth-piercing scraping sound caused the moving bus to stop.

The oncoming bright light made everyone unable to open their eyes involuntarily.

Who are you? Don't you know that my boss is...

In the chaos, Angre heard the driver yelling.

But his voice was soon cut off by the sound of gunfire.

The gunshots intensified the panic in the carriage, and screams broke the silence of the night.

But Angre heard some unusual details - the sudden gunshots came from inside the car. When the driver was confronting people outside the car, a passenger shot him from behind, and one of his prosthetic eyes was vaguely visible. Saw the figure of the gunman.

The gunman who got up in the chaos was in the front row.

If he remembered correctly, the person sitting in that seat should be the old man who got on the bus last.

This shot was not a warning, but was aimed at killing people. After the shooting, he no longer heard the driver's voice. Instead, he heard the sound of the front and rear doors being opened, and the sound of chaotic footsteps getting on the car.

Based on these details, Angre quickly judged the situation.

Highway robbery.

It has nothing to do with the Bureau of Anomalies or the dangerous people chasing him, he just had the bad luck to meet Roadhog.

This is their usual tactic. Let the insider get on the car first, then launch a surprise attack from the inside during the chaos to control the situation in the car. There is no more standard way of robbery than this.

This is the disadvantage of not being legally certified by the coalition government.

Outside city limits, no law enforcement officers will go to cases outside their jurisdiction.

He was just unlucky enough to happen upon a robbery that he rarely encountered even once during his dozens of trips.

The bright light in front of them was extinguished, and when all the passengers' vision returned to clear vision, they were greeted by the black muzzles of guns and several people whose faces were covered with colorful headscarves.

Don't argue. I'll beat anyone who quarrels to death!

Roadhog, who was near the back door, threatened sternly. The back row of the bus was the hardest hit area. It seemed that most passengers chose the back row in order to sleep more peacefully and not be disturbed by the passengers who were getting on the bus one after another.

Hand over all your valuables, or I'll beat you to death! If you guys cooperate, we'll let you go.

Roadhog raised his voice and shouted at the passengers in the back.


Angre judged the situation immediately.

Judging from the old man's decisive actions, this group of people obviously knew what kind of force this bus belonged to. Since they chose to take action, they had no intention of letting anyone who saw them go.

Even with their faces covered, passengers can deduce their identities based on their body shape and voice.

Angre at the back door unfortunately became the first unlucky person. Roadhog's gun moved to his head, First of all, you, hand over the valuables... No, take off your hat first. Let me see your face!

“Bluffing is a sign of lack of confidence.”

The robber approached, allowing Angre to observe more details, Your hands are sweating a lot, and you can't hold the gun steadily... Is this the first time you've done this?

Shut up!

Roadhog viciously hit Angre in the head with the butt of his gun.

This is also a common problem among newbies.

Thinking that he was in control of the situation, he voluntarily gave up the advantageous distance of the firearm, putting himself in a disadvantageous position.

Angre grabbed the gun, but instead of firing at the Roadhog in front, he immediately shouted Get down to the passengers in the back.

The sound of gunfire filled the entire carriage until everything was completely silent.

Immediately afterwards, a strong smell of blood filled the compartment. Angre Cat hid behind the sieved baffle for a while. When he tentatively observed the situation in the compartment through the bullet holes, he discovered that everything was inside the compartment. The robbers all fell in a pool of blood.

Even the old man whom he judged to be the mastermind behind the scenes was no exception.

He checked the bodies lying on the ground in a pool of blood one by one. After confirming that all Roadhogs had lost their vital signs, he returned to his seat.

here we go again,

Such an amazing feeling!

Thanks for the 100 starting coins spent on the reward from afar!

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