Enforcer's Handbook

Chapter 490 Dream Making

Late that night, Song Lan was woken up by the rapid ringing of her cell phone.

He opened his eyes drowsily. A series of fatigues in the morning made him sleep soundly until now. He was in a daze for a moment and saw Lu Xiang, who had put on his pajamas and was sitting by the window with his back to him.

In order to support his first day of exercise, Lu Xiang specially set aside a whole day.

From the conversation, it was easy to tell that the call was probably work-related. After listening to a few words, Lu Xiang got up, tidied his hair, and then spread his uniform on the bed.

Going to work?

Song Lan asked.

A company in the West District reported that it was attacked. The description may be related to Angre-Saffron. I have to go there.

Wait a moment, I'll go too.

Hearing this, Song Lan stood up with a graceful carp posture, and then held her waist in pain and retracted the quilt. This series of actions happened in a few seconds, and Lu Xiang froze in putting on his shirt. , eyes full of concern, Can you do it?

Of course it can be done, it's just a side effect of exercise!

Song Lan gritted his teeth and said.

However, after learning his lesson, he moved much slower this time. After his speed infinitely approached that of old age, the pain in his back and leg cramps improved a lot.

He relied on his own efforts, which caused Lu Xiang to arrive at work ten minutes slower than before. Moreover, when the two of them were sitting on the floating car, Lu Xiang had to take the initiative to provide massage services for Song Lan.

But she has no complaints about it.

After all, she had done something bad before. From a humanitarian perspective, it was indeed a bit unfair to let a man who had just run a long distance until he was exhausted to injure him a second time after resting for more than half an hour. Favor.

But Lu Xiang must clarify that there is absolutely no element of coercion in this.

A moment later, the hover car slowly landed in the late night West End, and a dim sign appeared in the sight of the two of them.

Dream Making

A dreamy and poetic name.

Compared with the skyscrapers in the downtown area, this can only be regarded as a small and medium-sized company at best.

The busiest time in the West District is after nightfall. The streets are filled with drunkards, gangsters and illegal drug dealers. After getting off the bus, Lu Xiang went straight to the company. They were greeted by the receptionist who had not yet got off work. The person they saw was Lu Xiang. Xiang, the welcoming lady's face seems a little unhappy.

For the Western District, which currently has the worst public security environment in the Seventeenth District, the person they least want to see is Lu Xiang.

What happened next completely exceeded Lu Xiang's expectations.

The welcoming lady told her very confidently that no one called the police, that the company was business as usual today, and that no one had attacked here. Her behavior had always been contrary to her identity. Not only did she not welcome the arrival of the two, but she also Stop urged the two of them to leave.

Call the person in charge here.

Of course, Lu Xiang couldn't be dismissed so easily. She used her eyes to scare away the receptionist who wanted to block the elevator with her body.

The reporting process is very special.

The reporter skipped the law enforcement hotline across the city and dialed her phone directly. During the call, Lu Xiang could still vaguely hear the sound of gunshots coming from the other end of the phone.

The only possibility she could think of was that the caller was an informant from the Enforcement Division.

In fact, the informant program was a product of the previous director's tenure. They planted many informants with long-term contacts in District 17, but the purpose was not to punish criminals, but to secretly report reactionaries who opposed the Foster family and the Chaico Group. , due to the special geographical location of District 17, those who are reported are often labeled as rebels and executed.

Lu Xiang kept the plan after accepting the position of director. Some people with lofty ideals took the initiative to join them. They knew better than anyone else that the forces behind illegal companies were complex and it was not easy to bring them down.

In order to ensure the safety of the informants, Lu Xiang provided them with his personal contact information.

Just now, one of the informants witnessed a person suspected of being Angre Saffron walking straight into the company called Dream Manufacturing.

A few minutes later, a tall and lanky man with pink afro hair, tight leather clothing, and extremely exaggerated dress appeared in front of the two of them.

I am the person in charge here, Gracie, but with all due respect, there is no report here. If you want to break in by force, please show me a search warrant.

The tall and thin man spoke plausibly.

They have long been prepared for this unexpected situation. Even the law enforcement department must present relevant documents. But it is already past normal working hours and they will have to go through the process at least until tomorrow morning. .

Thinking of this, the man asked back, I believe that Director Lu will not conduct illegal searches, right?

Lu Xiang raised his eyebrows and took out the Samsung Rescuer's Silver Emblem Medal from his pocket. I suspect that your place is related to the case being investigated by the Rescuer Department. Please prepare a list of the company's related businesses and personnel immediately.

There are benefits to being a rescuer, too.

At least speak more forcefully when meeting these gentle scum.

The tall and lanky man clenched his fists, gritted his teeth, and finally had to make way.

As Gracie narrated, Song Lan, a melon-eater, gradually understood the true meaning of Dream Making. To understand it in his own layman's terms, this place is equivalent to a nursing home in another world.

The reason why he added the prefix of another world was because the way of caring for the elderly here once again refreshed his understanding of this world.

The company will accept homeless elderly people in the city for free and provide them with a comfortable and comfortable house and sophisticated equipment.

Through the glass in the corridor, Song Lan could clearly see the state of these elderly people.

They sat in the same posture on a chair similar to an operating table, wearing instruments that looked like motorcycle helmets on their heads. The helmets exposed their mouths. From the curvature of their mouths, it seemed that they were in a happy state. state.

According to Gracie, these devices would extract their emotions and store them as a gas in a container similar to a test tube.

For those people in companies who are under great pressure at work, just taking a puff in their leisure time can infect them with happy emotions and relieve them from the stress and fatigue accumulated throughout the day.

This gas is also used as an anti-stress drug in many prosthetic hospitals.

It's a win-win deal.

Seemingly out of fear of Lu Xiang, Gracie would emphasize every once in a while, We took them in to protect them from the oppression of gang members, and we also helped them use their remaining energy in the last stage of their lives. , so that they can help more people!”

However, the more he emphasized the legality of the business, the more Song Lan felt something was strange.

After Gracie brought them into her office and left, Song Lan finally thought about where this weird feeling came from.

The strange sight reminded him of a cattle ranch.

Cattle breeders always say that they use chocolate and music to make their cows happy every day.

Is this business really legal?

After Gracie left the office to call out the staff list, Song Lan asked Lu Xiang in the spirit of studying the law of 2166.

There is no prohibition.

After Lu Xiang thought for a moment, he said, There are no prohibited industries. In theory, all industries are legal.

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