Enforcer's Handbook

Chapter 491 Customized Services

There are many other social problems in District 17 in 2166.

Elderly care is one of them.

In Lu Xiang’s words, the marriage and childbirth rate of ordinary citizens in the 17th District is not high. Coupled with the endless gang wars, most people will face the problem of becoming empty nesters when they get old. Under these problems , the company proposed a solution.

For example, they can gather these old people into some small rooms, plug in instruments for them, and use scientific means to let them spend their later years happily. In exchange, they will become the company's property and provide a steady stream of money for the company. Continuously produce this anti-depressant type of mental gas.

I studied the process of gas production, and it seems that anyone can become a gas producer. Why are there so many old people here?

There happens to be a cartoon-style brochure in the manager's office, which introduces the basic process of gas production in a cute style.

Because few people pay attention to their movements, even if an accident occurs, no one will sue the company on their behalf.

For the company, empty nesters are very worry-free producers. Even if a problem occurs during the production process, as long as the corresponding treatment is carried out and an official certificate is issued in the prosthetic hospital, the product can be produced. The illusion of dying.

During the conversation, Director Gracie returned here with the employee handbook.

He left for a long time, and when he came back his eyes were wandering, making people suspect that he wanted to hide some ulterior secrets.

Lu Xiang flipped through the employee handbook of Meimeng Pharmaceutical.

After a moment, she asked abruptly, Where is your company's custom gas production facility? Is it also in this building?

Hearing this, Gracie's face froze and she was silent for a long time before she said, We are all regular manufacturers and do not provide customized services. I am dealing with a prosthetic hospital. We have a completely legal contract. I guarantee...

Facing Gracie's sophistry, Lu Xiang just turned the monitor on his desk.

Above is a transcript of a chat between Gracie and his client.

Song Lan saw part of it, and the content on it was mind-numbing.

He still underestimated people's perversion and curiosity, and under the influence of inertial thinking, he mistakenly believed that this instrument could only produce happy gas.

But after all, happiness only accounts for a small part of human emotions, and the more emotions they are exposed to in their daily lives may be sadness, anger, and despair. These may be the main themes of the residents' emotions in 2166. If we do a satisfaction test and happiness survey, Song Lan suspected that the final result would be very ugly.

It’s just that he really can’t think of why someone would spend a lot of money to customize these negative emotions. In the notes of those customers, he also saw many familiar large companies. Judging from their conversation methods, it is not difficult to see that most of them are regular customers. .

Seeing that the matter was exposed, Gracie's face became extremely ugly.

He knew very well that some of these customized contents were illegal. Due to the characteristics of the gas production line, if you want to produce such gas with negative emotions, you must keep the producer in such emotions for a long time. For humanitarian considerations , the coalition government banned the practice.

Of course, this is a clear statement.

In fact, there was once a nasty guy who came out of an unknown third-rate newspaper and sneaked into one of the production lines under the guise of exposing the darkness of society. Although he was silenced by the company, the content he photographed was accidentally circulated. , thus leading to a frenzy of public opinion.

In order to calm public opinion, the coalition government had to ban the production of negative emotional gas from a humanitarian perspective.

Now Gracie was worried not about himself but about the names of all the customers in the chat logs.

Under the latest laws, production, sale and purchase are all included in illegal activities.

Don't worry, you can speak freely.

Lu Xiang comforted Gracie, No one above can escape.

This is the guarantee she can make to the other party. Before the other party comes back, she has already written down all the customers who have received customized services.

...I'll take you to the custom production line.

After being silent for a long time, Gracie finally said as if he had resigned himself to his fate, but his expression did not escape Lu Xiang's attention.

The emotion of self-destruction is disguised.

This shows that he seems to be very confident in the security capabilities of the customized production line.

The entire production line is located underground in the building. At first glance, it looks almost the same as the one upstairs. In a compartment of about the same size, an old man wearing a device that looks like a motorcycle helmet is sitting. Only when you get closer and take a closer look can you find out. Their faces showed fear and pain, as if they were in some great torture.

Scientifically speaking, this does no harm to their bodies at all!

Gracie is still sparing no effort to defend herself, Everything is an illusion and it didn't really happen.

Don't they suffer from depression?

Song Lan felt that the theory proposed by Gracie was not scientific, and he couldn't help but ask.

Gracie was very convincing, Only those who are awake will be depressed. They have already signed a contract with us, and we will take care of them until they die. There is no need for them to wake up.

This is a long corridor.

After taking a few steps, Lu Xiang came to one of the compartments, lightly touched the scratches left on it with his index finger, and asked, What is this?

The person who left the scratches was obviously not a human being, but some kind of beast.

It seems that before their arrival, there had been a thrilling chase here.

Gracie looked away and glanced aside, It's probably just that the glass is broken. I don't know what you are talking about.

This is the last trump card in his hand.

No one knows better than him what kind of outcome will be waiting for him once the matter is exposed. The company people will never let him go, and in order to avoid involving deeper interest groups, they will definitely find ways to silence him.

According to rumors, Lu Xiang is such a person.

Once you are targeted by her, no matter how deep you hide it, you will be discovered one day.

So for him, the only way to survive now is to let Lu Xiang and the unlucky guy next to her who appeared out of nowhere to help them keep this secret forever.

In front is the control center of the entire underground facility.

The three of them walked all the way to the end of the corridor, The console for terminating the instruments is inside. If you want to terminate these devices, just go in.

He took the initiative to make way for the two of them, and reminded them in a pretentious manner, However, I need to remind you that with their current mental state, I cannot guarantee the results of waking them up.

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