Enforcer's Handbook

Chapter 578 This is my escape route

The night is already very deep.

Egger and his carefully selected guards walked breathlessly through the jungle. As long as they persisted for a while, they would reach the evacuation point prepared in advance and completely stay away from this war-torn country.

This is a line he carefully selected with the fewest variants.

He may also want to thank the believers who are still fighting against the mutants in Antigon at this moment. It is they who used their lives, blood and sacrifices to build a line of defense against the invasion of mutants and provide them with this safety. evacuation route.

Egger was not worried that the guards would betray him.

Now that the evil deeds he did by using the Chief Inquisitor have been exposed, once they are captured and taken back to the church, their fate will be the same as his own, being tied to stakes and burned alive by the angry believers. This is both for him and for them. My future life.

As long as they can leave the third neutral country, they can go to any neutral country and spend the rest of their lives spending money like land.

They were getting closer to the extraction point.

Egg seemed to have seen his new life waving to him.

But then, he seemed to hear an unusual sound. The sound was so secret that he could not confirm the source. He relied more on intuition to feel the arrival of the pursuers.

A strong sense of crisis was getting closer and closer to them, and they were traveling through the rugged jungle at a speed far exceeding theirs.

Also feeling a sense of crisis was the guard captain in charge of the evacuation. He made a gesture to signal everyone to stop and immediately set up a defensive circle on the spot.

After receiving the captain's order, the members of the guard were equipped with weapons made from psychic collectors.

They were once the cutting edge of the church and experienced countless civil wars and foreign wars. These weapons tailored to each of their combat characteristics were the Inquisition's reward for these honorary soldiers. Now, they have to use the weapons in their hands against Come to pursue your compatriots.

The members of the guard held their breath and stood ready, listening carefully to every slightest sound coming from around them.


Up there!

The captain of the guard shouted and immediately issued a warning to everyone. This was a hunch based on his many years of combat experience, but even if he pressed the trigger of the psychic ray rifle at the first time, that ability would The concentrated beam failed to touch the attacker in the slightest.

The brief brightness before the psychic ray disappeared allowed them to notice the shadows flashing across the night sky.

What came together with it was the sound of a human body falling to the ground.

From the corner of his eye, the guard captain saw the bone spurs in the dense wounds on the bodies of the dead. They fell from the sky like hidden weapons, taking away their lives the moment they accurately hit the target.

After a face-to-face encounter, the figure merged with the darkness again.

This night of escape chosen to hide others' eyes turned into an act of digging one's own grave.

The remaining troops will use all their strength to cover Lord Egger's retreat.

The captain of the guard made a judgment immediately. He identified the pursuer's identity from the bone spurs in the wounds of the deceased.

The church’s “angel of death.”

When these children who survived the mine were brought back to the church, the Archbishop personally ordered them to train them. During that not-so-long period of getting along with them, even the members of the Inquisition Guards treated them badly. A visceral fear arose.

Because these survivors don't look like humans at all, but more like killing machines in human skin.

The captain of the guard stood in the way. The ray rifle in his hand was divided into two and held in his hand. After injecting psychic energy, it formed two dazzling white blades.

The light emitted by the blade once dispelled the surrounding darkness.

The captain of the guard had a premonition of his impending fate.

The Death Angels not only possess unparalleled combat skills and combat intuition, but what is even more frightening is that every member of them possesses immortality.

No matter how serious the trauma is, they can heal it in the blink of an eye.

Not every member of the Guard who follows Egger is blinded by power and wealth. At least for the Guard Captain, he has a debt of gratitude that must be repaid.

He heard footsteps retreating behind him.

His fighting instinct allowed him to capture the erratic voice of the pursuer, and he also recognized his former proud disciple. The trajectory of the latter's actions seemed to prove that she did not want to waste time entangled with him.

The guard captain followed the guidance of his intuition and used a roar to stop the figure that was about to pass him.

Face me, Night Heron!

This was the last sound that Egg heard from the guard captain.

Until he ran a long distance surrounded by the guards, the roar seemed to echo in the forest.

Not far ahead is the extraction point where he bid farewell to the third neutral country and welcomes a new life.

However, the sense of crisis soon caught up again, which made Egg furious.

Useless guy.

He cursed secretly in his mind, and then gave new instructions to the guard members behind him, No matter what method you use, stop her!

After leaving such an order, Egger ran down the mountain without any pause.

As he wished, he set foot on the land of the evacuation point. An armed aerial vehicle purchased from the Barossa Group at a high price was parked on the open flat land.

100 meters left,

50 meters,

Just the last few steps.

But just when Egger was about to touch the floating car, he suddenly stopped.

He never took another step forward. After a brief stalemate, he turned around pretending to be calm. What he saw was a girl bathed in blood, with her radiant amber pupils. Staring straight at himself.

The pungent smell made Egger frown.

This is not the first time that he has looked into the eyes of the church's Angel of Death, so Egg knows very well that these short few steps are too long, long enough for Night Heron to stop him when he takes another step forward. , using her forelimbs that turned into blades to cut off his legs.

I am the chief judge, you have no right to judge me.

Sweat was flowing down Iger's forehead, and he had to admit that his heart was in his throat, because standing in front of him at this moment were monsters created by the church. They lacked humanity and had no possibility of communication during the mission.

And in Ye Heron's hand, there was a beating heart.

This seemed to be the dinner she prepared for herself.

You have no orders from the Archbishop.

I want to take you back.

Night Heron ignored Egg, In order to prevent you from escaping again, I will break your legs first.

Stand back, you have no right to judge me!

Egg shouted.

Ye Lu walked towards him as if he didn't hear him, which made him take a few steps back suddenly, and his back was already pressed against the armored floating vehicle.

When Night Heron said she would break his legs, Iger had no doubt that she would actually do it.

But at this desperate moment, a ferocious smile actually appeared on his face. He raised his voice again, exerting all his strength, as if he wanted his voice to reach the sky.

As promised, I brought you the 'Angel of Death'!

This time, the sky answered his cry.


The ground beneath his feet shook violently due to the rapidly falling object. The smoke and dust dispersed, and a shocking deep pit appeared on the empty flat ground.

In the deep pit, a figure whose whole body, including the face, was covered in exoskeleton armor appeared in Ye Heron's sight.

She had seen people dressed similarly in Kanzariel, but compared to those toys that could be dismantled at will, the people in front of her looked much more dangerous.

A mechanically synthesized female voice came from under the helmet of the exoskeleton armor. Her eyes crossed the night heron and landed on Egg. She asked in an indifferent voice, Why is there only one?

Seventy-eight of the small theater:

Wednesday afternoon on a certain day of a certain month of a certain year.

Lu Xiang is a conspirator.

Song Lan is serious.

Who would turn off the heating at home in the cold winter? What's even more outrageous is that when he rummaged through the closet, he was surprised to find that Lu Xiang had hidden all his down jackets.

Now he was wearing only a single coat at home, shivering in the cold winter wind.

The culprit of all this was sitting not far from him, watching him with a smile.

Song Lan originally thought that this was a military training that Lu Xiang came up with on the spur of the moment. After all, he had indeed heard that in order to temper the will of the soldiers, some troops even made regulations for soldiers to take cold showers in the winter.

But later he discovered that Lu Xiang seemed to have ulterior motives.

are you cold?

The conspirator Lu Xiang finally showed his true intention. When asked, she stretched out her hands and opened her arms to herself.

not cold!

But who is Song, and how could he easily surrender to the evil forces?

I am cold.

Lu Xiang seemed to have anticipated Song Lan's reaction. Her smiling expression changed, and she stared at Song Lan with pitiful eyes. The two of them stared at each other for five seconds.

Just this once, never happen again!

Before he finished speaking, Lu Xiang, who had been planning for a long time, pounced on him. Song Lan had to hug her, and Lu Xiang lay half on his lap.

But who is Song? Even in the face of harsh weather, he can always find a way to keep warm!

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