Enforcer's Handbook

Chapter 579 The villain dies because he talks too much

Although it seemed unforgivable for the church's chief judge to think this way, when reinforcements from the Barossa Group arrived, Egg finally breathed a sigh of relief.

He did not answer the other party's question directly, but said, She is the favorite of Heliface.

You traitor, how dare you call the Archbishop by his first name!

A flash of scarlet light flashed in Ye Heron's eyes, and his right arm transformed into a bone sickle and chopped straight at Egg's head.

Although according to the teachings of the Eclipse Cult, the killing of the Chief Inquisitor must be ordered by the Archbishop himself, but after the Barossa Group was involved in the internal struggle of the church, the nature of this matter completely changed. As for Egg, He has confirmed his identity as a traitor.

However, this time, Ye Lu did not see Egg's head being cut off, and the expected warm blood did not splash on her face. She smelled a burnt smell, and came from her right arm. It's a feeling of emptiness.

After the bone sickle-shaped right arm spun several times in the air, it was inserted straight into the soil in the distance like a blade.

In a fleeting moment, Egger's eyes changed from distracted to ecstatic.

When he came back to his senses, the figure like a steel giant had already appeared in front of him. Her speed was unbelievable, as if her time had been accelerated countless times. Even the church was proud of Even the Death Angel failed to react to her actions just now.

This long moment seemed to finally end until Ye Heron's right arm was cut off by the thermal energy cutting blade and fell into the soil in the distance.

Immediately afterwards, Egg saw the night heron growing out of bone spurs like an enraged beast, poking at the iron giant's heart.

It was at this time that time was distorted again.

The hill-like steel body was half-kneeling on Night Heron's back. The latter's legs and arms, which had just repaired themselves, were nailed to the ground by black shackles.

In this state, Ye Heron could only raise his head desperately and stare at Egg with resentful eyes.

Egg's mood completely settled down.

This last desperate move earned him enough rewards.

The sacrifice of the Inquisition Guards was valuable. They gave their lives to buy him time to contact the Barossa Group.

Because in the last contact, he learned that the Barossa Group seems to be very interested in the church's death angels. After all, if we trace back history, their existence is the result of the Lunar Eclipse Sect and the Barossa Group. A product of the honeymoon period, perhaps even Ye Lu herself didn't know that half of her body came from the genetic technology of the Barossa Group.

And in these big bets, he became the ultimate winner.

Recently, I've discovered that I'm incredibly lucky... Don't look at me with that look. I didn't mean to send those people to the execution stand.

Egger's tone has returned to its previous frequency. Now he is looking down at Night Heron, who is unable to move on the ground. This scene is just like when he was on the execution platform, witnessing the thirteen apostates It was exactly the same when he was burned to death by fire, I can only blame them for being too curious. They found out about my dealings with the Barossa Group, and they even plotted to expose me in front of the believers.

At this point, he shook his head pretending to be heartbroken, So, they must die.

You traitor!

Ye Lu struggled endlessly. Even though Egg was only a few steps away from her at this moment, she could no longer express her anger to him in any way except for yelling.


Egger sneered and said, To say that the real traitor is the only one you respect - the Archbishop - Heliface himself! Have you idiots never doubted why I sent those thirteen people to execution? Taiwan; even if I rebelled and fled, she never came forward to tell you to get rid of me...

The accusation against Helifaith came to an abrupt end.

Egg's widened eyes clearly saw Night Heron suddenly breaking free from the shackles of the steel giant for some reason. She almost relied on brute force to pull the dark shackles out of the ground, and the mouth full of sharp teeth gnawed viciously. On his neck, all the words he wanted to say turned into a hissing sound.

As for Ye Lu, she didn't know if she had just had an illusion.

But for a moment, the enemy that was pressing on her back like a mountain relaxed its strength, allowing her to seize the opportunity.

The smell of blood in her mouth quickly stopped her thinking. There was only one thing left in her mind - bite off the traitor's neck!

And she did exactly that.

The smell of blood stimulated her nerves, causing her to forget about the extremely dangerous enemy behind her.

Egg gradually blurred his vision and saw everything.

He saw the woman who claimed to be the commander of the Barossa Group taking out a syringe and injecting the green liquid inside into the back of Night Heron's neck.

The biting movement stopped quickly. When Night Heron was removed from him, Egg's powerless body fell to the ground leaning on the armed hover vehicle.

Blood flowed down his wound and soon pooled at his feet.

He felt the bone-chilling cold, and besides that, he was also filled with doubts.

You should have escaped as soon as possible.

The legion commander stood in front of him, and what reached Egger's ears were still the mechanically synthesized female voices. The face hidden under the exoskeleton armor helmet made it impossible for him to guess the other person's expression at the moment. He suddenly realized Everything about her is shrouded in mystery.

The legion commander continued, and the unique coldness of the mechanical synthesized voice made her look ruthless, Your blood vessels have been bitten off, and blood loss and suffocation will kill you completely in 1 minute and 27 seconds... However, I can help You give me a handful.

Egger vaguely saw the legion commander's right leg raised high.

This made him understand the true meaning of help yourself - this woman did not intend to stop his bleeding or connect the bitten blood vessels, but to end his pain.

At this moment, Egg instinctively wanted to say something.

He has a lot of money.

These days he has used his power as Chief Inquisitor to make a lot of money, enough for any squanderer to spend several lifetimes.

He purchased a property in the Seventh Neutrals.

It is a warm seaside city, very suitable for retirement.

Iger still had a lot to say, but no matter how hard he tried, he could still make a weak hissing sound.

Then, shadows obscured his vision.

The legion commander's dangling right foot stepped down heavily.

When everything quieted down, she turned on the communication device and reported to the fleet above the cloud.

The recovery of the first-generation genetic samples has been completed... Yes, when I arrived, Father Egger had no vital signs.

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