Enforcer's Handbook

Chapter 620 I suspect someone is trying to plot against me

The sky outside the window turned fish belly white. Jasmine leaned on the back of her chair and yawned.

In the past half month, she had lived in a state of confusion. Too many incomprehensible events had happened in the outside world.

For example, the coalition government launched the Great Expedition, which was the first large-scale foreign war they launched in recent decades. Their goal was directly at the third neutral country. This should have been a hearty victory. However, The war ended in a disastrous defeat. The front line was defeated, and a resistance leader with a bounty of tens of millions was even produced.

Another example is that her teammate was seriously injured while performing official duties, so serious that he almost needed to be returned to the factory for repairs. What is even weirder is that not even he himself nor the military industry company behind him knew the identity of the attacker.

The warm-hearted Jushan has been by his side recently, paying attention to the progress of the repairs.

Jasmine felt that the world seemed to be developing in a magical direction that she could not understand.

I didn't expect you to hang out with people from the company.

The shadow imprinted on the wall bared its teeth and claws, making faces at her.

Yes, the world is indeed becoming more and more magical.

As a six-star rescuer of the coalition government, she has been living with one of the most vicious criminals in the coalition government for the past half month.

And she also gradually understood δ's temperament.

In essence, he is a child who has not grown up, has a strong rebellious mentality, and has a bit of a poisonous mouth.

Perhaps this was caused by her being confirmed dead before she was a minor.

Can you calm down for a moment?


An expected answer.

The shadows on the wall swayed even more fiercely, and the provocative voice was mixed with a smug emotion, What? The six-star rescuer Jasmine is lonely, and is she going to start looking for someone to caress her smelly feet?


Jasmine snorted and added, Besides, my feet don't stink at all.

The secret to communicating with delta is to stay calm.

The angrier you get, the happier she gets, and irritating others seems to be one of her great joys in life.

δ wanted to say something more, but was interrupted by the sound of parking coming from downstairs. But this time, she did not continue to sarcastically. The expanding shadow on the wall suddenly disappeared like a punctured ball. Without a trace.

There was no more noisy sound in the house, and it was so quiet that she could hear footsteps approaching from far away.

Dong dong dong——

The visitor stood at the door for a few seconds before knocking on the door.

This is the lounge provided for her by the Polaris Alliance. Strictly speaking, she also signed a contract with the company, but after being promoted to a six-star rescuer, the contract was transferred to the Council.

Guan Lili can be considered an old acquaintance of hers. When they met, the other person had not been promoted to the director of the company's publicity and planning department, and was busy traveling around the world every day.

Following Guan Lili was Song Lan.

This was the only reason why she agreed to this meeting.

Long time no see, Mr. Detective.

Jasmine smiled and took the initiative to say hello to Song Lan. When she was at Daystar Academy, Song Lan had left a very deep impression on her, which made her curious about the title of War Hero.

Although companies like to describe the relievers they sign in glowing terms, those titles are mostly derived from their style.

Do you know each other?

Guan Lili was slightly stunned and had to give up the introduction she had prepared all the way.

No wonder Jasmine, who never liked dealing with the filming team, readily agreed to the request to meet.

She turned her head and glared at Song Lan angrily, as if asking him why he didn't say it earlier.

Actually, we just happened to meet him once when we were at Qiming Academy.

We were investigating an important case at the time, and Mr. Song Lan provided me with many valuable ideas.

Jasmine explained with a smile.

Since you know each other, I will leave this room to you to catch up on old times.

Guan Lili said something with a wink.

Jasmine seldom complimented others, which made her realize that not only did the two of them know each other, but they also had a relatively harmonious relationship.

But before turning around and leaving, she secretly winked at Song Lan - in the car, she told Song Lan to behave well in front of Jasmine and try her best to promote cooperation.

After Guan Lili left, the atmosphere in the room was a little awkward for a while.

If you really want to count it out, in fact, they only had a brief relationship with each other. They only exchanged a few words, and they couldn't even be considered good friends.

Tell me, why do you want to meet me?

It was Jasmine who finally broke the silence, I heard that your reputation has been booming recently and everyone is talking about your deeds as a 'war hero'.

It's all nonsense. I was lucky enough to come back with my life, and it's all thanks to the supervisor. If she hadn't protected me, I might have been killed by those mutants. It's really scary.

Song Lan said with lingering fear.

Why are you thinking about going to the battlefield?

Isn't this an attempt to contribute to the coalition government?


Okay, I admit, it was the supervisor who decided to go to the front line, so I had no choice but to go along.

You are really inseparable from Lu Xiang.

This reason seemed to gain Jasmine's trust, and her eyes softened. In the past half month, she had not relaxed and chatted with anyone for a long time. After leaving the base checkpoint, she heard bad news all the way. .

This is the case even when you come to District 17.

A robbery broke out at Southeast Bank one day ago, and the method of committing the crime was exactly the same as the case she was investigating, which showed that those worms had penetrated into the city.

Jasmine calmed down and asked, Did you ask me to meet for filming? You should know that we cannot appear in the camera or in the public eye.

She was curious if people like Song Lan were also bought by the company.

After all, as long as he manages it properly, his life will be smooth in the future. Not only will he have food and clothing for the rest of his life, but he will also become a hero in the eyes of the public. Very few people can refuse such a huge temptation.

Maybe when they meet next time, he won't call him Song Lan anymore, but war hero.

No, of course not.

Song Lan shook his head.

All this was arranged by the company. If possible, he would not want to do filming and meetings at all, but would lie comfortably in bed at home.

I am a contented person. Fame, power, and wealth are not things I like to care about. They will only bring me trouble and enemies.

I rarely hear people say that.

But this time it was trouble that found me.

As the saying goes, what comes comes comes.

Even if he felt all kinds of reluctance, he couldn't get back into bed right away.

Thinking of this, Song Lan looked at Jasmine with sincere eyes and said, You may not believe me if I tell you. Someone wants to plot against me.

Thanks to Lonely*Nianhua for the 100 starting coins!

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