Enforcer's Handbook

Chapter 621 Little White Rabbit and Big Bad Wolf

Someone wants to plot against you?

Jasmine couldn't help but repeat it, because this sentence seemed familiar to her.

She remembered that the last time she met Song Lan at an exhibition held by the Ragus Foundation, the latter said something similar - if he was killed, the murderer must be an enthusiastic citizen.

That's right, that's what Song Lan said at the time.

Could it be that this Mr. Detective has a persecutory delusion?

She heard that this seemed to be an occupational disease in the detective profession. After dealing with criminals too much, anyone she met on the road might be thought of as a killer sent by the enemy.

She followed Song Lan's words and asked, Another 'enthusiastic citizen'?

No, it's not him this time, it's the bank robbers.

Bank robber?

Jasmine was even more confused, Why did they plot against you?

Because they have someone disguised as me. Look, this is the picture that the supervisor captured from the surveillance video of Southeast Bank.

Song Lan took a step back and showed the screenshots stored in her phone to Jasmine. The latter compared them for a while before saying, It is indeed very similar to You.

They wanted to frame the bank robbery on me. If I hadn't had a strong alibi at the time, they would have done it, but they didn't seem to let it go.

Why do you say that?

I always feel like someone is following me when I go home from get off work these days, and I also feel like I'm being watched when I'm in the living room at night.

Could it be that you are too nervous? I heard that the public security environment in District 17 is improving day by day, and the frequency of vicious cases has become less and less.

Although it's hard to explain, I call this feeling detective's intuition. It's been like this since I was a child. After I have a premonition, bad events often happen around me. This is also the opportunity for me to become a detective. .

So assuming your hunch is true, why are you telling me this?

Because I can trust you.

This is the process of exchanging sincerity for sincerity.

As early as when she was at Daystar Academy, Song Lan felt that Jasmine was someone she could exchange her heart with. This is the clue I recently investigated. If I am plotted against someone, I hope you can avenge me.

Song Lan sent some of the information compiled by Dr. Bai Zhu to Jasmine.

These included the identity of the Southeast Bank cybersecurity engineer they investigated, as well as the eight melted human skins that law enforcement later found in the parking lot of the mall.

The most important thing is of course what Inglie dictated to him.

Jasmine's expression became more and more solemn, especially when she saw the worm mentioned by Inglie, and she was completely confirmed that the group behind the worm had infiltrated District 17.

All right.

After a long silence, Jasmine seemed to have made up her mind, I didn't originally plan to talk to you about this. Please be mentally prepared for what I'm going to say next.

As Jasmine narrated, time went back to more than half a month ago.

That was when she left District 7. In order to suppress the potential harm of delta to the coalition government, she went to a polar research station. Her apparent mission was to protect the safety of researchers and ensure that the work of the research station could proceed smoothly. Keep going.

This is a fairly leisurely job, and she has plenty of time to study the characteristics of delta.

Until an accident occurred at the polar research station.

That afternoon, the dying deputy captain was sent back by researchers. They said that the deputy captain accidentally fell into a crack during the inspection. They immediately launched a search and rescue, and it was not until half an hour later that he was covered in blood. The deputy captain was rescued from an ice cave.

Jasmine immediately launched a rescue operation. Under the influence of the healing effect provided by the supporting psychic energy, the vice-captain quickly recovered.

She thought this was just an episode at the polar research station, but she didn't expect that it would become the prelude to a series of events that followed.

The person rescued from the ice cave by researchers that day was not the deputy captain himself.

It was not until a week later that Jasmine understood the seriousness of the problem after being reminded by δ.

The replaced vice-captain was like the original agent that spread the virus, allowing the worm to get into the bodies of all researchers.

That was Jasmine's first time dealing with worms, and by the time she realized it, the replaced researchers had activated the research station's self-destruct device.

The purpose of those worms from the beginning was to destroy the polar research station and destroy all the research data inside.

Jasmine said, Every time they appear, they have a very strong purpose. They rob banks to hoard wealth, and the destruction of the polar research station seems to be to achieve some political purpose. The entire polar research station is invested by the Ragus Foundation. property, causing the company to suffer huge losses.”

It was precisely because of the emergence of the worm that she and Delta reached some kind of subtle strategic alliance.

For some unknown reason, Delta seems to be able to sense those who have been replaced by worms.

Because on the day the counterfeit vice-captain was brought back, δ had issued a warning, but after she asked many times, δ was unwilling to tell her the secret to identifying the counterfeit.

In its words, this is a trade secret.

That's bad news for you.

Jasmine didn't intend to hide Song Lan, As far as I know, all their actions are extremely organized and disciplined. If they really want to plot against you, then it is definitely not an individual act... But this is also my problem. Once seen they act with the intention of getting rid of someone.”

This made her believe Song Lan's premonition of being followed and spied on at home.

Then I'm sure it's hopeless.

Song Lan's reaction was much calmer than Jasmine expected. He had even begun to take care of his own funeral, If they succeed, I believe you can avenge me.

Don't be discouraged yet, you still have a chance to survive.

Jasmine said, As long as we can find their liaison before they attack you, you might be able to survive.

Liaison officer?

I have dealt with them a lot in the past half month. Their tribe has an extremely strict system. What we usually see are the lowest-level engineers in the tribe. They will loyally execute all orders from the liaison officers. According to their instructions, the liaison officer is their most hidden individual in human society. According to my guess, in every city where they appear, a liaison officer will be born, and it should be somewhere in District 17 now.

Jasmine consoled her, As long as the liaison officer is eliminated, the remaining engineers will disperse and you will be safe.

I see.

Song Lan nodded seriously, We will start investigating now.

Wait a minute, this is my electronic business card.

Seeing Song Lan turning around to leave, Jasmine stopped the other party and handed her private number into his hand, Be careful.

Ten minutes after the meeting ended, the shadow of δ appeared on the wall again.

Jasmine glanced at the other person, Where were you just now?

This is not like Delta's style.

What she usually likes most is to take advantage of most people not being able to see it, and make trouble while she is talking to other people, but just now she didn't even say a word, she was as quiet as a good baby.

Go out and get some air.

δ's tone was a little stiff, as if he was hesitating to speak.

After hesitating for a long time, she tentatively asked, Hey, are you really planning to protect him?

Can't you? Protecting civilians is the duty of rescuers.


δ was speechless for a moment, and she didn't even know where to start.

It had just been hiding in the dark and witnessed the entire conversation between Jasmine and Song Lan, which made it unable to believe its ears and eyes!

The devil who eats people without spitting out their bones actually acted like he might be killed at any time, and Jasmine acted like a deceived little white rabbit who really believed it!

But it really doesn't dare to tell the truth.

If Song Lan knew that he was causing trouble behind his back, God knows what cruel methods he would use to treat it.

It's nothing, as long as you are happy.

Small theater its ninety-three:

A certain day of a certain year, a certain day, a Thursday, in the evening.

As the saying goes, if there are courses, there are exams. According to the requirements of the Council, even interest courses will eventually need to pass exams to evaluate students. If they receive an unqualified evaluation, it will directly affect their work arrangements.

Among them, Lu Xiang's course is the most serious. Although Lu Xiang's course is very interesting, the knowledge points involved are frightening, and many people go there to listen to ghost stories. Afterwards, except for the legendary experience of the criminal suspect Song, most of the knowledge points went in one ear and out the other.

Lao Lu, how do you plan to arrange the final exam?

Song Lan couldn't bear to be disturbed that day. After repeated requests from subordinates in the department, she finally agreed to help them inquire about Lu Xiang's final exam arrangements.

The key points of what was taught in the exam class were highlighted for them.

But isn't this too strict? After all, this is a hobby course and they should be allowed to pass easily.

Then how did you arrange it?

I'm going to go through the motions and just let everyone pass the exam.


Song Lan has always used this opportunistic method to become the most popular person in various departments. Everyone hopes that their leader is Song Lan.

How about you give them some slack?

Is this your request or their request?

It can be mine.

Okay, since you have spoken... Lu Xiang glanced at his watch, I should be able to go home early today, it depends on your sincerity.

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