Enforcer's Handbook

Chapter 663 Civil War

For a moment, δ thought that the demon in front of him had discovered his conscience and planned to reveal his true identity to Jasmine who was kept in the dark. However, this unrealistic fantasy was shattered in the next second - Song Lan appeared in front of everyone. Face, without blushing or heartbeat, he made up another lie.

What makes her even more desperate is that the simple and easy-to-deceive Jasmine once again believed this devil who was full of lies.

She lowered her face and said seriously, I should have thought that MI7 had also sneaked in here. So, the former recruit named Mo Lian is your partner, right?

Jasmine's reasoning made δ's eyes darken.

Even though he was pretending to be a famous detective, he was still played by the devil.

It was really hard to stand this scene.

δ seems to have some understanding of why it and Jasmine have traveled to so many places, but they haven't met anyone who is willing to make a deal with it in exchange for Jasmine's life - who would hold grudge against such a girl?

But it couldn't express all its thoughts in front of the devil. It could only secretly make up its mind to download an anti-fraud software on Jasmine's phone after this incident was over.

But at the same time, its understanding of the devil has also changed slightly.

Although the devil is cruel, cunning, and cold-blooded, at least he is trustworthy. During the long period of time he took Jasmine back to the hospital, he did not do anything unnecessary other than helping them eliminate the thought control order of the operating system.

But when I thought about it, I suddenly felt that maybe this was just because the devil looked down on human beings at all. Even the six-star savior who stood at the top of mankind would not be taken seriously by him.

The conversation between Song Lan and Jasmine continued, Yes, Mo Lian is also a very experienced agent, but while you were sleeping, a lot of things happened outside. They discovered that their predecessor was in power. Now the Capello and Monk families have unanimously pointed the finger at the Gilvis family.

Although they took Jasmine and Rose away from the scene before the consortium knights arrived, the maze under the wax museum was exposed to everyone.

Murdering the leader of a consortium is an extremely serious crime, serious enough to immediately subject Richard Gilvis to trial as a suspect. Fortunately, Richard's whereabouts are unknown at the moment. According to the investigation at the scene, it was discovered that The person who caused widespread destruction in the underground labyrinth was none other than the Chief Knight.

And Rose is exactly equivalent to Richard's personal bodyguard.

With the impetus of the Capello and Monk families, Richard Gilvais has been deemed a fugitive in fear of crime. He has been charged with murdering his uncle in order to consolidate power.

The most important thing is...

He really wasn't wronged by this accusation.

It was Richard who got rid of the former leader of the consortium. To this end, he also bribed those who were loyal to him and caused a plane crash.

But in fact, his uncle has been imprisoned in the underground palace he built with his own hands. Together with the dream of the ruler behind him, it rotted and decayed in an unknown dungeon. In the end, only a weathered white skeleton was left as proof. He has always been here.

Then, the time when worms sneaked into human society was much earlier than they speculated, because that was already more than ten years ago.

Tonight's incident has brought forward the civil war in the consortium.

Now there is no one within the consortium who can take charge of the overall situation.

Jasmine came to the window and looked at the castle lit up by the light. The originally empty road was crowded with people. Each knight group was making its final assembly, and this time, their opponents were probably those who had fought alongside them. Brother who passed.

Those consortium members who still took a wait-and-see attitude and wanted to wait until the situation became clear before making a decision also had to make a decision in a very short period of time.

Their decisions at this moment will determine their fate, and that of the entire family, for decades to come.

The era of Richard Gilvis is over.

It's just that none of them could have imagined that it would end in such a sudden and hasty way.

He didn't even give others a chance to send him to the gallows for trial before he suddenly disappeared without a trace.

In the towering attic, Colin Capello was overlooking the grand scene of the castle. Those hesitant people finally made a wise decision - just now, he received a series of good news.

Except for the knights who are most loyal to the other two families, the armed forces of other consortium members will be at his disposal. He already controls more than 73% of the troops in the second district.

And now, God has given him a legitimate reason to send troops.

The whereabouts of Richard Gilvis are unknown, but there are others among them who continue this sinful and greedy bloodline.

Someone has to pay for the death of the previous syndicate leader.

A moment later, Colin Cappello heard movement from the master bedroom. The sound was very soft, not like the sound of pushing the door. As soon as he turned around, he saw the maid appearing in the bedroom in an extremely strange way. The ritual circle imprinted on the floor exuded a scarlet light, complementing her enchanting eyes.

But she walked out from being surrounded by tentacles, and her snug-fitting maid uniform was soaked by the viscous liquid of unknown composition.

This scene made Colin feel a little nauseous. Then, he noticed the maid's empty wrists, and his mood suddenly hit rock bottom, What's wrong with your hands?

He didn't know the details of the maid. She was placed with him by his father.

This was the first time in a long time that he had seen the other party injured.

The wound had not healed, and the empty part made him feel uneasy. This at least meant that there was still someone in the castle who could hurt her at this moment.

That may bring changes to this civil war.

Is it made by Yueji?

Colin could only think of this name. According to the news he received, Yueji and Richard disappeared together. However, Colin did not think that this was absconding out of fear of crime, but that the person in front of him had abided by their agreement and got rid of to overcome the stumbling blocks in front of them.

No, I just happened to meet an old friend. It's okay.

The maid ignored her empty cuffs. The continuous light in the castle made her involuntarily excited. She still preferred to enjoy the atmosphere outside than reminiscing with old friends.

The knights have been assembled and can take action at any time.

Not in a hurry.

The maid came to Colin Capello's side and said, Before that, let's add more fire to this event.

At the same time, a panicked figure broke into Isabel's bedroom.

The fire was blazing outside the window, and Isabel spent the whole night in fear and anxiety.

The Winter Knights had already assembled and were stationed in front of the Gilvis family's residence, but even so, they could not bring her any sense of security.

Because she heard people say that her father murdered her uncle for power, and now she has absconded with the help of Yue Ji.

Some people also say that Capello and the Monk family have reached a temporary strategic alliance. Maybe it won't be long before their knights rush into the Gilvis family's residence.

Isabel had never been so flustered until the maid's voice brought her back to reality, Miss!

When she came to her senses, the maid was already behind her.

Isabel stared at the other person blankly, completely out of ideas.

The situation is urgent now. Madam asked you to go to her immediately.


Isabel nodded obediently and stood up, without even having time to adjust her clothes.

By the way, miss, do you know something?

When she followed the maid to the door, the other party suddenly stopped. Her voice no longer had the liveliness and gentleness of the past. It sounded like a pool of stagnant water. Actually, I really, really hate you.

The sound of wind that broke through the air made Isabel freeze on the spot.

She saw the dagger with a cold light in the hand of the maid. For the top student of Morning Star, this kind of attack was originally nothing. However, in a state of confusion, Isabel just stayed in place.

Blood splattered everywhere.

Thick red liquid crossed her eyes, and the smell of blood entered her nostrils, but the pain she expected did not come. It took nearly ten seconds for her to realize that the blood on the wall did not come from her throat, but from her. personal maid.

A flying knife penetrated the maid's palm, fixing the hand holding the knife on the wall.

The maid stared at the figure who suddenly appeared with resentful eyes, but the other person seemed to see through all her actions. When the maid's other hand reached to her waist, another dagger was nailed to the wall.


The maid screamed in pain or anger.

I didn't teach you this just to let you assassinate the eldest lady.

The head maid responded with a cold look.

Is it?

Isabel's personal maid suddenly showed a scary smile, Then let me show you other skills.

The head maid's pupils shrank.

She hugged Isabel with almost no hesitation, and without caring that doing so might cause the eldest lady to be injured, she directly opened the attic window and jumped out of the window.

At the moment when the sound of breaking glass was heard, the aftermath of the explosion changed the trajectory of the two's fall. The wind pressure almost instantly lifted them more than ten meters away, until they fell into the Winter Knights' garrison in embarrassment. among.

The head maid turned her body into a flesh pad, and the moment she landed on the ground, she coughed up a mouthful of blood due to the impact.

She stared in the direction of the attic.

She had never seen such an explosion before. What was left in the area where the bomb hit was not a ruin. Most of the splendid noble residence had disappeared out of thin air, not even the wreckage was left.

If she hadn't seen the other party's next actions clearly in advance, she and Isabel would have turned into nothingness at this moment.

The head maid ignored the pain in her body. She struggled to get up from the ground and put her hand on Isabel's shoulder. Miss, please cheer up!

Now, it's far from time to rest.

Once the Winter Knights' last line of defense is broken through, what awaits Isabel will be an extremely tragic fate.

Isabel seemed to have finally come back to her senses and asked anxiously, Where is mother?

The madam asked me to take you away first. She wants to stay to clean up the mess.


There is no room for negotiation.

Isabel looked at the beautiful face in front of her that was stained with blood in order to save her, and couldn't help but shrink her neck, and her voice lowered, Okay, I'll go with you.

Small theater one hundred and eleven:

It was a Tuesday, a certain day, a certain year, a certain month, late at night.

In order to alleviate the increasingly boring life of the starship members, Song Lan was heartbroken. He finally found Devourer with the idea of ​​creating some danger when there was no danger.

So, that morning, the facehugger that the crew was obsessed with lurked inside the starship.

At first, the surveillance footage of the facehugger did cause a panic, which also caused the crew to stop all recreational activities and start detailed and rigorous work on the starship.

However, the crisis did not last long.

After an afternoon of adjustment, people changed from isolating and preparing escape cabins to teaming up to find the whereabouts of the facehuggers.

Because according to a crew member who did not want to be named, after being attacked by a facehugger, not only will it not be transformed into an alien form, but it will feel soft and warm, a bit similar to... the feeling of having your chest buried.

I suspect there is a pervert on board the starship!

After a day of escaping, the Facehugger slipped into Song Lan's room and complained about his experience in its own unique language - it was a terrifying alien creature, not a pet!

These crew members have no respect for the terrifying alien creatures!

Why do they say that when you attacked them, it made them feel like they were burying their chests?

They're talking nonsense!

In order to prove his innocence, the facehugger flew onto Song Lan's face.

After a while, Song Lan held it in his hands. It was indeed soft and not aggressive, but he could testify that it was definitely different from the feeling of burying his chest.

Identification is completed,

The crew members who spread the rumors must not have really buried their chests.

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