Enforcer's Handbook

Chapter 664: There is no end to the sea of ​​suffering, but turning back is the end of the world

Fire, crowds, and a shaky consortium.

Everything in front of her reminded Isabel of the musical performances she had watched when she was a child. They liked to depict the life of the last nobles, and it was said that the scripts were all treasures left before the Third War.

She still clearly remembered reading a revenge epic about a lonely nobleman.

The current scene is exactly the same as what was depicted in the musical.

But unlike those fictional or adapted stories, everything around her at this moment was actually happening.

Perhaps, she would also die like the last noble ladies in the script. She even heard the head maid say that in that era, the fate of the truly declining nobles was much more tragic than what was written in the script.

Maid maid, will I die?

Isabel was dragged by the arm by the head maid, and she was running around the familiar castle. She could clearly feel that the head maid was in very bad health because of falling from the building.

The father was deemed a sinner, and the mother had to stay at the family station to face a war that was bound to fail.


The head maid tried to keep her voice as soft as possible, Miss, you will survive.


Another thunderous explosion ripped through the night sky, causing Isabel to scream almost reflexively.

The head maid took a quick glance and said, It's the residence of the Monk family.

She frowned. It seemed that the alliance between Capello and the Monk family was false. Their real purpose was probably to eliminate all competitors once and for all through this civil war, and to control the Iris Consortium from now on. Take firm control in your own hands.

The last order Mrs. Kalida gave her was to take Isabel out of the second area before the civil war ended.

Madam never thought of winning this civil war from the beginning.

The more difficult problem is that Isabel's emotions are on the verge of collapse. She has never seen the eldest lady so distracted.


This scene is the most realistic portrayal of the declining aristocracy.

The head maid gritted her teeth and quickened her pace again.

With her current physical condition, she simply cannot lead Isabel to escape the pursuit of the Capello family. What's more, as a maid of the family, her body has been installed with a tracking device by the consortium. After the Capello family wins the civil war, Colin Their whereabouts can be located at any time.

In desperation, a person appeared in her mind.

Maid maid, what are we doing here...?

Isabel looked up at the lonely and harmless consortium hospital. When the head maid came to the door of the hospital, she was exhausted and put her arms on the door to prevent herself from falling down immediately.

The excessive blood loss was eroding her remaining sanity, but before entering the door, she still had some important things to tell Isabel in person.

Miss... this civil war is much more complicated than you think. The person who attacked me before was Lord Richard, so I can't resist him.


This sudden news made Isabel's pupils dilated.

I don't know what the Capello family did to him, but the current Mr. Richard is no longer the person you are familiar with.

On the night of the attack, when her consciousness was lost, she finally saw clearly the figure hidden in the darkness.

That's Colin Capello's personal maid.

I will entrust a trustworthy person to take you out of the second area. After that... please never come back here again.

Even Song Lan, who happened to be passing by, was touched by the scene that happened at the entrance of the consortium hospital, and realized that being a maid in the Iris Consortium was really a dangerous position.

The head maid was once again bathed in blood, and during the few times they met, the other party was injured.

At the same time, he had an ominous premonition in his heart.

The head maid noticed Song Lan behind the door, and her eyes that gradually became distracted seemed to glow with brilliance. She used her last strength to push open the door of the hospital and stumbled towards Song Lan, Mr. Lu Qi, please stay.

Considering the possibility of fainting at any time, she could only express her purpose as concisely as possible, The Capello family has launched a war. It is dangerous for you to stay here. I will do my best to protect you from leaving the castle. But I hope you can agree to my request...please take Miss Isabel out of District 2, preferably out of the coalition government, so that she can live in a place no one knows.

She knew the request was too heavy for a chef to ask.

This journey is dangerous, and he may be overtaken by the killers of the Capello family at any time. Not only that, but the Gilvis family, which has lost power, can no longer pay him a high reward.

But now, the head maid can no longer find anyone trustworthy.

The Knights of Winter, Lady Khalida, and everything she is doing at this moment are all to enable Isabel to survive this civil war.

It stands to reason that Song Lan has never accepted the loyalty test of the consortium and family. This is undoubtedly a rash decision, but this time, she decided to trust her intuition.

She thought of something and took out a green gem. The gem exuded a bright light, and the emblem of the Gilvis family was faintly revealed in the light.

He handed it to the other party and said, This is what Mrs. Kalida gave to me. You may be able to use it one day in the future.

Isabel's eyes widened, This is a family treasure...

Slow down, slow down.

Song Lan took a step back. He just went downstairs to get water and was involved in such a heavy atmosphere.

The family of a declining noble entrusted his care for the daughter of a wealthy man who was in trouble. From then on, the two left the coalition government and traveled among neutral countries, struggling to avoid being hunted down...

This is obviously not the life he wants to see.

His ideal retirement life is to lie in a comfortable big house every day, with the air conditioner blowing, and live a calm and regular life like a plant.

Unfortunately, I cannot agree to your request.

The head maid and Isabel were both stunned by this decisive refusal. Song Lan pointed at the members of the Scarlet Knights who surrounded the entire building, And you probably didn't notice that you were being followed when you came here, right? .

Impossible, only family members know our whereabouts.

That means your family members can't be trusted either.

They may have been replaced by worms, or they may have defected to the Capello family in order to save their lives in the civil war.

Among the crowd, Song Lan saw a familiar face.

As if to make Song Lan recognize him, the Scarlet Lord took off his helmet and showed an ugly and ferocious smile to the people inside from a distance.

He winked at the crowd, and the knights immediately moved out of the way.

Immediately afterwards, a man who was screaming in pain was brought into the consortium hospital by the Scarlet Lord himself.

The person he brought in was also one of the new friends Song Lan had made in the castle these days.

It seems that our young master Frantin Monk is in urgent need of treatment.

The accompanying knight threw Farantine, who was covered in blood, heavily to the floor. After all, he is now the only heir to the Monk family's bloodline.

You despicable people, I won't let you go!

Frantin's bloodshot eyes widened and he roared on the floor.

Not long ago, the core members of the Monk family gathered together and held a meeting to form an alliance with the Capello family.

But at this moment, a member of the Guards suddenly broke into the conference room and destroyed the entire conference room like a suicide bomb.

All family members were killed on the spot. He had diarrhea and escaped by going downstairs to the toilet. However, before he could assemble the knights, the lord who was loyal to them launched a rebellion, and the few remaining relatives There was nothing the Guard members could do to keep him safe.

Frantine soon fell into the hands of the rebels, and was then presented to the Capello family like a trophy.

Miss, I happened to overhear your conversation just now. There is no need to be so pessimistic. Master Colin has a benevolent heart and decided to let you live.

The Scarlet Knight stepped on the struggling Frantin, preventing the latter from shouting anymore.

After the Scarlet Lord took control of the situation, Colin Capello finally came in front of everyone. His voice was the only one left in the hall. His fiery eyes looked back and forth at Isabel without hesitation, I specially arranged a job that will allow you to survive in the future...Have you heard that there is a bar outside the castle, where you may be able to find a good job.

Despair fell upon the crowd.

Then, he glanced at the shaky head maid, As for you, I promised my most loyal lord that you will become their trophy.

This war seemed to be coming to an end, and Colin could not conceal his excitement. What was in front of him at this moment was no longer a competitor for power, but the spoils waiting to be distributed by the victor.

And him.

The Scarlet Lord suddenly pointed his finger at the silent Song Lan, I reminded you that if you violate our agreement, I will definitely find you.

Hearing this, a figure hidden in the darkness walked through the crowd excitedly and landed on Song Lan's shoulder.

Ye Heron just stood there without saying a word, but the amber pupils were already as bright as a searchlight.

She thought that maybe the Scarlet Lord was just a bit uglier, but he actually had a heart of gold.

He knew that he had not eaten much during this period, so he spared no effort to provide her with opportunities to eat more.

The searchlight-like gaze swept across the helmets of every knight present.

Faced with this situation, Song Lan could only sigh helplessly, And I also told you that there is no end to the sea of ​​suffering, but once you turn around, you will reach the shore.

History repeats itself in front of him again and again, and the new friends he makes always ignore his earnest advice.

Maid maid, there is a reason why I rejected you before.

He took a step forward and stood between the two parties, Sorry, I deceived you before. I am not a chef, but a secret agent of MI7 CP0.

As he spoke, he looked directly into Colin Capello's eyes. Although he knew the hope was slim, he still had a glimmer of hope and said, I hope you can give me some face and end this farce.

Song Lan sincerely hopes that Lu Xiang can understand that he is really trying his best to save those friends who have gone astray.

Unfortunately, many of his friends were in too deep.

He always had to send them to a better place with his own hands in a sad mood.

Friendly recommend a book!

The Illustrated Book of Evil Girls, interested readers can check it out!

The red moon is in the sky, the fog is invading, and natural disasters have destroyed everything that mankind is proud of.

Lack of resources, human mutation, and the order and peace we had in the past have all become old history.

In the eighty-second year of the Red Moon, Lin Lan came to this world with a Red Moon Illustrated Book and became the chief of a small police station in the outer city that was abandoned by the people in the inner city, a... female police chief.

Well, there is actually nothing wrong with being a woman. Anyway, she didn't expect that she would have a beautiful love since she was single.

But...there are so many vicious criminals waiting for me to conquer them, Gan! Are you sure this is real?

Looking at the pairs of beautiful eyes looking at her in front of them, their eyes were full of expectations for Lin Lan.

Lin Lan, who was full of her expectations, sighed, stood on the steps and waved her hand: In that case, then I will be the queen.

This is a story about a district police chief who leads a group of prisoners toward a better life.

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