Enforcer's Handbook

Chapter 727 Salted Fish Attack

There are more and more missing people in District 1.

According to Yakon's description, if those missing people eventually became the plant's meal, then it is not difficult to see that the plant's appetite is becoming more and more powerful.

Jasmine felt that she needed to inform Rob Luqi of this discovery and let the invincible Mr. Luqi think of a solution.

As a witness to several incidents, Yakong also made an exception to participate in this internal meeting of the special operations department of MI7.

He asked during the meeting, I don't understand, why do they have to eat people?

Because for them, humans are a high-quality food.

Song Lan said, the thought of how many salty fish friends were buried in the mouth of the plant made his heart feel heavy.

Why high-end ingredients?

“Human beings possess ideas and spiritual powers, and these are their favorite nourishments.”

The above content is all provided by Ye Heron. On this topic, Ye Heron has a strong say, because not only has she eaten corpses, but even those man-eating plants have entered her stomach. She is one of the few people in the coalition government currently. foodie.

Yacon and Jasmine looked at each other.

They didn't know where Mr. Dodge got these conclusions, but his confident tone made them willing to believe these theories.

They can only figure it out in their hearts.


Mr. Lucci also ate some unusual things.

After all, before coming to District 1, he had lurked into the Iris Consortium's castle as a wandering chef. As a chef who had been around the outside world for many years, it was understandable that he had eaten some things that others had never eaten.

Coupled with the nature of MI7's work...

An answer was ready to come out in Jasmine's heart.

Mr. Luqi may have sneaked into the cannibal tribe in his early years. Because of his work, he had to become a qualified cannibal and live with them day and night.

The strange looks in Jasmine and Ya Kong's eyes made Song Lan's heart tighten, and he smelled Xiao Heizi's breath.

Recently, he has developed a radar for detecting black people. Since his trip to Daystar Academy, he has been suffering from personal attacks that should not be experienced at this age. If he remembers correctly, when he first met δ , the other party also spread his cannibal remarks.

This is really unreasonable!

The truth is that not only has he never eaten a human being, he has also been keeping a vulture in check, which directly led to her not eating a corpse for a long time. Can there be any better behavior in the world than this?

Then what should we do now?

Finally, the serious Rose brought the topic back, Your theory can also be explained by the fact that the more people eat those plants, the more powerful they will become.

The recent increasingly frequent disappearances of people seem to indirectly prove that the High Council is preparing to launch a war. They know that the Chairman of the Senate is still alive, but they don’t know where he is hiding. For them, the only way is to completely eradicate the Chairman and the Senate. With the power he had left, they could sleep well at night.

We should increase the general public's awareness of self-prevention. They should avoid going out at night as much as possible, refuse unreasonable overtime requirements, and take good care of their bodies. The body is the capital of revolution.

Everyone else in the conference room fell silent.

They thought Song Lan would rise up and lead them to set fire to the plants and burn them completely.

In the end, it was the honest man Yacon who put forward a different view, Shouldn't we go to the underground waterway to investigate in depth? I'm sure that's its lair.

Your encounter with Mr. Hogg proves that its body is not in this world. No matter how many times you burn them, they will re-infiltrate into this world.

Then how do we find its identity?

This is something I've been studying all my life.

Song Lan didn't know who had ruined the atmosphere. Domination and the god that high-ranking council members believed in had adopted circuitous tactics and never showed up easily. The only method Song Lan knew so far was, It is during the fishing club meeting that you can reach the other side through specific plants.

But Hogg also mentioned that those plants have autonomous recognition capabilities, so it should be difficult for him to pass this review.

To make matters worse, Jock and Hogg have also broken up. They may never invite Hogg to the fishing boat club party again. In addition, Hogg has to return to District 6 in the past few days to deal with Jock’s Instigated family strife.

The Foster family is not at peace either, and some people want to kick him out.

The last clue left is the botanist Trian, but even Dr. Bai Zhu can't find her whereabouts.

I think we could use those airships.

You mean we can use airships to drop plant-killing drugs?

Jasmine's eyes lit up.

There's no such drug, and they're all hiding underground.

Song Lan shook his head, We need to broadcast advertisements through those airships and radios, and the expenses can be reimbursed by MI7 and the Chairman of the Review Board.


The next morning, senior councilors, including Jock, heard the bad news.

Some people are using airships to spread inappropriate remarks, and even many online channels have been contaminated. Those remarks are teaching people how to work moderately and promoting health regimens. They haven't investigated the cause of the time anomaly yet. These bastards happened again.

Surely no one will believe such unrealistic remarks...

This was Jock's first reaction.

But he soon discovered that he was wrong, because his secretary told him that yoga had even begun to be practiced in the company.

There was a lot of discussion in the high-level council, and every member looked unhappy.

They all seem to have received bad news from their respective companies.

Why do they dare to do this?

Aren't they afraid of getting fired?

Jiao Ke was puzzled. It stands to reason that those who can be assigned to work in the first area are people who have been thoroughly domesticated by them. The obedience index is there. Even if they face relatively excessive work requirements, they will only accept it. , but now, some unidentified gossip has changed their minds!

What is this? Who called on the news for workers to unite?

Jock suppressed his anger forcibly, and the content of today's meeting also turned into a discussion about the unknown news offensive. Senior councilors thought it was a conspiracy of the Ragus Foundation, but after careful analysis, they found that the Ragus Foundation seemed They have also become victims, and their companies have also experienced large-scale incidents of fishing and laziness.

The power of a fishing employee is limited, and the company has countless ways to deal with them, but if they unite together, they will become a force that cannot be ignored. They cannot fire everyone in the workplace. What's more, many of them are still in the state of loan work, and the cost of their prosthetics has not been paid off through work. Now is not the time to kick them out.

Because of this, the core of office politics is to divide and conquer these people and prevent them from joining together.

Amend the Artificial Intelligence Act and let them know that if they continue to make trouble like this, they will be the unlucky ones in the end.

A senior council member said with a dark face.

The Artificial Intelligence Bill is a bill compiled during the chairman's term to adjust the social conflicts caused by artificial intelligence. It strictly limits the use of artificial intelligence in various positions. However, it is the high-level parliament that is in power now. Artificial intelligence usage can be modified at any time.

Those disobedient employees must know that there is nothing special about them at all, and artificial intelligence can replace them at any time!

...There are also problems on the artificial intelligence side.

Soon, lawmakers discovered a more serious crisis.

The cohesion of artificial intelligence is much stronger than beating workers. After listening to today's broadcast, the artificial intelligences in various companies all chose to go on strike. The employees of the company may also consider that they cannot go too far and behave inappropriately. However, artificial intelligence has no such worries at all.

They do not receive wages and have no job requirements.

Someone put a virus into the artificial intelligence!

This shows that the opponent is much more cunning than we thought.

The successive bad news calmed Jock down. “They anticipated that we might pass the Artificial Intelligence Act to put pressure on employees, so they instigated AI in advance.”

This reminded him of the artificial intelligence that went out of control in various parts of the coalition government not long ago. Until now, the company has not been able to complete the recovery of those out-of-control robots and does not know where they finally escaped. Even the top engineers do not know. What kind of virus had infected their creations? They could only force them back to normal by restoring factory settings.

However, it turned out that this had little effect.

According to statistics, artificial intelligence that is restored to factory settings has a very high probability of causing problems again.

Distort the minds of company employees and instigate rebellion against artificial intelligence...

Senior lawmakers have realized the seriousness of the situation.

It seemed that for the first time, they had encountered an enemy whose ultimate goal was not to blow up a building, assassinate a company executive, or cause a huge number of casualties and cause panic.

Even in this change and turmoil, no casualties occurred.

The other party just made people stop working and pay attention to the non-work part, but the harm caused by this was much more serious than blowing up a building with a tactical nuclear bomb.

The last thing they want to see is a certain person or a certain idea uniting the company's employees, because numerically speaking, the latter are the majority.

That group of people must be found.

Jock said, Counterintelligence, MI7, the Terrorist Mobile Team or the law enforcement department, no matter who they are, as long as they can still work, they will investigate this matter!

One hundred and forty-three of the small theater:

It was Friday evening on a certain day of a certain month of a certain year.

Lu Xiang finally realized the joy of traveling with a tour group. The tour guide could always think of some games that suited her needs.

For example, in this game called Pushing Hands, two people stand face to face, and the one who makes the other person lose their center of gravity by pushing their palms wins. It sounds simple and easy to understand, but Song Lan said that these tourists have no idea. What are they going through.

These people are trying to make the head of the counterintelligence department of the coalition government, who has undergone countless rigorous militarized training and has a strong desire to win, lose his focus in a small game!

I choose to admit defeat.

As a wise person, Song Lan directly chose to abstain.

In aspects involving physical strength, he has never been Lu Xiang's opponent.


Lu Xiang grabbed him with quick eyes and hands. Her eyes were blazing and she seemed to have a competitive mentality, Come on, come on!

Song Lan reluctantly stood opposite Lu Xiang.

The moment the tour guide announced the start of the game, Lu Xiang launched an attack on him - she had already made a plan. The outcome of the game was not important. What was important was that she could take the opportunity to pretend to lose focus.

But some problems occurred during the operation.

Song Lan, who had no intention of fighting, admitted defeat at the beginning and took a step back. As a result, before he could stand firmly, he was knocked into the arms of Lu Xiang who was leaning forward. Then the two of them hugged each other and fell to the ground. ground.

Seeing this, the tour guide's eyelids twitched violently.

Two tourists, this is a small game, please respect yourself.

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