Enforcer's Handbook

Chapter 728 Slave

The day's meeting ended hastily, and every council member was extremely busy with matters related to their respective companies.

They know very well that the wealth and resources they have accumulated are the capital that will allow them to occupy a place when the new era comes.

For those disobedient company employees, they used both hard and soft methods to coerce and induce them, and they must not be allowed to unite. At this time, the role of biopharmaceutical company technology will be reflected, no matter when and where, The guards can always faithfully carry out all the instructions they receive, without needing to rest or bargaining with them.

It's a pity that their thinking ability is really limited and they are not capable of tasks that require thinking and precise operation.

The only thing they can do is to pick up those who are lazy while sleeping and send them back to their posts with forceful means.

For a time, the first district was full of complaints.

Because according to the company's system, every employee has the right to rest, and each of them has accumulated vacation time. But now, let alone vacation, even taking a nap when sleepy has become a forbidden matter, even if they If you fall asleep at your desk, you will be woken up immediately by the guards using rough methods.

They could not think of any resistance to those door gods who were as tall as hills, and could only reluctantly return to work under their guard like prisoners.

This feeling is getting stronger and stronger.

When the pie-making tactic failed, the company's managers revealed their true colors. Each of them was a slave of the company and had no freedom at all.

Looking at the staff who had temporarily returned to their posts, the senior councilors finally breathed a sigh of relief.

This is the importance of mastering force. If you cannot convince the other party, use force to make them submit - this is the strategy they have always adopted, whether externally or internally.

On the other side, Lu Xiang also witnessed all this happening.

Opposite Galaxy Transportation Company is a subsidiary of one of the high-ranking congressmen. Not long ago, a group of guards entered the company. They divided into two groups, and some of them drove out all the people in the lounge and guarded them. No one is allowed to enter the floor where the lounge is located.

The other part guards the staff's offices. Now, even going out to work or going to the toilet must be approved by the guards. Anyone who plans to break in or resist will be ruthlessly beaten by the guards Knocked to the ground.

Faced with these biological weapons, even if they had transplanted prosthetic bodies, they would have to wait on the ground for a while before they could get up after being punched.

What are you going to do next?

Lu Xiang couldn't help but become worried. She knew that the company opposite was a microcosm of the entire first district, and conflicts and resentment had already arisen. Based on her experience, if the conflict plan continued, it would inevitably turn into a riot and bloodshed.

Without the intervention of outside forces, this is tantamount to committing suicide.

The people in power of the company are not afraid of employees launching a rebellion at all. A team of guards can easily suppress a company. According to their usual methods, they will execute those who are the leaders, imprinting the seeds of fear in everyone's heart.

At least they're out of the compliance index now.

He didn't know who invented the obedience index, but for company leaders, it can undoubtedly be called one of the most historic inventions of this century, because it once allowed workers to ignore their situation. He willingly accepted a series of unequal treaties from the company and was even proud of it.

Even those who have been squeezed out of their value and eventually kicked out by the company will not remember what the company did to them.

The coalition government has spent decades changing their minds, turning them into corporate resources using digitized metrics, and now there is a crack in the firm rule.

And after that?

Lu Xiang couldn't help but worry about their future. She knew very well that the higher-ups wanted them to use force, so that they would have enough reason to suppress their actions, and then publicize them through the media to attribute the responsibility to those who took the lead. , defining them as undercover agents of the resistance, or spies sent by neutral countries.

The vacant positions will soon be filled.

Although people despise corporate dogs on the Internet, there are countless people who want to be them and work hard for the company.

Lu Xiang didn't know if Song Lan had thought of this.

Merely removing people from the Compliance Index will only put them in more danger.

“Not all resistance needs to be through force.”

If his ultimate goal is to get rid of all high-ranking lawmakers, then there is no need for these workers to help launch a corporate war.

Everyone is so busy at work now, even the high-ranking MPs.

It is entirely possible that, like the dead secretary-general, they accidentally fell down in the office or on the way home and died in an accident.

Lao Lu, do you think I'm just sitting here basking in the sun?

Is not it?

I don't deny it. Song Lan admitted frankly, But while basking in the sun, I inevitably saw what happened in the company opposite. The guards who were sent kept watching like supervisors. them.

Biological weapons are far more loyal to the company than machines, and they will never be affected by other minds.

But Song Lan discovered that these were all for a reason.

Because the guards have no brains, they are just like a programmed program and will only faithfully execute the instructions given to them.

If they are really that useful, then the company should let them directly replace the work of employees instead of acting as supervisors.

This shows that they are simply not qualified for high-precision or thinking tasks, and the company still needs them to be in their positions.

Of course, when biopharmaceutical companies are studying them, what they want is some humanoid weapons that will never betray.

They even took the initiative to eliminate the thinking ability of the guards because researchers know very well that thoughts are the most dangerous thing.

This means that they can't judge the efficiency of employees, they can only make sure that each of them is sitting in their seats and not falling asleep. They also cannot understand how to distinguish between fishing and slacking off.

What he said can only be done by people with the ability to think independently.

“Just because they’re sitting at a desk doesn’t mean they’re working hard.”

When it comes to fishing, Song Lan feels that no one has more say than herself.

He has been practicing various fishing methods. Not to mention a group of guards who do not have the ability to think independently, even the former head of the logistics department and even Lu Xiang can use a series of methods when they are in front of him. Fool their eyes.


Lu Xiang stared at Song Lan in surprise. She almost immediately recalled Song Lan's various behaviors at her job, Did you plan it from the beginning?

It is still a bloodless method, but it can cause the company to suffer huge losses in a short period of time.

This gave her an idea.

The truly terrifying enemy for the company may not be the rebels, but the salted fish.

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