His last memory was that he vomited and the thought in his mind was "Let the housekeeper clean up tomorrow, but unfortunately my mahogany floor..." Then he woke up again, but returned to his 16-year-old.

  I woke up one morning in Yuxing's house.

  Wu Shaobai remembered this morning.

  For a lifetime, the memory remains fresh.

  On the first morning, he had just found Yu Xuan with his back at home, met him in a way that even surpassed the rules of cross talk apprenticeship, took out the incense he made and lit it, then knelt on the ground with a bowl of water for Yu Xuan Bangbang Bang kowtowed three times, put the bowl of water to his mouth and took a sip under the silly appearance of the middle-aged man with a cigarette in his mouth.

  Then he asked Yu Xuan whose eyes were dull:

  "Master, can I be your apprentice?"


  "In the future, I will be your great disciple."


  "You can't go back. I charged you [-] yuan less for the medicine for the throat that I packaged in the pharmacy. The pot of medicine was made by myself, otherwise the effect would be so good. Is it?"


  "So you have to accept me, and we are even. From now on, you will be my master. I will eat and live with you. If you care about my stuttering, I will do it with you. Later, when you and your mistress are old, I will do it with you. Give the two of you the best of luck in retirement."


  "That's all we've settled on! Master, you drank the tea, and I kowtowed on my head. We have no regrets. I regret that I deceived my teacher and killed my ancestors, and I will be punished. If you kowtow after me If you don't accept me, you will be struck by thunder."


  Yu Xuan subconsciously held a snort... Then he realized that something was wrong...

  I... I just took on an apprentice?

  Looking at the child with a handsome and handsome face, although he hasn't grown yet, he can see that he will not be wrong in the future... His heart is already filled with absurd thoughts...

  I just accepted a... an apprentice of unknown origin?

  And Wu Shaobai could never have imagined... that he could be reborn after that day...

  Seeing the messy hair, Yu Xuan, who had just woken up and walked in with a fried spoon in his hand, was a little stunned and shouted in disbelief:


  Yu Xuan smiled:

  "Awake? Okay, hurry up and practice. Although I don't know where you came from... But I made an agreement with your wife and I will take you to the mall to buy clothes after dinner."


  Wu Shaobai looked at Yu Xuan, who didn't have so many folds on his face, as if he had passed away.


  "Small white."

  Wang Hai hesitated.

  In fact, he really wanted to persuade the child to do it.

  After getting along for half a year, he really liked this apprentice that Brother Xuan'er had accepted.I won't talk about the knowledge and reason. The most important thing is that this child is talking, dealing with people, and his skills... The unreasonable medical skills not only cured his cervical spondylosis for many years, but also helped his daughter-in-law to recover from the birth of the child. The back pain that started was healed.

  Who in the current Deyun Society has a headache and is looking for him to make sure.

  Although the origin is a bit mysterious... No one can figure it out, but Wu Shaobai has a very high status in his heart.

  But now watching Wu Shaobai, who is about to open his performance, is still a stand-up comedian, Wang Hai is really scared.

  I'm afraid he will say bad things.

  That's a stand-up comedy... It's all on one's own to tease and hold the joke, and it's more difficult than the two of them working together.It's a lot of fun to say it well, but it's not good to say it...According to the habits of Tianjin people, although it is not about smashing bricks, it is a common thing to coax people down.

  The people here are really old fans, and they can't be fooled at all.

  Not to mention... If I remember correctly, this kid has just been studying for half a year... half a year... Many people don't necessarily memorize it, he... Although Brother Xing'er said he has the ability, the problem is not I know why, this kid has never been on stage.

  Now it's such a high difficulty for the first time I play...

  Just dying.

  This is Tianjin.

  first performance...

  stand-up comedy...

  And "On Dialects"...he had never even heard of it...


  And Wu Shaobai, whose mind was gradually returning to the cage, suddenly smiled and said to Wang Hai:

  "Uncle Hai, it's time for the news."


  Full of complexity, Wang Hai took the talk and walked onto the stage.

  Without any complicated opening remarks, he subconsciously glanced at Guo Degang and Yu Xuan who appeared at an unknown time, and Wu Shaobai who was standing in front of them. He took a deep breath...

  "Now, please enjoy the stand-up comedy, "On Dialects", performed by Wu Shaobai."

  There was a commotion down there.

  The sparse applause was inaudible. .

Chapter 3

  Wu Shaobai, in a white coat, walked unhurriedly towards the stage.

  Behind him, Yu Xuan looked at himself, the great disciple who started the mountain, with complicated eyes, and suddenly sighed...


  "Brother Xing'er, can you do it?"

  Suddenly, Guo Degang asked a question.

  "Is Shaobai alive?"


  Yu Xun gave a very positive answer:

  "This child has a lot to live for."


  Guo Degang was stunned:

  "Why haven't I heard of you before?... Didn't you mean to bring him to open his eyes and learn?"

  "That's humility."

  Yu Xuan sighed again:

  "De Gang, did I tell you, how did he get into my place?"

  "Didn't he find it by himself after watching our cross talk?"

  "I didn't say everything."


  Looking at Guo Degang's puzzled expression, Yu Xuan looked at Wu Shaobai who was adjusting the height of the microphone and said:

  "My pharyngitis is very uncomfortable when it comes to summer. You know that, right?"

  "Yes, then?"

  "Then, I went to Tongrentang. Western medicine didn't work, so I was thinking about prescribing Dangsheng pills or something. It was noon, and as soon as I entered, I saw him sitting on the auscultation doctor's chair and reading medical books. , thinking about which doctor's child it was, he went up to ask if the doctor was there. He glanced at me and didn't say that he was a doctor, just asked me...Is my throat uncomfortable? I was stunned, thinking how he knew, Then he told me that it was from the look on his face. The lips were peeling, the person was sullen, and the side was hot. Then he asked me to reach out and give me a pulse... Then you know, this kid opened my mouth Three pictures of medicine, I asked about everything about my industry by looking, hearing, asking, and cutting... Two pairs of medicines were fried and taken away, and the third picture was sent directly to the house, and then the teacher..."

  "I know, this kid's medical skills are pretty good."

  "But the question is, have you ever thought about why this child's medical skills are so good?"


  Seeing the suspicious look of his partner, Yu Xuan shook his head:

  "Specifically... I promised Shaobai not to talk about it, so I won't talk to you in detail. But what I can tell you is that this kid is born to talk about cross talk materials, and the reason why I don't let him come to power is not because of fear. It's embarrassing, but this child is hiding..."

  "Hide what?"

  "I don't know either. But...you look."

  Yu Xuan shook his head:

  "This game, you can't lose anyone."


  Under the stage, there was a lot of uproar.

  No one cares about this kid on stage.

  And Wu Shaobai saw the sloppy appearance of these people in his eyes, and he was not annoyed, but just raised his hand and stretched out his fingers.

  Fingernails swiped hard on the microphone...


  A loud screeching sound from the microphone and the speaker rang in the venue.

  Many people raised their heads and looked over with some dissatisfaction.

  What is this?Can't even find a microphone?Where did such a harsh sound come from?

  But I have to admit that in this humming sound, everyone's attention was a little bit focused.

  At this time, Wu Shaobai spoke up.

  He pointed to a middle-aged man sitting on the phone in the first row:

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