Eternal Burning

Chapter 112

Many people in the store cast their gazes towards us, looking at me, or looking at Shang Muxiao, not blatant, but enough to be perceived.

Xiaojie, I don't want to eat here, let's go. Yang Youling suddenly became unhappy and hurried to leave.

What's wrong? Wasn't it just fine? I asked her patiently, and I actually had a vague idea of ​​what was going on with her.

She pursed her lips and was silent for a while, and said, I don't like the way they look at you. While speaking, she glared at me in a certain direction behind me.

When I looked back, I happened to see a seven- or eight-year-old boy hurriedly withdrawing his gaze not far away.

Humans always have a lot of curiosity about existences different from themselves. Adults can still hide it, and children don't have so many concerns. It's human nature, and it's nothing to worry about.

I said to Yang Youling: It doesn't matter, they have no malice. It's hard to avoid people's eyes, you don't become more comfortable, you just close yourself more. Let's pretend they don't exist together, don't be unhappy, okay?

I might have cared about it at first, but after more than ten years, I have been numb and don't think this is a problem.

The little girl bulged her cheeks like an angry pufferfish. After listening to my words, she thought for a long time and said, Then you really aren't angry?

I shook my head.

She gradually loosened her brows and pouted, Okay, then leave them alone.

At this time, Shang Muxiao came back with a dinner plate. After putting down the plate, he turned his face slightly and looked at the guests at the table next to us.

It was a man who looked too fat, with his body sandwiched between tables and chairs, like a mountain of meat that could collapse at any time. His face was teased, and his hair looked greasy.

What are you looking at? Shang Muxiao asked him.

The fat man was startled, he looked around in confusion while holding his hamburger. After confirming that Shang Muxiao was talking to him, he hesitated and said: What are you looking at? I didn't see you again...

Shang Muxiao looked down at him, his expression full of disgust, as if he was looking at a disgusting slug.

I noticed you just now and have been looking this way since we came in. I warn you, no matter who you are looking at, if you look again, I will pull out your eyeballs.

Others may say this as a deterrent at best, but Shang Muxiao said this... probably from the bottom of his heart. I didn't pay attention, I don't know if the other party is really looking at us from the door, but I hope he can get to know each other and stop provoking Shang Muxiao.

God, neurosis! Fortunately, the fat man may also have a guilty conscience. As soon as he shivered, he didn't eat the hamburger. He quickly picked up the plate and left.

When the other party was far away, Shang Muxiao sat down beside Yang Youling, ignoring all the sights around him, his expression had returned to a relaxed and relaxed expression, and his face changed faster than turning over a book.

Xiaojie said that everyone is not malicious, you have to learn not to care about other people's eyes, are you arguing with people? Yang Youling took out a french fries and said while eating.

because I'm not feeling well. Shang Muxiao shared the drink, and said in his mouth of course, I'm not feeling well, and neither should others.

What does this say about teaching bad kids?

...Shang Muxiao. I called him in a low voice, with some helplessness.

He looked up, looked at me for a moment, turned his head and smiled at Yang Youling and changed his tune: No, just kidding. Because the person just now was a pervert, the pervert will scold him mercilessly, understand?

How do you know people are perverted?

Because his eyes are nasty.

What is indecent?

It's an act that makes you uncomfortable.


Okay, let's eat first. I interrupted the conversation between the two at the right time, changed the topic and said, let's talk after eating.

Yang Youling obediently did not continue to ask questions, and opened the toys provided by the children's package with great interest, and happily played with it.

Shang Muxiao and I didn't speak to anyone, just lowered my head and concentrated on eating.

Suddenly, the phone on the table vibrated. I looked at it and found that it was a bank text message, showing that I had 300,000 in my account.

I was stunned for a while, and hurriedly clicked on mobile banking to check, and found that the money was from Lu Yuehui.

It's only been less than a month, where did she get the money to pay me back? A bad premonition arose in my heart. I didn't care about Shang Muxiao's presence, so I dialed Lu Yue's number directly.

Hey, Beibei... The call was quickly connected, and Lu Yue's voice sounded very tired.

Why did you suddenly give me the money back?

She sighed and said, My dad refuses to have surgery and said he doesn't want to spend his last days in the hospital. We intend to respect his opinion. I'm sorry, Beidou, I asked you to pool money for nothing. When we meet next time, I will thank you again.

Organ transplantation is not a minor operation. It is accompanied by great risks. When you go to the operating table, you don’t know if you will come down. Even if you survive the operation, it may cause a series of serious rejection reactions in the future.

Dad Lu's worries are not unreasonable, but if there is no surgery, there will be only one ending for him\u0026hellip


Is he worried about money? Did you tell him that the money has been collected?

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