Eternal Burning

Chapter 113

He said it, but he felt that he owed so much money to others for something he didn't know the outcome of... not worth it.

How could it not be worth it? I squeeze my phone tightly, how could it not be worth it if money can buy a chance to live?

My question was too severe, and Lu Yue lost her voice. After a while, she said calmly: Beijiao, I know, I know all about it. But I know it's useless, I can't persuade him...

This time I was speechless. Yeah, what's the use of what other people say about us? It's not us who are sick, we are not the one who has surgery, and it is not us who experience life and death. Others don't have much say in this matter.

We've already gone home, the doctor said, maybe it's just a month or two... Lu Yue paused for a moment, endured choking and said, if you are free, come and see my dad for the last time, he sees you Should be very happy.

Gradually let go of the strength in his hands, and his whole body was swept by a deep powerlessness. I whispered, I said, I see.

After hanging up, I stared at the phone for a while, then looked up and found both Shang Muxiao and Yang Youling were looking at me.

Little mustard, are you not happy? Yang Youling asked cautiously, holding the brightly colored set of toys.

I can't say I'm unhappy, just a little... melancholy.

No. I smiled at her and said, not unhappy.

She was dubious, and what more would she say, as soon as she opened her mouth, she was blocked by a jelly fin.

If you don't eat it, I'll eat it up. Shang Muxiao said and pulled a box of jī pieces from the children's meal to him.

The little girl was in a hurry, grabbed the wings with one hand, and went to get enough pieces with the other: No, leave some for me!

After lunch, I drove Yang Youling to Yang Haiyang, and went to the ward to visit Yang Haiyang's mother.

Auntie is very good, but her face is still a little pale. Seeing that Yang Youling had a Band-Aid on her forehead, she asked her what was going on.

Yang Youling said the cause and effect, and the aunt was distressed, blaming Yang Haiyang for why he let the children learn such dangerous things.

Yang Haiyang touched his nose and did not defend himself.

Not dangerous. Yang Youling said with a serious face, I have to learn it myself, it has nothing to do with my father.

Yang Haiyang's mother gently scratched the tip of the little girl's nose: You know how to speak for Dad. Fortunately, it didn't break the picture, otherwise when your father and Aunt Yunrou get married, you will attend the wedding with a small face and see if everyone will laugh at you.

When they laugh at me and make me uncomfortable, I scold them! Yang Youling akimbo, described as sturdy.


When Yang Haiyang and the others heard what the little girl said, they all found it interesting and laughed. However, I could only stiffly lift the corners of my lips, unable to laugh from the bottom of my heart.

In the future, Shang Muxiao will never be allowed to take care of children, he is too easy to lead people to bad...

Back in the car, Shang Muxiao, who was dozing off with his eyes closed, slowly opened his eyes, straightened the seat back and sat up.

I started the car and exited the parking lot. Out of the corner of my eye, the person beside me leaned against the door, motionless, and seemed to be going to sleep again.

I got up at seven o'clock today, took a detour to pick up Yang Youling, and arrived at the racecourse at about nine o'clock. Shang Muxiao arrived earlier than us, so he will never get up late, I have finished eating at this time, I am afraid that I will be sleepy.

Turn down the music in the car, there are not many cars on the road on weekends, and it takes more than half an hour to enter the community.

After parking the car, I saw that Shang Muxiao was still awake, so I reached out and pushed him.

He woke up frowning, and asked in a hoarse voice: Are you here?


He looked around, yawned, and opened the door to get out of the car.

I stopped him: wait, give me your bank card number, I have the money to pay you back.

He looked back in confusion: what money?

He doesn't look very awake yet.

telescope money. I reminded him, two hundred thousand.

He wiped his face: Oh, you sold my binoculars... Why, your roommate's father didn't change his lungs?

He also heard the call at noon. With the IQ he was admitted to Qingwan University, he should have understood what happened.

I didn't want to argue with him again, so I didn't answer his question, just repeated: Give me the card number.

Can't bear it. Kneading his neck, he was stuck at home with a thick air on his face.

Then you go back and send me.

Oh. He got out of the car, slammed the door shut and walked away.

Finally, I don't have to be nervous anymore, I exhale a little, and just as I was about to open the door and get out of the car, the passenger door was pulled open again.

Shang Muxiao went and returned: You blocked me, how can I send it?

His tone is obviously not that fierce, I

But I heard the accusation.

Since what he said was also true, I had to take out my phone, dug out his number, and will block this caller number Cancel.

After the operation, I showed him the screen of my phone.

All right.

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