145 nerve warfare(1)

In August 1833, a letter was issued in London, England stating that sanctions were imposed on foreign funds.

Not long ago, the British Parliament announced that it would trade its grain in Rotterdam, a move that felt somewhat alien to its policy of entering the grain market.

However, given the financial sanctions imposed by the Easterfield Federation, it was natural for the UK to take such measures, experts said.

Isn’t the current financial system a structure that has no choice but to run based on the interests of countries?

The European Development Bank has embarked on austerity measures, including raising interest rates in case Easterfield’s funds are frozen.

There was no more efficient way to combat taxing money coming into London from abroad.

Of course, the butterfly effect on this is starting to reflect a pretty harsh reality.

In October of that year, a bloody wind blew in London’s financial district.

As the European Development Bank raised the benchmark interest rate, bond prices fell, and lease rates rose, leading to an increase in European armaments.

The increase in armaments soon led to a worsening of the financial situation, and the British royal family, which had maintained a particularly high armament, had no choice but to panic.

On the morning of October, the finance meeting of the British Prime Minister’s Cabinet was held.


“This damn thing. The British Development Bank would raise the benchmark interest rate so steeply!”

“Maybe this was a scheduled procedure.”

“… … damn it.”

The Duke of Wellington quietly closed his eyes.

He didn’t say much, as he already knew his financial situation was going to get tough sooner or later.

Cabinets urged the prime minister to come up with a breakthrough.

“Sir, maybe?”

“Hmm… … .”

“Please say something.”

No matter how hard the Duke of Wellington, there was no way he could be sharp.

The only thing that could be said was that the financial situation had deteriorated and that a solution had to be found in the financial market.

“Right now, there is no other way than to formulate financial policies in accordance with the law.”

“No, we need a much more effective countermeasure than that.”

“Is this an effective measure? We pressed Easterfield to maintain our reputation. In other words, it’s like we’re giving up interest rates for the sake of influence on foreign territories.”

“Great… … !”

“To gain one in this world, one must give up one. Isn’t it?”

The UK was gradually resolving its chronic fiscal deficit by expanding its overseas territory, so a setback in the financial market was a matter that could be tolerated.

Hana Cabinet members could not understand it.

This is because, until now, Britain has been consistent with a policy of extending its hand to win another when it wins one.

Arthur Wellesley advised them to let go of their somewhat paradoxical thinking.

“Again, keep in mind that we England have to give up something.”

“But isn’t a nation a group that should only work for its own benefit?”

“If you work for a profit, sometimes you lose money.”

“Great… … !”

In fact, Arthur Wellesley has been criticized for not being very politically talented.

Politics requires knowing how to bend one’s beliefs and having the flexibility to maintain neutrality anytime, anywhere.

However, Arthur Wellesley valued his convictions and his cause as a soldier more important than domestic sentiment.

Such an omnivorous temperament would come back with fatal blows accompanied by a decline in popularity in Congress.

It was thanks to the king’s confidence that Arthur Wellesley was still able to serve as prime minister.

The Duke of Wellington asked the ministers who openly expressed the discomfort of planting.

“Then tell me what you think.”

“… … Of course, I think it is right to give back as much as we have suffered and to overpower Easterfield.”

It is the basic discipline of a soldier to never fight if there is no certainty that he can win.

The Duke of Wellington, who had roamed the battlefield for a long time, knew it well, but the problem was that Parliament and the Cabinet were unaware of it.

The Duke of Wellington shook his head inwardly.

‘They are people who do not understand. I can’t tell the difference between arrogance and pride.’

Even the Duke of Wellington, who said that communication cannot die in the world’s stubbornness, at least knows how to differentiate between arrogance and pride.

However, the British Parliament did not do that, and that was the problem.

‘Well, of course it is. They’re going to die because their money doesn’t come back.’

Since Britain had been transitioning to an industrial society for quite some time now, it was slowly developing based on obsolete machinery and somewhat stagnant technology.

Because of that, there were many restrictions on doing business on its own, so I had no choice but to risk my life for overseas expansion.

For them, the deficit and the risk in the financial market came back as a devastating blow.

The Duke of Wellington struggled to calm his bloated stomach.

“Anyway, let’s continue to devise a realistic plan.”

“… … That’s right.”

As a result, the gap between the Prime Minister and the Cabinet was widening.


Late at night, Lee Hwan received a report from Fernando Durek, second deputy chief of the Central Intelligence Agency.

Fernando Durek delivered a somewhat surprising fact to Lee Hwan.

“It looks like the heir to the British throne will go to a man named Richard.”

“… … Richard?”

“If he ascends the throne, he will become Richard I of the House of Richard Hanover.”

“The king of fools suddenly changed his mind… … .”

“Perhaps Princess Victoria’s mother changed her mind because she was so mean.”

Alexandrina Victoria, who led the heyday of Britain in name and reality, is often regarded as one of the most powerful monarchs in British history, along with Richard the Lionheart.

Leaving such Victoria behind and looking for a new emperor was not readily understood.

‘Something that flows differently from history is happening again.’

Yi Hwan’s return has resulted in numerous butterfly effects.

First, it lifted up the collapsed Netherlands, and made the United States, which was growing as a superpower, a de facto vassal of finance and technology.

Based on this, Lee Hwan’s actions, which created the strongest country called Easter Field, were now having a butterfly effect in England.

“Where did you say that the boy named Richard appeared again?”

“Nothing is known about it except that it was related by blood to Saxony-Weimar in the past.”

“Saxony-Weimar… … .”

“If Richard ascends to the throne, it is very likely that the British will become hostile towards us Easterfield.”

“Are you thinking that they are ruined by us?”

“Yes, it is. During the Austrian annihilation of Saxony-Weimar, Eaststellar was responsible for funding the Austrian Confederacy, and the North German Confederation was not trampled by our weapons?”


“It is not strange for any king to come out of the throne of the foolish king, but Richard is in a veil and there is a high possibility that he will have a crush on us.”

Would Queen Victoria’s accession be better than the accession of Richard I?

Lee Hwan fell into deep trouble.

“I am worried. Which of the two would be better to push as king? … .”

“May I ask what part you are concerned about?”

“Think about who will be the heir to the throne who will benefit Britain more. Their gains will not be very pleasing to us.”

“If you think Britain will become our enemy in the future, there is only one answer, right?”

“Is there only one answer?”

“Britain is a country that will disappear. If we were to face each other, we had no choice but to choose between a vassal state or a military war. So what does it really matter who becomes king?”


“If that bothers you, either kill them both or send them into exile.”

“… … Defeat both heirs to the throne?”

“After that, I think it is more appropriate to have a new royal family come in.”

It was Fernando Durek’s opinion that it would be better to raise a person suitable for Lee Hwan to the throne than to think about who would be the heir to the throne who would benefit Lee Hwan.

“Hmm… … . After all, Europe is a world overflowing with relatives to the extent that there is no royal family that is not connected by blood.”

“Wherever you are, you can find a king. It only matters what the king will mean to His Majesty.”

Lee Hwan agreed with Fernando Durek’s opinion.

“Yes, you are right.”

“Then shall we both be excluded from the throne?”

“Contain him or remove him from the throne.”

“Yes, my lord. Then I will handle things naturally as long as there is no blood.”

“So that the candidates for the new heir to the throne may be separately selected and reported later.”

“I take orders!”


When the spark of a heated political battle in Europe emerged, a new invention that would mark a mark in human history was developed in Easterfield’s home country.

It was the phone and the radio.

So far, Easterfield’s navy has been struggling to create a close signal system for each other.

The telephone poles and telegraphs developed by Lee Hwan acted as catalysts for the development of a new technology called the telephone, which had one fatal flaw.

It was that the signal could only be sent to the area where the line was connected.

The development of the telephone allowed, albeit primitive, to transmit voice over wires.

However, there was a disadvantage that the signal between the fleets could not be received.

As a result of relentless efforts to solve this problem, a new concept of communication method called radio was developed.

However, for this to happen, there were too many tasks to be resolved.

The Ministry of Technology and Economics felt that it still has a long way to go, despite the remarkable progress it has made.

“Once you ask your sire for advice, you can improve on the shortcomings.”

“Yes, I understand.”

Lee Hwan has played a pioneering role in creating numerous inventions so far, and none of the list of technologies possessed by the Ministry of Technology and Economics has not been in his hands.

Perhaps the radio and telephone will also face a whole new phase if Lee Hwan’s hands are on them.

The Ministry of Technology and Economy decided to contact Lee Hwan through a ferry immediately.

It still took a week to a fortnight to communicate, and considering the round trip, the current technology was enough to take a month.

However, if radio reception technology develops, it will be possible to exchange information in just a few minutes by transmitting news by radio from island to island.

A week or so later, Lee Hwan received this news from the Ministry of Technology and Economy.

He rejoiced greatly.

“… … Are these technologies already out there? After all, properly selecting and nurturing talented people seems to have been a godsend.”

Now, Lee Hwan was convinced that he could create a slightly better future.

He immediately sat down and started working on the radio and telephone systems and writing a book that gave directions on how to develop them.

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