146 nerve warfare(2)

In 1834, the Central Intelligence Agency of Easterfield landed on the land of Joseon.

🤩🤩🤩🤩🤩🤩 … !

They ran to the offshore of Yeosu on a submarine and dropped off a special task force of 100 men here.

The special task force decided to encamp in an uninhabited area in the sea off Yeosu.

“It should never be discovered.”

“What if you run into civilians?”

“You have to be stunned or killed. It is better to block rumors in advance. But, be careful not to see blood as much as possible.”

The special task force found a cliff area on the coast near Yeosu where people could enter and live.

They dug a burrow there and began construction while tightly sealing the entrance.

Droo much!

Although it was operated by a human hand, equipment equipped with a hydraulic compressor was provided to them.

Of the 100 people, 60 dug the ground, and the rest took the soil from there and grinded it finely to make cement as a raw material, then compacted the walls.

After working like that for a full week, I found a space that could accommodate about 100 people.

Now, I decided to dig a little more and make a burrow here.

“This is where our history will begin. Is everyone ready?”

“Yes, boss!”

The commander of the Joseon dispatch, Luo Alonso, was very inspired to write a new history here.

But he thought and acted more calmly than ever.

Luo Alonso and his subordinates created more space to load and store various equipment.

After that, 20 people were permanently stationed here so that they could continue digging and expanding the base.

Now, the remaining 80 people will build a legend from here in Jeolla.

“Recently, there was an intelligence that gangs of thieves were on the rise as the people of Joseon became more ferocious. According to information from the 9th Fleet in Jeju, a fairly large band of bandits reside here in Jeolla. Once we’ve slaughtered them, we’ll work under the guise of bandits.”

“Yes, I understand.”

For this operation, the task force was trained by North American special forces on how to kill people as quietly as possible, as well as survival training that tests the limits of human beings.

The Apache troops were constantly working on how to make humans almost machines, and they built a manual that would allow them to win battles without gunfire.

If I had learned from the Apache unit, I would have been able to wipe out the robbers here in Joseon very lightly.

Luo Alonso decided to figure out the location of the bandits first.

“I heard that thieves are living in the Dolsan area in Yeosu-myeon.”

“You mean southern Suncheon?”

“This is where we are.”

“Hmm, then, if you climb the mountain for a few days, can you find it quickly?”

“great. Anyway, I have to go out to reconnaissance the topography of this place, so I’m going to search around the stone mountain to find the living things.”

The 80 personnel have spent three years in the rugged mountains of North America as their home.

It is said that the mountains of Joseon are rough, but all of them will be good training for them.

It was around the time that a full month had passed.

Now, I have memorized almost all of the surrounding mountains, and it was enough to make an operational map.

Around that time, people who appeared to be bandits appeared in front of them.

They loaded the people onto carts and entered the wooden barriers, most of them women.

“Captain, what the hell are they trying to do when they catch civilians?”

“Are you trying to sell me as a slave?”

“Are you Noah?”

“I heard that there is still slavery in Joseon.”

“Hmm… … . However, it is difficult to understand why people are caught like that.”

“Anyway, let’s think about it after we wipe them out first.”

Civilians will think that there is a fire here, and when they wake up they are back in town.

The Apache units combined their oral understanding of poison with chemistry to create strategic weapons, including powerful sleeping pills.

Luo Alonso decided to rescue the captives after they put them to sleep by giving them sleeping pills.

After that, I was planning to burn the wild vegetables here.

The special forces were divided into groups of 20 people each.

“Everyone, check your equipment.”

From now on, all conversations will be in sign language, and the plan was to wipe out this living creature in just 10 minutes, without guns or cannons.

Luo Alonso announced the start of the operation in sign language to his men.

Paba Baba!

Shinyoung of the special task force running down the mountain slope with longbows and crossbows hung on their backs, respectively, was like a shadow.

Although the sun was still rising in the middle of the sky, their actions were so agile and the bandits were not alert, so the surprise was a breeze.

The special task force, which was divided into four, began to surround the living quarters as if encircling them.

Bandits having a feast without even knowing that they are being pressured.

“Hey, you bitches! Why can’t we raise the wind music?”

“… … What kind of winds and music did the ladies of the female dynasty like us chant? I haven’t even been able to catch one of those common jangguchae.”

“If you can’t play wind music, take off your clothes and dance. Do I have to explain it to you?”

“Sobbing… … !”

Bandits captured women and ravaged them to their heart’s content.

Luo Alonso could understand roughly what was going on as there were no other women around.

Having lived as a slave in Spain and was fortunate to emigrate to Easterfield, he was well aware of how slaves in America and Europe were produced and traded.

‘Everywhere people live is the same. Wherever you go, garbage like this is bound to exist.’

Once women are often sold as s*x slaves, they work to the death on farms or coal mines while liberating their owners.

These atrocities were often practiced by the rich, mainly in the southern United States, but this was not uncommon in former colonies.

Although the results were different, it was clear that these women captured by the bandits would be sold somewhere after being ravaged by the bandits.

Luo Alonso thought that these bandits must be annihilated.

After crossing the barrier and reaching the front yard, Luo Alonso quickly started to kill the enemies he saw.


“Uh… … !”

As they pierced through the visible head, the bandits often couldn’t even scream.

All I had to do was scream, a short groan of a mortal horse.

Easterfield’s crossbow had a penetrating power comparable to that of a rifle at a short range, so it had to be considered that 100% of the head was pierced at a distance of less than 50 meters.

A special task force that quickly advances by stepping on the dying bandits while pouring their brains out like that.

They first burned the thatched house the bandits had built.

chump… … !

In Easterfield, a lighter made of exclusive oil was carried as a necessity, so it was not unusual to set fire anywhere as long as there was gasoline.

The task force poured their own gasoline into the thatched house and threw lighters over it.


The fire began to spread in an instant.

“Uh, uh… … ?!”

“Fire! Come on, turn off the lights!”

“Shit! Someone is going to light a torch from this hour and f*ck it!”

Without even being shocked that the fire had spread in broad daylight, the bandits started walking around in confusion and extinguishing the fire.

The task force used this gap to quietly approach behind the prisoners and inject them.

“iced coffee… … .”

As soon as the women were given the injection, they collapsed as if they were fainting.

Twenty special forces members move them out of the living room before long.

Now Luo Alonso and his men were free to slaughter the bandits to their heart’s content.

“Kill them all!”

Arrows flew from all directions and began to pierce the necks and heads of the bandits.


“Uh-huh… … !”

“Shit! Where the hell did the military come from!”

“You sounded like a military officer, and I fell asleep. We are demons from Hell to punish you!”

Luo Alonso rushed at Nompang, who seemed to be the head of the living plants.

It was clear that the form, who was called the boss and installed a long sword, had learned swordsmanship somewhere.

“this guy! Do you know who I am and do such a thing! I am descended from a yangban who served as a military officer in Jeolla!”


The boss’s sword flew towards Alonso’s head.

But Luo Alonso overpowered him too easily.


“Ugh… … !”

“You idiot. What would you do if you hit someone with a bow with a sword?”

Luo Alonso, who accurately hit the man’s hip with his bow, slowly approached the bandit boss who was lying on the floor.

Frightened, he waved his hand to run away.

“Sa, save me!”

“Do you know what people like you are called? It is said to be the cancerous existence of society.”

Alonso drew an arrow from the wounded area of the bandit boss.

Pu ha ha ha!


“Now is the beginning. You will now have to choose between dying of shock or committing suicide.”

While Luo Alonso was dealing with the bandits, the live plants were very neatly organized.

Now I was going to burn this place and dispose of the body.

Before that, Luo Alonso decided to get information from the bandit boss.

“Do you want to live?”

“… … Whoa, of course!”

“Then you will have to answer my questions well. Do you understand?”

“Oh, I see!”

“There must be more bandits besides you here in Jeolla. Please tell me in detail where the bandits are spreading their livestock.”

“… … If you give me paper and food, I will write the location.”

“Hmm, okay?”

Alonso took a notebook and a ballpoint pen from his pocket and handed it to him.

The bandit tilted his head.

“What is this thing doing?”

“It’s a writing thing.”

“iced coffee… … !”

“Think of it as a brush and write. Then it will be drawn.”

From the point of view of Koreans, I had never seen a ballpoint pen, so of course I was bewildered.

As soon as the bandit was told, he wrote down and went down.


“Oh oh… … !”

“Shut up and write.”

“Oh, I see.”

A bandit who draws really, really hard and writes down words next to it.

Alonso, who had already mastered the oriental script and language perfectly, knew exactly what it meant.

“Is this because the Jirisan area is the main base?”

“exactly. Jirisan is very steep and the road is complicated, so it is difficult for the military to subdue it.”

“Hmm, that’s right.”

“Then now I… … .”

Luo Alonso beckoned to his subordinate who was waiting behind the bandit.

Then he came with a hammer and struck the bandit leader in the back of the head.

Whoa! Whoa!

As soon as the two chambers hit him exactly, he died from a brain drain.

Now that he has grasped the information, Luo Alonso decided to establish a base by working in Mt. Jiri.

“We receive supplies to the Yeosu area in the southern part of Suncheon, and we work from the Jirisan area as a starting point. We mainly raid government troops, and each time we have to dress up and create rumors.”

“all right.”

“Are there any legends worth writing about in this area?”

“I think a nine-tailed fox or something like that would be fine.”


“Or what about the faceless ghost? I heard that if a bachelor dies and holds a grudge, he becomes a ghost.”

“Oh, that would be great.”

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