200 Rescue of Princess Ophelia (2)

Parliament of London, England.


Today is the day when Princess Ophelia, who was known to have disappeared, is revived and the succession to the throne is decided.

The forces that have supported Ophelia so far have been greatly encouraged, and the politicians who oppose her policy have become truly contemplative.

“Now we must raise Princess Mama to the throne and take care of us both physically and mentally!”

“Your Majesty is still alive like that, so what is the point of succession to the throne?”

“Your Majesty is also hoping for succession to the throne. We have listened carefully to its intentions with our own ears.”

“Then, your Majesty should personally appear in public and declare succession. There is no need for us to argue like this.”

“… … It’s tabletop theory. Where do you come up with such nonsense? We are only advocating according to Your Majesty’s will.”

“Now that His Majesty’s intentions have been lost, it is a tabletop public theory. isn’t it? The owner of the royal family is separate, so what are we going to argue with each other like this?”

William IV is currently hospitalized at the Dutch branch of the Royal Easterfield Hospital.

Easterfield Dutch Hospital is the most medically developed hospital in Europe outside the mainland.

It may not cure William IV’s heart failure, but it was the best hospital for his life-sustaining treatment.

Because he was hospitalized in the Netherlands, the northern nobles were able to do this.

Just then, the gates of Daejeon opened.

“William IV, ruler of England, is here!”

“… … what?!”

The northern nobles looked at the door in amazement.

There was William IV, leaning on a wheelchair and drenched with drugs.

“Whoops, whoops… … .”

William IV, who had been receiving so many drugs that he thought he had transferred the whole hospice, was remarkably emaciated.

However, he was still able to talk and think right.

“Jim has been away for too long… … .”

“See you, Your Majesty!”

All the nobles bowed before him.

William IV lived unhealed from the heartache he suffered from the repeated rejection of Princess Victoria and Prince Richard.

But only today will you get rid of that old grudge.

“I will inherit the throne to Princess Ophelia. Get ready.”

“… … your majesty!”

“Why, is there something wrong?”

“It’s not… … .”

“From now on, our British Empire will be ruled by Ophelia I. Also, I declare that all powers will be granted to her in the name of William IV.”

William IV closed his mouth with these words.

The succession to the throne, which he announced with all his might to the point that it almost seemed like a banjo, became his last statement.

William IV leaves Daejeon again in a wheelchair.

When Ophelia tried to follow him, William IV said:

“… … now you are the king Declare that kingship.”

“Yes, Your Majesty!”

All power was now concentrated on Ophelia.

She shouted to the ambassadors.

“I am England! I will inherit the throne, so prepare for the coronation!”

“Yes, Your Majesty!”

The southern nobles now wanted to see the end of the long, long war.

However, the northern nobles were different.

“I can’t accept it!”

“… … what?”

“Your Majesty is currently in a state where proper reasoning is impossible! It is absurd to say that such a Majesty would abdicate!”

“Now you have come to Daejeon yourself. Are you still talking nonsense like that?”

“You’ll soon find out who’s talking the mang-bal.”

Ophelia was well aware of the reasons for the northern nobles to continue the war.

By far the largest investors in Oxford Canyon have been the Manchester aristocrats, who are reaping huge gains from the war.

Then they heard good news about the development of the new artillery and invested almost all of their money in the defense industry.

The northern nobles became the people who could only survive once the war broke out, regardless of whether Britain won or lost the war.

Taken from readwn.com

Moreover, they had built a supply line for the production of munitions in industrial parks around Manchester, and they shouted that war was the only way to survive.

Also, the nobles from Ireland and Scotland wanted to raise their status in this war.

However, the war was a golden opportunity for them, who barely managed to get parliamentary participation as a national event.

They announced that they would leave Parliament.

“We are no longer citizens of England! We will build our own kingdom!”

“… … Are you planning to treason now?!”

“treason? Treason must be yours!”

Ophelia ordered the guards to arrest them.

“Arrest those traitors!”

“Yes, Your Majesty!”

According to Ophelia’s orders, the guards moved to capture the northern councilors.

But, surprisingly, the northern legislators did not blink an eye.

Rather, they smiled and looked at Ophelia.

“I’m sorry, but we’re not the kind of people to be treated like that.”


“Come in!”


The doors of Parliament opened, and William IV was brought in in a wheelchair.

Surprisingly, he was held hostage by a man disguised as a servant.

“… … What was this doing?”

“Your Majesty, I need you to breathe a little more.”

“You’d better kill him! Cool! Cool!”

William IV experienced an unprecedented humiliation, which led to a sharp deterioration in his health.

His heart was beating like it was going to explode, and because of the strain on his body, he had a very short lifespan.

The guards were not allowed to fire their guns recklessly.

“… … your majesty!”

“Shoot! It’s an order, shoot!”


“Cool! Cool! You’re going to die anyway, shoot… … !”

The Sea Man William IV flashed his eyes to the end and shouted that he should be killed.

At this moment, Ophelia was worried about what decision to make.

Northern nobles were able to take advantage of this opportunity to prepare for their trip to Daejeon.

“Fufu, being hostage was such a good thing.”

“Crazy! How could you possibly think of kidnapping your Majesty the ruler of England?!”

“Are you guys crazy?! How could you possibly think of ruining a long-established British Empire?! Perhaps the ancestors in the underworld will break through the earth and rise.”

sharp confrontation.

William IV, watching it, jumped up from his seat.

As a result, William IV was decapitated by a knife aimed at the assailant.



“your majesty! no!”

“… … Jim is king! In the hands of the monster, cool!”

“Arrest them!”

The guards fired their guns behind the already dead king.

Tang Tang!

Northern nobles hid behind the mercenaries they hired.


“They run away! Catch it!”

They had already parked their cars outside the council, and the mercenaries were standing in a line in front of them, holding their matchlocks.

The mercenaries fired their guns as soon as the nobles came out.

Tang Tang!



Although it was an old-fashioned matchlock gun, the mercenaries who had mastered the tactics of line infantry skillfully fired their guns in three shifts, fully demonstrating their power.

Thanks to this, the northern nobles were able to escape by car as far as the northern part of their hometown.

After a while, the Capital Defense Forces arrived, albeit late.

“Annihilate the enemy!”

The mercenaries hit by the bullets they fired fell helplessly.

Even the best line infantrymen could not keep up with the rate of fire produced by bolt action rifles.

In addition, the mercenaries were simply easy prey for the infantrymen who could shoot while standing under cover.



“Keep one alive!”

“Everyone is dead! He seems to have chosen suicide in advance knowing that we will be caught.”

“… … what?! Shit!”

“How about now?”

“There is nothing! I have no choice but to receive instructions from Princess Ophelia.”

The bodies of mercenaries and soldiers were laid out in front of the council where the northern nobles fled.

Ophelia was furious at the sight.


She hit the statue with her hand and bit her lip.

“… … How dare you plot rebellion against the Empire!”

“Your Majesty, command your comrades to go to war!”

The southern nobles expressed their ambition to wipe out the northern nobles and establish a perfect unified dynasty.

Ophelia sympathized with their aspirations.

“Sweep the nobles of the north and avenge William IV!”

“Yes, Your Majesty!”

“Summon the army!”


When he heard that Britain had split into North and South, Greece began to recruit troops as if waiting.

Greece, which had been ruled by the Ottomans and gained independence by Easterfield, suddenly supported the northern British and joined the Allies.

Hearing this news, Lee Hwan took a position that was absurd.

“… … Are these guys crazy? Who made you independent, and you want to stick with a group of weightlifters?”

“It seems that Greece is trying to expand its power and become a power in southern Europe.”

“It’s great. Are they also advocating imperialism after all?”

Europe in the 19th century was an era of great powers.

The great powers invaded the weaker ones, and the pioneers who found new lands established colonies abroad.

Such a strong person sucked the blood of the weak and was preparing a foothold to enter the future advanced society.

Yi Hwan decided to wipe out Greece and Northern England.

“Help Princess Ophelia to regain British sovereignty and give Greece a true education.”

“Yes, my lord! If so, can we send the Mediterranean fleet to the vicinity of Greece?”

“Send out all the fleet and the army.”

“Yes, my lord!”

Lee Hwan, who had not thought about the betrayal of Greece, vowed to extinguish the flames of Greece.

However, the rebellion of northern England created a greater force than expected.

“majesty! It’s a big deal! In France, we stand in support of Northern England!”

“… … france?”

It was so absurd.

He had no idea that France would hit the back of the head like this.

However, if you think about it a little deeper, you can understand the French behavior.

“France is a country with a very strong antipathy towards Britain. They hate Britain to such an extent that in the past, even during the succession to the Dutch throne, they formed a secret society to keep Britain in check. Because they are like that, the current treason doesn’t make sense at all.”

“But I don’t know what kind of power France has to join the Allied Forces.”

“Probably because there is a belief in the new artillery being developed in England.”

The French had Easterfield’s rifles, and some even had their artillery.

However, it was difficult to rise again to the ranks of great powers with only that force, and now that the British have developed a new artillery artillery, they seemed to be thinking of sticking with it.

“Northern England is the region that has invested the most money in the development of artillery. I think they’ve been hanging out with France for quite some time.”

“Does this mean that the current treason is not a sudden event?”

“It’s like that. They have probably been waiting for this day for quite some time. It’s a rare opportunity to do their cause.”

“iced coffee… … !”

“The betrayal of France. Wow, this is a strange way to go.”

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