World War 201 (1)

Shortly after the betrayal of France, Northern England began to pursue a royal state in earnest when King Richard VI of Scotland ascended to the throne.

With the Scottish Parliament as the central parliament, the Northern British rallied their troops and, through unexpected diplomatic power, brought Greece and France to their side.

Now they attempted to advance into England, while sending messengers to the city-states of the Italian region.

“… … Independent?”

“I will guarantee complete independence in the future. So let’s join us in Northern England.”

The Kingdom of Sicily was astonished by the proposal of Philip Northernchester, the Foreign Minister and Prime Minister of Northern England.

The Kingdom of Sicily, which had been under real control by the Austrian Empire, was thirsty for independence.

Rather, after the reunification of Italy, he was sick of being ruled by the Habsburgs any longer, lest he stand as a country with independent sovereignty.

“If you join the North British, I will provide you with new cannons and armored-powered ships. Also, in support of your independence, I will station troops on the Italian peninsula. In the meantime, the Kingdom of Sicily is recruiting mercenaries and troops to increase its defenses.”

“It allows you to focus on building your defenses… … ?”

In fact, it was difficult for Italian countries such as the Kingdom of Sicily to defend the nations on their own.

This is because the strong walls themselves are no longer useful, and even if they recruited an old-fashioned army, they had no talent against the weapons of the great powers.

If it had not been for the suppression of the Italian independence movement in the Austrian Empire, they would have had 10,000 regular troops in their hands by now.

However, now that only outdated troops and mercenaries had to defend, I even thought that relying on great powers was the only way to do it.

However, it was an irresistible temptation to have such an offer of independence come to such Italian countries.

“good! We will support you!”

“Thank you! Now you will enjoy the status of our Northern British allies!”

Northern England, starting with the Kingdom of Sicily, toured Italy, increasing the number of allies.

In recent years, Italy has been in the midst of a movement for independence, which has led to a warm welcome wherever Northern England passed.

The present Northern England was actually not a country with so much power.

However, based on their Scottish and Irish ancestry, they rocked Italy, similar to their plight, and such a strategy struck the peninsula precisely.

Now, in effect, Italy is a member of the Northern British League.


Taken from

Meanwhile, the Austrian Empire kept Britain’s participation in the succession undecided.

It was because he was well aware that there could be another division in Germany, where the unified dynasty had just been established.

However, the lights in their feet also fell on them.

“Italy has joined hands with Northern England for independence. I think now is the right time to advance to Northern England and unify and absorb Italy.”

“Hmm… … .”

“Your Majesty, we need a decision!”

George Holland I looked at his father, Roan Schberrights.

Archduke Roan shook his head.

“Neutral would be nice.”

“… … grandee! Neutrality is not a word! If that happens, Italy will be unified!”

“Even if Italy is unified, it will be enough if we absorb it again.”

“No matter how much we plan to attack them, it will be of no use after reunification has already been achieved. Don’t the Grand Duke know best how strong the cohesion of a unified dynasty can be?”

Roan shook her head as if admitting that they were right.

But he expressed a completely different opinion.

“What will happen if we do not declare neutrality? Will Russia stand still, and Eastern Europe will not rebel against us?”

“Uh… … .”

“It is not whether we win or lose a war that is important. War will be waged in our territory, and the war will devastate the land. No matter how much compensation you receive, then it will be too late.”

The war of today is completely different from the war of the past.

With the advent of Easterfield, weapons were highly advanced, and strategy and tactics dominated the battlefield, producing far more disastrous results than before.

Knowing the fear of such a war better than anyone else, Roan thought that he would not participate in the current world war no matter what.

However, some nobles did not agree with his thoughts.

In particular, it was the nobles of northern Germany who revolted against him.

After their annexation to the Austrian Empire, they focused on consolidating and stabilizing their stronghold.

However, the stabilization they thought was the opposite of the stabilization of the lives of citizens.

To consolidate their power by consolidating the national theory as a bait for the expansion of territory, that is what the northern German aristocrats wanted.

“grandee! Italy is a land of opportunity for our empire. If we give up the Italian peninsula at this rate, many countries in Eastern Europe, over which we have had influence, will rebel. They would think that our strength was weakened.”

“… … So, are you saying that it is okay for our people to be naked and go hungry?”

“You don’t have to do it that way. If our empire overwhelms the war, we can prevent the devastation of the land in this war.”

“Okay, let’s say the country is like that. But what about our people? How on earth are they going to take responsibility for their lives?”

“You just need to replace it with a mercenary.”

“Mercenaries are not expected to be loyal, and they are good foes for treason. What if they suddenly change their minds and gather together with the mercenary leader and plunder our city?”

“If governed by law… … .”

“Don’t you know that the laws of war apply in war?”

The war of madness and slaughter is not governed by any law in this world.

In a war that has already been waged to kill people and trample the land, the soldiers fall to a level that is almost out of control.

“Until now, many sagas have glorified war. As scary as distorting history is to glorify it. Glorifying past atrocities is a sin beyond distortion. But until now, our Europe has continued to glorify such wars. Not a word was said about their actions of catching and killing old people and children, ravaging women and tearing them to pieces. If such a war sweeps over our territory, the people will suffer again. Do you think you can carry that kind of pain?”

“The sacrifice of cattle for the generations is bound to follow. Can you be sure that the Archduke did not shed a single drop of blood in making Austria what it is today?”

“… … So it’s not like we don’t want to bleed any more.”

The northern nobles shook their heads.

“It’s not going to happen.”


“We cannot obey the Grand Duke. Your Majesty, please call me!”

George Holland I decided to put the strife to a halt and talk again.

He exhorted the nobles to take a step back and think about it.

“It has not been decided yet. So let’s discuss it thoroughly and discuss it again so that we can express our position.”

“… … Yes, Your Majesty.”


same time.

Lee Hwan heard the news that there was a division of national opinion in the Netherlands as well.

“Your Majesty, the nobles of Belgium and Luxembourg have expressed their support for the North. They seem to be asking for direct intervention, just as they were involved in the succession to the Dutch throne in the past.”

“I think it would be difficult to intervene directly. What did Elizabeth I say?”

“Once we put the decision on hold, we are keeping the peacekeepers in Southern England.”

“Withhold the decision… … .”

“Isn’t it possible that Archduke Roan Schberreitz is currently at odds with the nobles of northern Germany, so he can’t easily make a decision?”

In the Austrian Empire, which was her home, the northern nobles were trying to wage war for their own benefit, and it was clear that Elizabeth was in turmoil and trouble in such an unstable situation.

“I have to meet the Grand Duke.”

“I will put the submarine on standby.”

Lee Hwan boarded a submarine from the mainland and headed straight for Austria.

Roan Schberrights, who was staying in the Duchy of Haustria, welcomed Yi Hwan warmly.

“welcome. What are you doing to this shabby place?”

“I have come to discuss something with the Archduke.”

There are only two people who use the title of King Lee Hwan, Lee Gak and Roan.

Of course, it is only natural to have to give a service in a vacant position, but in private, I respect him as an adult.

Roan Schberrights led Lee Hwan into the garden.

“Let’s eat inside. Would you like to play some chess?”


Two people starting a game.

In fact, the horse barely moved, so it was like waving hands.

Lee Hwan asked Roan.

“I heard that the nobles of North Germany are bothering you.”

“Heh heh, it doesn’t make sense, so what can you do? It’s nothing but arguing to break their will.”

“Hmm, then how can I help you?”

“I think you can put an end to this situation rather than help.”


“Can you unify Italy and make it independent?”

“… … Are you saying you want to give up Italy?”

“That’s right. If there is something that divides national opinion, is it not right to cut it out?”

“Ugh, that would really break the empire.”

“But it is too late for us to embrace Italy. Wouldn’t it be better to maintain the status quo without handing over Italy to the North British?”

Roan, in fact, had long known that Italy would no longer be ruled by the Habsburgs.

Rather, their independence movement only flowed into the Austrian Empire, accelerating division.

“Already, small demands for independence are pouring in. At this rate, the peace that our empire has worked hard for will be engulfed in the flames of internal conflict and will be destroyed.”

“It’s a pretty complicated issue. The Austrian Empire is also a multiracial country.”

Today’s Austria was built by the gathering of various races and religions, and it was different from North Germany, which pursued a single race.

Under such circumstances, when Italian ideology was introduced, the division of the empire was inevitably accelerated.

“To be honest, I think it is difficult to maintain an empire any longer. However, I think that the core forces in the current sphere of influence can be saved. With Easterfield’s help.”

“Hmm… … .”

“Make Italy independent and join them in the Federation.”

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