142. coalesce pouch

“Leon. Have you heard of the four elements?”

“Earth, fire, wind, water. Aren’t you talking about these four?”

“Right. The four elements are the basic elements that make up the world. That’s why the four elemental spirits are more numerous than other spirits, and there are kings.”

According to her words, it means that there are four kings in the spirit realm.

“Since those kings disappeared at the same time. It was natural for the spirit world to shake. The rest of the spirits took over what the kings managed.”

The legendary being called the King of Attributes was the Spirit King.

‘Almost portrayed as a god.’

The Spirit Kings are the rulers of attributes, and it was recorded that they used the power of a god for that attribute.

‘The remaining ones will take over what those kings used to manage?’

After that, it was clear to my eyes what would have happened without looking at it.

“The highest level spirits and higher level spirits tried to fill the empty seat of the king, but it was not easy.”

It was natural. Even if dozens of knights gathered, there was no way to replace the swordsman.

“There must be a void that cannot be filled.”

“Right. From then on, large and small voids were created here and there in the spirit world, and they slowly began to crumble.”

The higher level spirits could not completely fill the seat left by the king, but rather created a bigger crack and void.

‘Human resources have been reduced, but if the work to do is the same, it is natural that there will be problems. If it wasn’t for the spirit realm, I wouldn’t know, but if it’s the spirit realm, there’s no need to listen.’

In particular, the intelligence of the spirits differs significantly depending on the level. It was the worst condition to deal with this kind of problem.

“I understand what happened. Then, what happened to the spirit world after that?”

“I’m sorry. We don’t know that either.”


She didn’t know the most important thing.

“When there was a problem with the spirit realm, we were on the run too. I should have done something while there was still a connection… … We couldn’t.”

She replied with a miserable face.

It was almost as if the road was blocked, but I had no choice but to understand.

‘I can’t help it. Because the era was the era.’

At the height of the Continental War, elves were hiding underground to survive. They were not in a position to help the spirit world.

“it’s okay. At that time, that would have been for the best.”

“Thank you for your understanding. It’s okay to say instead, but with the newly planted world tree and fairies, it’s possible to open the door to the spirit realm.”

“That’s good news. Can you prepare it?”

“Yes! Rather, it is something we want to ask for. I was still preparing.”

were you preparing?

It was the first time I had heard of it.

“Really? I haven’t heard of such a story, did you prepare it separately?”

“Yes. I was preparing with the money I raised while promoting as an idol.”

“You did a great job!”

As Leon’s expression brightened, her expression also brightened.

“Are we helpful?”

help? That wasn’t enough.

It was safe to say that more than 50% of the work had already been done by the elves.

“I will raise my research priorities and invest as much money as possible. Please prepare as quickly as possible.”


“Yes. This is really important. Enough to save the world.”

When the story of saving the world came out, her expression became quite serious.

“Can you elaborate?”

“Yes. Let me explain.”

Rion explained to her why he was trying to open the spirit realm.

“You didn’t just heat it up, did you even think about rebuilding it?”

“Yes. You can think of it as making the world stronger.”

“… … You always exceed my expectations.”

She murmured softly with an expression of admiration.

square. square. square.

She wasn’t the only one who was amazed. The apostle who recorded all of this was also recording with a moved face.

It would be nice if it ended like this, but unfortunately that didn’t happen.

“Hey, Leon. It’s a good plan, but there’s a fatal flaw.”

I wouldn’t have known if I hadn’t been to the spirit world, but I could easily guess what the problem was.

“Is there any restriction that humans cannot enter the spirit realm?”

“Right. Only spirits can enter the spirit realm.”

“Fortunately, I have a method that works for me. Just prepare the door. I’ll take care of the rest.”

It was worth asking how, but she answered straight away without asking at all.

“Yes. I will prepare it right away.”

Her face was full of trust.

Now that the Spirit Gate was resolved, it was time to check the next problem.

“Oh, I have one more question, are you okay?”


“To the elves, the World Tree is the king, right?”

“Yes. Right.”

“After the Continental War, has there been any change in the World Tree?”

At Leon’s question, she was startled like someone who had a secret.

“… … uh, how do you do that?”

“Have you changed?”

She nodded with a trembling face.

“The World Tree still has great power and sacredness, but unlike before the war, there is no true connection.”

“A real rapport? Aren’t you still communicating?”

“It doesn’t compare to what I’m doing now. It’s about hearing his voice and hearing his will directly.”

It was as Leon expected.

“How do elves judge?”

“We… … We believe this happened because the number of elves has plummeted.”

“okay. It must not have been an easy story to tell, but thank you for telling me.”

As she said, the number of elves may have decreased. However, it was too early to conclude.

‘Excluding what we don’t know, if we just think about the current information… … .’

The king of the spirit world and the spirit world has disappeared.

I wondered if it was happening somewhere other than the Human World, but if the World Tree was included, the story would be completely different.

‘What if all the kings with transcendental power disappeared by the time the Continental War broke out?’

I don’t know why, and it’s nonsense, but you can’t just say it’s absurd.

‘Not one, three. This can’t just be a coincidence.’

A world without a king. This was really useful information.

Of course, it hasn’t been confirmed yet.

A final check was required.

“Then, please take care of me. I would like to ask you as soon as possible.”

“I’ll be back with good news soon.”

After the conversation with her was over, Leone opened her mouth after letting her go.

“Did you hear the story?”

Rion wasn’t talking into thin air. These were the words he said to the king of fairies who slept on Leon’s head.

“I know you are up.”

As Leon called out to him once more, a voice came overhead.

“You’re right, Leon.”

“If I am right, how is the King?”

“haha. Did you think of me like those kings?”

I thought the king of fairies knew something, but the answer came out completely different from what I thought.

“I know. Thinking like that, it makes sense that the previous king died like that.”


I didn’t think that the story of the former king would suddenly appear here.

“The reason we decided to seal it was because I was half a penny. The previous king passed away during the war, and I became king in a hurry even though I didn’t deserve it.”

“Are you at war?”

“… … Now that I look at it, it looks like he’s gone.”

There was sadness in his words.

“You don’t know why he disappeared, do you?”

“yes. Unfortunately.”

We still don’t know why, but one thing is certain.

‘The kings are gone.’

There was no king in this world with transcendent power.

A world where the king has disappeared.

It is the best environment for scammers.

* * *

While Leon was looking for a way to get to the spirit realm, the others in Killika were also busy.

“Kyahahaha! I like the world tree!”

“Fairies, help me this way.”


“You did very well. Can you help me here too?”


I didn’t know what the hell they were doing, but the fairies flew all over the World Tree and the elves were busy moving.

It wasn’t just the elves and fairies that moved so busily.

“Are you saying let’s make a song of growth on our own?”

“haha. You’re right, Purple. If I combine my strength with yours, a new result might come out.”


“Enough, don’t worry too much. Even if we fail, aren’t those people still there?”

“yes. Grandpa Green.”

As well as the Power Rangers Purple and Green.

“You mean to give it the ‘open’ attribute?”

“Yes. If you make a key, I will make a path for it.”

Even the witch Julia and the sage were put into making the door to the spirit realm.

If enough manpower and gold are invested, results come out quickly.

“Leon! It’s done!”

In less than three days, the door was completed.

Of course, there was a small problem because it was completed quickly.

‘… … It means they don’t care about aesthetics.’

There was only a crappy wooden door standing in front of the World Tree.

“No matter how it looks, it will work! You don’t have to worry!”

It was to the point where the Guardians hurriedly said this.

“You guys made it, but I know it’s different from what it looks like on the outside. You don’t have to worry.”

It wasn’t until Rion said it was okay that her expression softened.

“What am I going to do?”

“You can pass the power of the halo to the World Tree. Green and Purple have worked hard, but World Tree is still lacking in growth.”

“Is that all I can do for you?”

“yes. Just do that, and leave the rest to us.”

It was quite different from when I opened my ears.

At that time, Rion even mobilized persuasion to open it, but this time I just had to lend her insufficient strength.

“I know. Shall I start first?”

“yes. we are ready Give me strength and I will open the door right away.”

Leone called the apostles together and said.

“I need your strength.”

The apostles gathered around Leon.

Leon sent a signal to the apostles surrounding him.

“Get started.”

At those words, the apostles invoked the power of mythology. A large halo appeared surrounding Leon and the apostles.

‘Hey Siri!’

[Yes. I will deliver the power of the halo to the World Tree.]

With Ciri’s guidance, the halo began to be absorbed by the World Tree, and soon the others began to move.

“Activate the magic circle!”

The door, which looked shabby, had a magic circle written on it. As the magic circle began to glow, the shabby-looking door looked different.

Then, the guardian moved.

“You are the king of the fairies!”

“I’m only helping you this time.”

“thank you!”

The Guardian knelt in front of the World Tree and closed his eyes, while the Fairy King climbed to the highest branch of the World Tree and took his seat.

Soon after, an amazing thing happened.

Flowers made of light began to bloom from the branches of the World Tree.

‘Is that an absorbed halo?’

At the same time, a tremendous light burst from the door.

“The door will open soon!”

Now it was time to become a spirit.

‘Siri. Bixby. I believe only in you!’

[You don’t have to worry.]

The way Leon found it was simple.

‘google! Eat my body and put it in your pocket!’


The answer was Google’s new technology ‘combination bag’.

Black smoke came out of Leon’s right hand.


Google swallowed Leone’s body.

Originally, it was impossible for Google to swallow Lyon’s body, but that restriction disappears when you put it in your pocket.

[Pocket: Leone.]

A notification window appeared in Google’s combined pocket that Leone had entered.

[The combined pouch is activated.]

Soon after, Google and Leone began to merge into one.

Of course, Lyon and Google weren’t half-and-half mixed. Google was close to absorbing the Leones in its pockets.


I heard Google’s cries of triumph, but it was short-lived.

[Leave the initiative.]

[I am the youngest. Do you want to let go? Do you want to be beaten?]

[Gu, Gureuk?]

[Do not answer. I have already decided.]

[Gureuk! Gurgle! Gureuk!]

After such a body-to-body conversation between seniors and juniors.


[I wish I had heard from the beginning.]

Something walked out of the black smoke and disappeared into the door of the spirit realm.

“… … Did you really become a spirit!?”

The Guardian’s startled voice echoed quietly.

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