143. This is the spirit realm!?

[You are entering the spirit realm.]

‘Is it a success!?’

[That’s right.]

Leone really became something similar to a spirit.

Passing through the door was proof of that.

‘Synchronization finished?’

[Not yet. Synchronization is in progress.]

It was ‘Bixby’, not Leone, who moved his body when he passed the door.

It was natural.

In the first place, this body was not Leon’s body.

‘Has Google managed to suppress it?’

[I didn’t listen for a while, but I quickly came to my senses. He is a very good junior. The youngest has a surprising sense!]

Hitting a child like that, he must have developed a sense that he didn’t have.

‘This guy did something to be praised for, but he couldn’t stand it at the end.’

Google worked perfectly as planned. It was entirely Google’s power that made this body.

But in the end, he couldn’t stand it.

‘What about the Google guy?’

[I am reflecting from the inside because I was forcibly taken away.]

Strictly speaking, Google did nothing wrong. I ate because I was told to eat, and I did because I was told to combine.

It was Google’s instinct to swallow and take away power, and the merger was originally based on Google.

‘Anyway, this isn’t it.’

[you’re right.]

‘Surely educate. Driven into your soul that there is a line you must never cross.’

[I will show that the owner exists above instinct.]


Between instinct and Lion, Lion must always come first. It was impossible to lose to instinct and try to swallow Leon.

After a while, Bixby and Siri started reporting.

[master! Synchronization between the rod and the body is over!]

[Circle synchronization is also finished.]

‘great. Then, start the final synchronization!’

It was Google that made the body, but it was Siri and Bixby that filled the inside.

This was not a combination of Lyon and Google.

Siri, the spirit of faith.

Bixby, the Spirit of Rage.

Google between demons and spirits.

Because it was the combination of the three, it was possible to enter the spirit realm.

[Synchronizes the body and mind.]

Leon’s mind was overlaid on the body the three had created.

Then my senses came back, and I began to feel my body.

[Synchronization completed.]

With Siri’s words, Leon opened his mouth.

“Is this the body of a spirit?”

[That’s right.]

It felt completely different from the human body. Leon looked at his body and said.

“They look the same… … Does it feel like something more free?”

[The method of using the body is slightly different between humans and spirits. Use your imagination and we will assist you with the rest.]

“great. Let’s find out how to use our bodies.”

After checking his body like that, Leon looked around.

“Have you entered the spirit realm yet?”

All around Leon’s body was filled with colorful lights, and his body was being sucked into somewhere.

[That’s right. Still moving.]

It took longer than expected, but it turned out to be a good thing.

“Wouldn’t it be better to learn how to use your body now than to go inside and panic?”

[This is a valid opinion.]

It was a perfect time to practice using the body.

“I don’t know how long it will take, but let’s do it. by the way… … Am I flying right now?”

[That’s right.]

While learning how to use her body like that, she flew towards the spirit realm.

* * *

Soon after, Leone arrived in the spirit realm.

However, Leon’s expression was not so good.

“… … Is this the spirit realm?”

[I’m sure.]

The current appearance was completely different from the spirit realm that Leon had investigated in advance.

“It’s quite different from the spirit realm I knew… … .”

The spirit realm was filled with the energy of nature and the spirits lived happily.

“No matter how much the spirit realm collapses… … I don’t think it would be like this. It feels like the end has come.”

The spirit realm was really serious.

The ground was dry and cracked open, and the sky was filled with huge clouds mixed with all sorts of energy.

While looking around like that, something flew towards Leon like a shot.

“hey! What are you doing with a storm coming!?”

The identity of the guy who flew towards Leone was none other than a ‘spirit’.

[As a result of checking the internal aura, it is assumed to be a wind spirit.]

‘Isn’t there anything special about it?’

[That’s right.]

After checking, Leone asked the guy a question.


“This is not the time to be here, you idiot! Can’t you see the sky? It’s coming over there!”

What the spirit pointed to was a cloud floating in the sky. As the guy said, part of the cloud was slowly approaching the place where Leon was.

“Is that dangerous?”

“Of course not dangerous! You still don’t know that!? I came all this way because of you!”

Rion’s eyes lit up.

‘I didn’t meet by chance, I came here to warn you. Is this friend worth using?’

Rion organized her thoughts and immediately apologized to the guy.

“ah. sorry. I have been here for the first time.”

“… … First time?”

While we were talking for a while, the cloud approached nearby.



It was immediately clear why the clouds were dangerous. Fire, earth, water and wind spewed out of the clouds.

“For now, shall we put that aside and talk about it?”

“What!? That’s not something you can clean up! It’s like a disaster!”

That was just the wind spirit’s idea. It wasn’t a disaster from Leon’s point of view. It just looked like a lump of energy.

‘If I do this, I’ll be able to create an interesting situation?’

An interesting ‘story’ popped up in Leon’s mind.

[Unique Skill: Persuasion of the parish priest is activated.]

After Leon immediately activated the skill.

“don’t worry. Why are you worried after you called me?”

started cheating.

“… … Did I call you?”

“okay. You are the one who called me.”

“What do you mean!?”

The guy shouted as if to stop talking nonsense, but Leon had expected this kind of reaction.

‘From now on, I’m going to make nonsense the truth.’

Leon immediately used the skill.

[Skill: Consolation is activated.]

“The spirit realm with no signs of recovery, a hopeless life day by day. You must be mad at all the things you don’t see an answer to.”

Red anger shone around Leon’s body.

“I am your wrath.”

“… … A spirit of wrath?”

It didn’t end here. Anger alone doesn’t solve anything.

“But you didn’t just give up and be angry. I did not give up my belief that this world would change with a small hope.”

He was a guy with enough personality to warn Leon in this hopeless situation. I couldn’t have given up hope.

Soon, white divine power began to appear above the red rage.

“I am your hope and faith.”

“Uh, how do you have two powers!?”

It was not yet time to be surprised.

If you showed anger and hope, now it was your turn to show results.

“So you don’t have to run away.”

At that moment, pitch-black smoke erupted from Leon’s body.

The smoke went towards the clouds.

Kwajik! Kwajik!

It bit the cloud and swallowed it.

The cloud, which was called a disaster, disappeared before anyone knew it.

“I will ask you again. Why did you call me, who is both anger and faith?”

The boy’s eyes trembled relentlessly.

[The persuasion target is convinced.]

[The persuasion target agrees.]

[The subject has been persuaded.]

Even without an answer, I could tell that he had crossed over.

* * *

The wind spirit guided Leone into the crypt. It was the hideout of spirits nestled deep in the ground.

‘It’s serious, really.’

The spirits hidden in the ground lay still on the ground as if they were dead, as if they had no strength to move.

“Are all the spirits here?”

“For us, our friends here are the end.”

“Our side? So, are there other hiding places like this?”

“yes. There are hideouts made by top-notch spirits everywhere. The reason the spirits are still able to hold on is because they are maintaining their shelter.”

It was the best news I heard after coming to the spirit realm.

“That is very fortunate.”

“… … Are you happy? I don’t know.”

The boy muttered in a low voice with a serious expression on his face.

“why? Got a problem?”

“For spirits to live, they must absorb energy. It’s hard to live in abundance with the power of our intermediate spirits.”

The spirits survived thanks to the highest level of spirits maintaining their shelter, but that alone was not enough to continue their survival.

“You’d rather reduce the hiding places and let the rest of you live in abundance, right?”

“… … It’s a cruel word, but it is.”

This was a very difficult problem.

It was a situation where a few sacrifices were needed to save the whole.

‘I don’t know if it’s a human, but it’s impossible for spirits.’

Lyon pretended not to know and asked him.

“Isn’t that what you had to do if you had to?”

“… … Everyone knows that, but no one has decided. The only spirit with such authority is the king.”

What would a human do in this situation?

‘Either they ate each other, or they must have boldly sacrificed a cow for a generation.’

However, for the spirits, that was impossible. In this situation, everyone could die, but a few could not be driven out.

‘Stupid, but… … Not bad.’

They were kind and frustrating to the point of being foolish. However, Leon did not hate these spirits.

‘If it were my colleagues, there wouldn’t be people with cancer like this.’

It wasn’t a bad condition if it wasn’t a colleague, but a target to help.

‘There’s no way I’ll betray them, and they’re the ones I’ll always be grateful for.’

Leon organized his thoughts and moved straight away.

“Then, shall we eat before we talk about something important?”


Leon smiled and held out his right hand.

‘Put up slowly the cloud you ate earlier.’

[master! Please wait a moment! google! The opportunity to be forgiven has arrived. Vomit!]


I don’t know what kind of training they did, but Google slowly vomited up the cloud it had just eaten without much resistance.

[Attribute energy is released.]

From Leon’s right hand, elemental energy, the source of the cloud, began to slowly fill the crypt.

“Hey, this! Is this the cloud you just swallowed!? How do you absorb energy? … .”

“I told you. I am your hope and faith.”

After Leon said that.

“Your faith is so strong, how can I stay still?”

I stroked the boy’s head.

“… … thank you.”

The boy replied with a bright smile on his face that looked like he was about to cry.

“Look around. Hope is sprouting little by little.”

At Leon’s words, the guy hurriedly looked around.

The spirits, who had always been lying like corpses, rose from their seats and moved slowly. Hope was sprouting in the crypt that was full of death.

At that time, Leone looked at one side of the cave and said.

“Does that friend look very hungry? Are you eating too much?”

“There is a top-notch spirit there.”

“okay? Then, shall we have a real conversation over there?”

“Bar, right!?”

Leon nodded as if it was nothing.

“Is it simply a life of fullness that you have really longed for? If so, you can stop here. But if you’re looking at more than that, you have to go there with me.”

The confused guy’s expression became serious, and he made a decision.


“You don’t have to be so serious. It’s calling us from the other side too.”


Leon nodded.

It wasn’t a lie. A strange wave was flowing from inside.

As if calling Leon.

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