This time in Nayby, Su Qi has played six games in a row and has won repeatedly.

Therefore, in the last round, she chose to rest first, so that the teachers and sisters of the same group could show off.

Anyway, here, even if he lost the game, but got the second place, the Ice Spirit Pavilion was able to allocate more training resources than in previous years.

Compared to the bottom of the previous rankings, this record is already very good.

In the first match, Bingling Pavilion was on the court with a female disciple with a ponytail haircut, with beautiful eyes.

However, her cultivation base is only the first level of the Nine Tribulations Realm, and facing Qin Feng at this moment, she is obviously lacking in confidence.

"Game start!"

As soon as the referee's words fell, the female disciple immediately took out the ice armor machine gun, intending to imitate Su Qi, wanting to make a quick battle.

"Boom boom boom!!!"

Loud gunfire sounded intensively.

In an instant, under the rapid rotation of the six barrels, bullets shot out frantically.

However, this female disciple does not have Yang Zilei's talented skills, location tracking.

Although her blast aimed at Qin Feng's body, the latter apparently cultivated a peculiar way of physique and martial arts, and there were afterimages in the movement of her figure.

That imaginary body made the female disciple of Debing Ling Pavilion unable to catch the target for a while, so she could only shoot randomly.

The bullet penetrated through the phantom and hit the array shield in the rear auditorium.

For a while, the light curtain trembled violently, and it was covered with a layer of frost.

"Fortunately, there is an array mask, otherwise at this speed, I am afraid that I will be shot into a nest of ants!"

The Wufu disciples in that area in the auditorium suddenly took a breath.

In addition to shock, their bodies also leaned back involuntarily, lest the protective shield would suddenly be shot through.


When everyone was astonished, Qin Feng on the Wudou stage suddenly exploded, and the sword aura spread over the sky, and the air on the ring suddenly solidified!

After suppressing the triple aura of the Nine Tribulations Realm, the female disciple of the Ice Spirit Pavilion was confused, and the shooting corner was also panicked.

However, in fact, she can't see where Qin Feng is at all now, and she is surrounded by afterimages of the latter.


Suddenly, a ghostly figure appeared on the side of the female disciple of the Ice Spirit Pavilion, and a long sword glowing with cold light reached her throat.

"you lose."

Qin Feng said with indifferent eyes.

The female disciple of the Ice Spirit Pavilion let out a sigh of relief, and said with some frustration, "I admit defeat."

"Tianjian Pavilion Qin Fengsheng!"

The referee announced, looking at Qin Feng with relief.

At last someone was able to suppress this weapon.

Next, in the second match, Qin Feng also avoided the shooting with a strange body speed and won again.

"Brother Feng has won again!"

"If we win the third game again, our Tianjian Pavilion will be the champion of Nubuat!"

The disciples in the Tianjian Pavilion area cheered with excitement.

At the same time, many Wufu disciples all looked at Yang Zilei with bleak eyes.

The triumphant look seemed to say that your arms and weapons are nothing more than that.

There was a smile at the corner of Yang Zilei's mouth. He naturally knew that although the gun was strong, there were enemies of the same level.

Even if the lethality is strong, but can not shoot the enemy, everything is in vain.

If it were his own, using the automatic tracking and critical strike talent skills, Qin Feng would definitely be choking.

I like fantasy: the beginning Wuhun hundreds of millions of modern weapons, please collect: ( Fantasy: The opening Wuhun hundreds of millions of modern weapons has the fastest literary update.

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