The third match.

Su Qi's pretty face was slightly dignified, carrying the Gatling machine gun and stepped onto the martial arts platform.

Although he knew that arms and weapons did not play much role in Qin Feng, who was extremely fast.

But if you use a sword, it's not even Qin Feng's opponent.

"As people of martial arts, we should have focused on martial arts and martial arts, rather than relying on these nondescript weapons and opportunistic."

Qin Feng glanced at the Gatling machine gun contemptuously, his voice unabashedly mocking.

"Is it?"

A sly smile appeared at the corner of Su Qi's mouth, "Then you can dare to fight head-on, instead of hiding your head like a turtle."

Regarding Su Qi's aggressive strategy, Qin Feng flashed a trace of murderous intent in his eyes, and immediately said in a cold voice, "Why don't you dare."

As soon as the voice fell, Qin Feng drew two long swords from the storage ring, holding a sword in each hand.

"Senior Brother Qin's Shuangjianliu is finally fortunate to see him use it again!"

Upon seeing this, the audience's eyes lit up.

They all know that Qin Feng, as the big brother of the Heavenly Sword Pavilion, has a profound knowledge of swordsmanship, and his most powerful is the Shuangjian Liu, which is powerful.

Previously, a contestant who was also a triple-layer of the Nine Tribulations Realm was defeated by this move.

"The two swords go together!"

Qin Feng's spiritual power ran wildly, and two long swords, one black and one white, were put together, suddenly bursting out bright light, and the sword spirit was wanton.

Su Qi's eyebrows furrowed slightly, the martial spirit in the body was awakened, and the ice-type spirit fox appeared, and the cold spiritual power poured into the machine gun in his hand, suddenly filled with extremely cold energy fluctuations.

"Boom boom boom!!!"

As the trigger was pulled by the finger, the machine gun began to fire instantly.

"Double Sword Whirlpool!"

Qin Feng's eyes dazzled, and the spiritual power surging on the blade condensed the surrounding airflow, and suddenly swirled.


Suddenly, a black-and-white tornado whirlpool swung fiercely from the two swords.

The sharp blades of light and shadow were mixed in the whirlpool, spinning wildly.

The strong wind and waves that rushed out directly involved all the bullets that were fired quickly, and they were instantly shattered!

Seeing this scene, Su Qi was stunned.

However, just before she could react, a light and shadow suddenly rushed out of the vortex, and appeared in front of her in the blink of an eye.


The sword light passed by, and Su Qi suddenly felt that the ice armor machine gun in his hand was broken in half.

And the palm of her hand holding the trigger was also cut off by three fingers, and blood was flowing.

Su Qi let out a shock, and hurriedly used his spiritual power to stop the blood.

"Sister Su!"

Seeing this scene, the female disciples in the Bingling Pavilion area suddenly stood up nervously and glared at Qin Feng.

"Sorry, the sword has no eyes!"

Qin Feng smiled indifferently, without the slightest pity.

Su Qi's palm was shaking slightly, but he didn't say much, turned around and walked off the martial arts platform.

If you break three fingers, if you are an ordinary person, you must be disabled for life.

But for the martial artist in the Nine Tribulations Realm, as long as they swallow the Qi and Blood Pill and Rejuvenation Pill, they can regenerate.

But the damage to the bones and muscles requires a long period of practice to recover.

"It's pretty cruel."

Yang Zilei frowned slightly, staring at the arrogant Qin Feng, muttering to himself.

"Qin Feng won, this time Nubuat, Tianjian Pavilion won the first championship!"

The referee had no surprises and announced the final result.

Feeling the cheers in the square, Qin Feng remained unmoved.

I saw that he picked up the machine gun that was broken in half, and under the suspicion of everyone, a tyrannical aura burst out of his palm, which was directly twisted into pieces.

Immediately, Qin Feng turned his gaze, looked at Yang Zilei in the crowd, and sneered proudly: "It is ridiculous that he wants to change the age of martial arts with this pile of broken copper and iron!"

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