Fight To the Third Generation

Chapter 198: red and green

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At two o'clock in the morning, I went back to my apartment to sleep.

Su Yehao originally thought that if he dropped a full 300 million yuan and sat at the gaming table himself, he would be so nervous that he couldn't fall asleep, tossing and turning, but a few minutes after he touched the pillow, there was a slight cry.

I slept until it was bright, and woke up at ten o'clock the next morning.

I didn't care about washing my face and brushing my teeth, so I checked the closing data of the US stock market, and it was still in the early 33 dollars. The situation seemed to have stabilized.

The U.S. stock market melted at night, and sure enough, it was on the news.

If you search casually, you will find relevant news everywhere. According to the news, the reason for the sharp drop is that a group of financial scientists are terrified due to being dragged down by the global market.

The Hong Kong stock market continued to fall, and the mainland stock market, Singapore stock market and Japanese and European markets also plunged.

The so-called circuit breaker mechanism for U.S. stocks, in simple terms, means that when the stock market falls to a certain level, the market automatically stops trading for a period of time, which may be a few minutes, or it may be the end of all-day trading. The main purpose of this is to prevent further panic. Spread, bring greater impact to the market.

Such a drop of 7% in the night only triggered a circuit breaker in the primary market, and all stocks were suspended for fifteen minutes.

Fortunately, after the circuit breaker at night, the market began to show signs of sideways fluctuations. "Growth investment" stocks like Yahoo have suffered a relatively large impact, but they have not fallen below their own value.

Holding more than 450 million Yahoo shares, the average starting price is about $32.

Su Yehao is still making money, but unfortunately, a large part of the previous profits have been wiped out. The good thing is... He has been included in the list of Yahoo's top ten shareholders.

Although it ranks at the bottom and has no right to speak, the list is displayed in the list of major shareholders, accounting for 3.22% of Yahoo's total share capital.

The so-called stock speculation to become a major shareholder refers to his situation.

For a company with a market value of more than 10 billion Hong Kong dollars, it is not bad to be able to hold so many shares.

I believe that when Yahoo holds the shareholders' meeting, Su Yehao will still be able to grab a relatively advanced position...

After Nangong Tian got up this morning, she quietly checked Yahoo's news.

She knew that the situation was not optimistic, and worried that Brother Hao was in a bad mood, she specially asked the nanny to cook a bowl of noodles, a bowl full of pork liver, kidney flower, egg skin, and shredded sea cucumber.

When Su Yehao sat down at the table and saw the big bowl of noodles, he said speechlessly, "You are trying to make up for my death, do you have any ideas tonight?"

"How come, although I lost money, I still have to eat enough." Xiao Nizi smiled.

Su Yehao continued to ask her, "Didn't you have a class this morning?"

"It doesn't matter if you go to class or not, it's still the most important thing to be with you. I heard that one jumped in Victoria Harbour today. I haven't found it yet. I'm afraid you won't be able to think about it."


With a light sigh, Su Yehao said, "What do you know, I bought 300 million Yahoo shares at a low price last night, and it was too late to be happy. The callback has risen sharply, with my current position, for every dollar that Yahoo's stock price rises, the profit is equal to the previous rise of three dollars, so wait and count the money for me!"

"Brother Hao, are you really okay?"

Xiao Nizi thought that Su Yehao was pretending to be strong, but it was not the case.

Today, Yahoo's stock price is a bit bad, and there are still many problems in its operation. It has neither escaped at the high point nor successfully copied the bottom price, but his position has become higher, and the starting price is still cheap.

Su Yehao calmly smiled and said, "What can I do, have you forgotten what my family is for? The big deal is that I fail to start a business and go home to inherit billions of dollars. You are so beautiful and charming, why would I want to feed the fish?"

Patting his chest, Nangong Tian let out a sigh of relief and said:

"That's good, I even plan to get Jiang Yu drunk and stuff it into your bed."

Not sure if she was joking.

However, based on what Su Yehao knew about Xiao Nizi, she could indeed do such a thing.

Eating noodles, Su Yehao said vaguely, "If you say that, then I will admit it. I lost tens of millions in one night. I was just pretending to be strong. You go to her bar and I will help."


Nangong Tian was cheerful again and added, "After the trial, you really have nothing to do."


He slipped away from under his eyelids.

Su Yehao pursed his lips and sighed, then changed the subject and asked, "How is it, seeing as I have lost so much, do you still dare to take out the small treasury and take a gamble with me?"

"As long as you say yes, I'll definitely dare. My mother has already called me eight million in the morning. She only has so much spare money. She went to Singapore to invest in business and became very poor..."

I always felt that Nangong Tian had misunderstood the word "poor". Su Yehao stopped teasing her and continued:

"Now is really an opportunity. I will accompany you to the bank later, lend you 30 million, and open a trading account. Yahoo's stock price seems to have stabilized, and the news also said that the market panicked yesterday, and there is a high probability of a correction today. , I will definitely not give you a hard time anyway."

"I'll listen to you, otherwise, I'll go shopping with me after I'm busy, and I'll have no clothes to wear."

"What's piled up in the cloakroom? Yesterday's clothes don't match today's you?"

Hearing this ridicule, Nangong Tian suddenly became arrogant and said coquettishly, "I hate it, I read in the magazine that Chanel has released a new model, limited edition, and it will be gone if you don't grab it sooner."


Once again rushed to the first Quanye Securities.

This company is backed by the First Quanye Consortium. It has good strength and is familiar with cooperation. Su Yehao can enjoy top VIP discounts.

Like today.

Once again, he got 30 million Hong Kong dollars in his own name. The Japanese president of the securities company personally received him, and he also specially prepared some gifts, including a 200,000 Harbor City shopping card, a coupon for a hot spring club at the foot of Mount Fuji, and a Private business jet service ten times a year, etc. I think I want to have a good relationship and win the big customer Su Yehao in one fell swoop.

For top-quality customers, brokerages are very willing to spend money. They have gifts during the New Year and festivals, and they also provide services such as cocktail parties, travel, and golf from time to time.

Open a good account for Nangong Tian, ​​and agree that after the US stock market opens tonight, no matter whether it rises or falls, I will buy Yahoo stock as soon as possible.

For the rest, Su Yehao just let it go and went shopping with the little girl.

More and more I realize the importance of learning financial knowledge. For example, this time, there is no pre-judgment in advance, and the disposal after the event is also so-so.

Others are short and long, and they have a lot of fun, but Su Yehao only dares to use his own funds to invest in stocks like ordinary investors, and his profits are far from being maximized.

Although it is very safe, it also wastes many opportunities to get rich.

The landlord's family had surplus grain, which made Su Yehao less urge to take a chance. Fortunately, the business was steady and progressing, and he actually earned a lot.

Reflect from time to time during the day.

At 9:30 in the evening, after the US stock market opened, Yahoo's stock price fluctuated around $34 for a few minutes, quickly following the broader market rebound, and the Nasdaq index soared 3%.

And Yahoo's share price, successively callback to thirty-five, thirty-six, thirty-seven, thirty-eight, the momentum is quite fierce.

Yesterday was really just a panic drop and investors' confidence was back.

Su Yehao, who clearly has the strength to be a bookmaker, but learns to trade stocks for retail investors, laughed so hard that he finally made sure that he really made a bottom, and the U.S. stock market was green.

Nangong Tian was so excited that she screamed. In just over half an hour, she had already earned more than four million Hong Kong dollars in pocket money.

As for Nong Qingying, it also made millions...

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