Fight To the Third Generation

Chapter 205: hotels and mansions

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When talking about the best local restaurants during the meal, Su Yehao naturally thought of the State Guest House.

It just so happened that at this time, Father Su, who was a little worried, called specifically to inquire about the situation.

Su Yehao only asked if he could help book a table of meals, which happened to be used to entertain Yinhai's group tonight. He could also take the opportunity to show off in front of them while trying out the early adopters.

Since after the investment, if you want to take over the management power of Yinhai and subdue a group of management, you can't dig Soso.

Others go out to work, not only for wealth and fame.

Since he went to the University of Hong Kong to study, he has not done much research on other things, but Su Yehao has gained some new experience on the issue of "how to manage his subordinates".

As long as the employees and partners can create enough income for him, and at the same time don't make him worry too much, it's okay to give a little more.

On the contrary, when a good time comes, the start-up capital and development direction are also available.

Mainland Internet business, as an absolute field that Su Yehao values, he has full confidence in his development prospects in this industry.

It was just a hotel reservation. Father Su felt that it was safer to live there, so he simply asked an acquaintance to help him, and made a reservation together with the restaurant box and guest room. He asked Su Yehao to pack up and move in today.

As a wealthy businessman in a famous casino city, how could he not have this face...

After eating and drinking, I specifically said hello to reporter Sun Daxian.

Reporter Sun drank some wine, his face was flushed and he wore a plaid sweater. He kept sending Su Yehao to the door of the restaurant without saying anything. When he learned that he was walking back, he even asked a colleague who didn't drink to give him a ride.

He was too enthusiastic, and there was no way to refuse. In fact, it was only a few hundred meters away.

Shortly after returning to the hotel, Su Yehao received a call from the front desk, saying that there were guests coming to pick them up, the State Guest House's car.

Simply pack up your luggage, see the classic luxury car parked at the door, and don't even worry about encountering a liar. After all, there are some styles that others can't buy with money.

Changed hotels quickly.

The front desk of the Wangfu Hotel also made a special call and said that they wanted to send the prepaid room fee of more than 3,000 yuan.

More than 3,000 yuan, not only the room fee for the next two days, but also the deposit of 500 yuan, which is a few months' salary for ordinary people in this era.

Logically speaking, it is difficult to get a full refund after paying, but the driver who picks him up is not a small person, so the manager of the Wangfu Hotel is so polite, Su Yehao is too lazy to bother, he only asks them to leave some tips, and the other 3,000 yuan is donated .

When I checked into the new hotel, the room actually looked better than the newly renovated Wangfu Hotel suite, but Su Yehao still enjoyed it.

Rather than a hotel, it is actually an attraction in itself.

Nong Qingying was full, and sat on the chair now, saying, "Well, why do you want to change the hotel? I just had someone disinfect the bathtub, and I plan to take a hot bath before going to the Forbidden City."

"You, you don't know happiness when you are in happiness. Look at this stool. Maybe some famous person has sat on it. The hotel is a hotel. Can it be compared to this place?"

Su Yehao swelled up, stood by the window and looked at the snowy landscape in the garden, and said again: "That is, Brother Hao, I have a lot of face, otherwise you won't even be able to enter the door. When you enter the door, they will check our correspondence certificate, don't you have points yet? ?"

Nong Qingying couldn't get used to his appearance, rolled his eyes and said, "I'm the daughter of a fisherman's family, and I don't even know what's going on here. If you don't tell me, it's my fault."

"The driver was also in the car before. What do I say in front of others, doesn't it seem like I have never seen the world?"

"It's okay if we speak Cantonese."


Su Yehao was speechless, and said, "What if a driver who understands Cantonese is specially dispatched."

Throwing a blank eye at him again.

Nong Qingying found the travel book and began to look at it, planning the next travel plan.

She was afraid of the cold, so Su Yehao took a walk in the hotel garden first, but he could only say that he had not seen enough of the world, and he always felt it was rare.

Arranged a box with the front desk of the hotel, called Chu Jun, the second shareholder of Yinhai, and made an appointment for dinner.

Knowing that Su Yehao didn't bring a tour guide and didn't arrange for a car to travel, Chu Jun didn't say a word, and immediately arranged a reception in person, and asked the secretary to wait at the gate of the hotel in a newly bought Bentley TurboR.

No way, the car was not registered, and the guard did not let it in.

When I set off to the Forbidden City, it was already more than two o'clock in the afternoon. The visit was arranged at the front desk in advance. With the ticket, I walked directly from the VIP channel. The museum also specially arranged a gold-medal tour guide to explain the introduction. The whole process was in English, mainly to take care of Nong Qingying.

After walking around for a long time, Su Yehao also received a small seal and a silk scarf as gifts at about four o'clock in the afternoon.

This treatment made Chu Jun smack his lips again and again. He usually brings his children here to play, but he doesn't have this kind of treatment.

Su Yehao also knew that these were all the light of his own old man.

As a representative of the outstanding entrepreneurs in the casino, Father Su still has a bit of face. He came back to Sijiucheng last time to urge approval. During this period, he often went to the club and met a lot of people.


Let the chef cook Sichuan cuisine that night.

For Chu Jun, the second shareholder, Su Yehao has always been polite and never urged him to step down as soon as possible and hand over the management to Leibus.

However, with the sudden reduction of Chu Jun's shareholding ratio, many of the company's burdens have been placed on Leibus' shoulders, such as the task of price reduction and promotion, which is now in charge of Leibus.

Taking advantage of the wine, Su Yehao started tossing radishes and promised to "wait until the end of the year to sell as many as 10,000 sets, and personally take out as many as 10,000 as an additional bonus".

It attracted Leibus and others to take the lead in applauding and applauding.

It's just a normal dinner party, nothing to say. The development of Yinhai is limited by the market size. For the time being, Su Yehao only wants to stabilize the market share, play steadily, and continuously launch better office document products.

After eating this meal, it was so spicy that my stomach seemed to be on fire that It was just two glasses of white wine, and I almost vomited on the toilet.

Wait until the next day.

Chu Jun and Leibus together led them to climb the Great Wall. The steps were slippery after the snow, and it was easy to go up and down.

It's really just for sightseeing.

Back in the city in the afternoon, the real estate agent who had made an appointment in advance was already waiting.

Let’s first look at the legendary four-nine city and one ring, and the courtyard separated by a wall from the Forbidden City. It covers an area of ​​more than 700 square meters and is quoted at 16 million yuan.

After reading it, it just feels old and broken.

But Su Yehao had the idea of ​​a complete renovation, and asked the landlord representatives to give a sincere price.

These are three houses, a total of 16 families, all of which are sold together to the outside world, which is equivalent to selling land.

After talking with the real estate agent for a while, Su Yehao learned that the courtyard house was cheap a few years ago, but recently the price has risen.

Different from viewing houses in Pengcheng, he has an inexplicable obsession with courtyard houses, so he casually reported 15 million, but he only stayed for two days, and he would reply within two days if he could.

After reading this house, I looked at other rooms.

There is a yard next to Shichahai, covering an area of ​​more than 1,800 acres. It is said that it was the residence of a first-rank minister. It was located in the alley, and the price was 20 million.

If you calculate the average price, it is much more affordable than the set at the root of the city wall, and there are not so many families.

Su Yehao made no statement and continued to look at the other two suites.

It was only in the evening that they offered another 15 million, and asked the intermediary to ask the seller of Shichahai's house.

After careful calculation, the price of these courtyard houses is still a lot cheaper than the newly built villas in Pengcheng. However, the villas in Pengcheng are calculated according to the floor area, and the courtyard houses are also sold at the price of the house. The difference is big. ...

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