Latest URL: The first semester of freshman year is coming to an end.

The announcement of the winter vacation has been posted in various conspicuous places on campus.

Four days in a row.

Su Yehao came to the tennis club to check in every day, and his muscles were sore.

The number of times I actually play tennis is very small, mainly busy running back and forth, push-ups, etc., which is equivalent to fitness.

During this period, Su Yehao also took time out to ask the principal to temporarily transform an activity room into a dance classroom.

to this end.

Jiang Yu specifically found an opportunity and came to thank him.

At this moment, Jiang Yu and Jiang Yu were sitting beside the tennis court.

She said, "I'll treat you in the evening. You call Nangong and Buck Yajun and the others to have a meal together. Do you know the arrangements for the winter vacation?"

"Well, I'll find them later. I heard a discussion just now that there is a holiday on the 23rd of this month, and it will be on the 13th of the next month. There are only 22 days of vacation in total, which is really short. I heard that the summer vacation will be held. More than three months." Su Yehao wiped his sweat.

I just had dinner with Buck Tooth Jun, He Shaofan, and Zhugan last night, and talked about the development of the travel company. Although the three of them are small shareholders, they are business partners after all.

It would be nice to get together again if someone treats you.

"For you, it doesn't matter whether you have a vacation or not. The teacher never calls your name when calling, so what about the final exam?" Jiang Yu asked.

"I don't know, if I sit next to you, remember to pass me a note."

It was very refreshing for Su Yehao to help her arrange the dance classroom, but as for finding a single dormitory for Jiang Yu, there was no whereabouts.

Regarding this point, Jiang Yu didn't ask, and Su Yehao didn't take the initiative to mention it.

"I won't help you, who makes you lazy all day."

After saying this, Jiang Yu laughed and added: "But if you think about it seriously, it seems interesting to use the knowledge in the classroom to test the level of your well-known investor. If your grades are bad, but Isn't it a bit contradictory to make a lot of money from doing business?"

"It can't be calculated like this. Theory is theory, and practice is another matter. Some people are still very good at learning."

Su Yehao looked at Jiang Yu when he was talking.

Who "some people" refers to, Jiang Yu instantly understood, and said angrily: "I haven't tried it yet, how do you know I can't? In the future, if I go to be a fund manager, I may earn a profit rate that is higher than yours. high!"

"I started dreaming during the day, as if I had strained my muscles and thumped my shoulders."

After Su Yehao finished speaking, he turned around. In the crowd, Jiang Yu was thin-skinned and stood up decisively: "Find a massage parlour by myself, their craftsmanship is much better than mine. I've been busy writing papers these days, and my shoulders are sore. ."

Thinking it was a good proposal, Su Yehao asked her:

"Nangong is studying at home and wants to get a scholarship by his own strength. Would you like to go for a massage with me? The back is so beautiful, it's a pity not to take a cup."

Jiang Yu said defensively, "Have you peeked at me?"

"... peeping a fart, it's not that I didn't see you wearing a swimsuit, one piece for auntie, tsk."



I learned that Su Yehao was going to the most mysterious Shek O Country Club in Hong Kong for a massage.

Jiang Yu was heartbroken for a while, but went with him.

Shek O Country Club is not far from Su Yehao's mansion on Big Wave Bay Road. This pure membership golf course club is famous in Hong Kong City with only a few hundred members. It was built in 1925 and has a very British style.

The same golf club, Shek O Country Club is much higher than the Four Seas International Golf Club.

The latter can cost a few hundred yuan to play, while members on the Shek O side have a relatively high threshold for membership. First, they need to own a property or be the boss of an international company in a designated location in Shek O, and then go through rigorous procedures. are eligible to apply for membership.

The vast majority of members are worth more than 30 million Hong Kong dollars, and billionaires can make up three or five football teams.

At the level of Su Yehao, the club is just a club. There is no need to use this to improve the rank. Instead, the club is proud of his willingness to visit.

His own strength is limited, but fortunately, his parents and grandfather have a relatively large face, and the family's billions of wealth are enough to see in Hong Kong City.

Looking at the whole Hong Kong city, there are not many high-end small circles.

The Jockey Club, Gangcheng Golf Club, Gangcheng Club, etc., the competition is fierce, and they all need top customers to support the scene. For example, the Shek O Country Club has privately waived the membership fee for Su Yehao, and only needs to pay a small amount of money every month.

Jiang Yu sat on Su Yehao's bulletproof silver thorn and watched the mountain and sea views along the way.

She asked, "When did you become a member of Shek Ao? I heard Zhao Yimeng mention this place before, and it seems that it is very suitable for vacation."

"Before you didn't know, I lived with Nangong in Dalangwan, and found that the club sent a membership card to my mailbox, and then went to have a meal... I didn't bring you."

Jiang Yu said angrily, "Thank you for reminding me! As for the light bulb, I'm conscious of it!"

For some reason, Su Yehao found that teasing Jiang Yu was addictive, and it was quite stress-relieving, probably like playing with the ponytails of the girls in the front row when he was in elementary school.

He smiled and asked, "You haven't seen my house on Dalangwan Road, have you? Take a walk around? With such a big yard and such luxurious decoration, it's a pity to leave it with few guests. "

"...I thank you, but forget it. I'm afraid that my mentality will be out of balance. And that's where you and Nangongtian lived when you had a rendezvous. What am I going to do?"

After Jiang Yu finished speaking, he first realized that something was wrong, and he always felt the smell of vinegar.

Su Yehao didn't care, he just said, "It's just a visit, and I don't plan to do anything. Your thoughts are so healthy."

He always felt that Xiao Nizi kept Jiang Yu to live with her again and again, in order to keep this girl under her nose and supervise her and take the opportunity to test herself.

Therefore, recently, I have been very careful about proportions, so as not to overturn the small vinegar jar, and both sides will not please.

After arriving at the club.

Entering the private room directly, Su Yehao asked Jiang Yu to cup a cup, but she disagreed.

Being served by two young and beautiful girls, he was comfortable enough to rest for a while. While cupping himself, Su Yehao received a call from John Zhou.

The other party told him: "The development of the simplified program for the mainland version has almost been completed. I tried it for more than an hour and found no problems. Now let the marketing team think of a plan and put it into the market as soon as possible?"

"Okay, you prepare first. I'll go to the company in the evening to chat face-to-face."

The full expectations before have long been wiped out by the slow development progress. After such a long time, it is indeed time to show some results.

Su Yehao was not surprised.

At this moment, the mood is calm, listening to the music, smelling the aroma of sandalwood, and feeling relaxed and happy.

Product Director John Zhou continued to report: "The update program for the traditional Chinese version is also ready and can be released at any time, and the outsourcing company transferred 200,000 US dollars."?

"I think it can be updated. Let's update it now. What have been modified?"

"It's mainly personal space, and the page is still very simple. It does not support uploading pictures for the time being, but the personal signatures posted can be seen by friends and can leave comments."

After listening, Su Yehao felt a little more energetic.

In his eyes, the interactive function of personal space is an absolute killer...


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