Fight To the Third Generation

Chapter 228: go for a ride

The latest website: Su Yehao is not ready for the self-driving tour of the Great Northwest or Great Southwest.

There are too few places I have been to, and there are too many places I want to go, so I can only queue up first and take it slow.

A few years ago, "The Legend of the New White Snake" was a huge hit, of course Jiang Yu and Nangong watched it.

Take a boat tour to visit the beautiful scenery of the West Lake, and eat beggar chicken and vinegar fish, fish head soup, Dongpo meat in the building outside the building... There is a large table.

Today's Lin'an City is quaint and full of charm.

If you want to ask your feelings, traveling around in this big winter, the experience is far less than the good season of spring flowers. Nangong Tian has a cold and has been running nose.

So after punching in and taking pictures at Leifeng Pagoda, the group quickly hurried back to the Shanghai market, went straight to the hotel to check out, and took their luggage to the airport.

This time I came to the Shanghai Stock Exchange mainly to inspect the plots.

Now that he has finished reading it, the evaluation has also come to an end. He has no business in the Shanghai market, and he has no friends. After a tour, he has got his wish, and he still has business to do when he returns to Hong Kong City.

leisure time.

Su Yehao thought about whether to try to contact Tomson and buy out the land by the Huangpu River from this company.

After thinking about it over and over again, I feel that buying land is a trivial matter, building a building is expensive and not very cost-effective, and similar plots can be found, such as near Pengcheng Bay, where the price is cheaper and there is a lot of room for appreciation.

You can buy it, but you don’t have to worry about it for a while. It’s better to wait until you get the money back from the Nasdaq stock exchange. Now it’s not the best time to build a building and collect rent.


On the day I returned to Hong Kong City, I directly signed an entrustment agreement with the people from the First Quanye Bank.

The main content of the agreement is that the bank is responsible for the acquisition of the land in Lujiazui, while Su Yehao is responsible for repaying the interest and principal in installments, evaluating the value of the land, and reviewing the legality of the documents, all of which are left to the bank.

Su Yehao arranged manpower, followed the bank's team to make another trip to the Shanghai stock market, and went to the relevant institutions to learn more about the details, and was particularly concerned about whether there were any problems with land approval procedures and planning.

Pei Xinyao and his wife have agreed to a price of more than 230 million yuan. As long as there is no problem with this evaluation, they can sign a loan at any time.

Put this in the back of your mind...


December tenth.

With a few days left before winter vacation, Su Yehao was free after entering the university, and it made almost no difference to him whether he had a vacation or not.

I went to the tat network company in the morning. From the news I got, the feedback of the new product was very good. The number of daily active users in Hong Kong City exceeded 5,000. In Singapore and Baodao, there are nearly 2,000 users combined.

At present, the user itself is not the key, the key lies in the rapid increase in the number of users with the promotion and word of mouth among users.

In half a year, a total of more than 8 million Hong Kong dollars was invested, and finally a decent product was produced.

The tat Pengcheng branch is under preparation. Some technicians will be dispatched to Pengcheng outside the meeting. The office building of the R&D center has been rented, and the server has been prepared in advance.

The simplified version of tat will be officially launched in a few days.

To this end, Su Yehao also greeted Chu Jun, the second shareholder of Yinhai, in advance, and then helped to advertise through the WPS program.

Rarely busy all morning.

After eating with Nong Qingying at noon, they rushed to the pier and boarded the ship to go to sea.

Seeing Nong Qingying's parents again, they were no longer so restrained. Father Nong asked with a smile, "This trip will be at least three days at sea. Have you contacted in advance? There is a satellite phone on board, so don't worry your family." ?

"Well, we all said hello. Today's weather is really good, suitable for going for a ride in the sea."

"Yeah, the wind and waves are small in winter, but the typhoon in summer is scary. This time I finally found out where the big yellow croaker on other people's boats came from. I hope to find a large school of fish nearby. The wild big yellow croaker is very expensive. of."

Nong Qingying's father personally sailed the boat and chatted with Su Yehao.

It should be because he knew in advance that Su Yehao was coming to play, and specially sent someone to clean it, the deck of the fishing boat was cleaned, and the sheets and bedding in the room were changed.

The fishing boat has been in use for a long time, and it is inevitable that there will be some smell of rotten fish and shrimp. Su Yehao was not used to it when he first got on the boat, and he has not felt it until now.

Such an ocean-going fishing boat is definitely not as enjoyable as a yacht. Fortunately, Su Yehao is not spoiled, and he plans to be cheeky at night and squeeze a room with Nong Qingying, looking forward to this fishing trip.

"Uncle Nong, where can I find tuna nearby? Can bluefin tuna be caught with trawl nets?"

"Usually seine nets are used, and tuna is very troublesome. The nearby waters are mainly bonito and bigeye tuna. Bluefin tuna is rarely heard of, but someone just caught one in Zhongsha last month. It is more than one meter long and seems to be sold. Twenty thousand dollars."

Nong Qingying's father continued to tell Su Yehao, "There is a boom on the boat. If you want to fish for tuna, I will turn on the lights at night to lure the fish and prepare some bait."

Su Yehao was instantly moved.

When it comes to fishing, Nong Qingying's father doesn't have much experience.

Others fish in the sea for excitement, but these fishermen are purely for food. They used to only cast nets and arrange crab pots. Who would go fishing for tuna when they have nothing to do?

Nong Qingying was dozing at the moment, and walked lazily into the cab.

She grew up by the sea, and she would feel tired of seeing fish. If Su Yehao didn't want to go out to sea with the boat, Nong Qingying would never come.

Her parents also did not want their daughter to help.

It's hard to cultivate an excellent girl who can gain a firm foothold in the bustling and rich downtown. There is no reason to turn back.

Going out to the sea to catch fish and relying on the sky to eat, there is no hope of getting rich and rich, and you can only earn some hard money.

Nong Qingying asked, "What are you talking about?"

"Fishing, I want to go fishing for tuna, cut it on the spot and make sashimi for you to eat."

Suddenly thinking of something, Su Yehao said regretfully, "I forgot to bring mustard."

Nong Qingying smiled and poured cold water: "Return the tuna, be careful to be pulled into the sea by the fish, they look like cannonballs and are very powerful. Don't be too busy thinking about the mustard, let's catch the fish, I think squid fishing is the most interesting ."

"Look at my biceps, as long as the tuna is hooked, it will definitely not run away..."

Su Yehao chatted with them for a while and walked to the deck alone.

Taking advantage of the signal that the boat had just set off, he sent a text message to Yin Liuli and Nangong Tian respectively.

Sitting on the deck to bask in the sun, when passing by Hong Kong Island, you can still see Repulse Bay and the mansion on the mountainside in the distance.

Su Yehao also has the mansion he once dreamed of.

Looking at the seascape, since I no longer have to worry about life, my whole mentality is completely different, and I have always been calm.

The phone vibrated, and she received a reply from a little girl, she only replied - "Humph!"

Obviously dissatisfied that Brother Yu Hao didn't take her Then he received a text message "Good luck, take me to eat fish", which was still a text message from her.


That night.

The land has long been invisible, the fishing boats parked on the sea, and after the lights are turned on, the sea is illuminated into a faint blue.

As buckets after buckets of bait were thrown into the sea, it attracted a small school of bonito and the occasional shark.

The crew watched Su Yehao fishing, playing cards, drinking and chatting.

Invisibly, it put a lot of pressure on Su Yehao. If he returned empty-handed, wouldn't it be very embarrassing.

Fortunately, the rod quickly sank.

After fighting with the big fish for more than ten minutes, I pulled out of the water and found that it was a sea wolf fish. It was worthless at all, and the taste was very ordinary...


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