Fight To the Third Generation

Chapter 234: Web portals

The latest website: Standing on the roof of Building C.

The swimming pool has reserved a place in advance, and the flower bed has also taken shape.

Su Yehao looked at the large open space in the south, which was the land of his family's cultural tourism city, and he could also see the Window of the World Park.

To the northeast is the Overseas Chinese Town Resort. Because there is no shelter around, you can still see the golf course in the distance, which is green and lush.

In this place, in a previous life, Su Yehao couldn't even afford a toilet.

However, at this moment, not only does he have a house, but his family has more than 4,000 acres of land under construction. The strong contrast makes him feel relaxed and wonderful.


Su Yehao looked at Nong Qingying with a smile on his lips: "Buy it? I'll leave the twenty floors of Building C to you. I'll buy d, e, and f."

Nong Qingying, who was startled, looked surprised: "So many? You only brought a dozen people this time, don't you need so many dormitories?"

"I don't need it now, but it should be needed in the future. My dad's property will take a long time to develop, and what's the point of investing in your own property? Don't you want to carry a bunch of keys all day and collect rent everywhere?"

After Su Yehao asked, Nong Qingying smiled and nodded vigorously and said, "Of course, as long as the house is valuable, don't fall as badly as Gangcheng, I like it very much!"

"I would also like."

Stretching, Su Yehao told the saleswoman:

"Contact your boss, Zhuang Wei, you also call the manager and tell him we are here again, this time for big business!"

The salesman who accompanied him was already dry-mouthed by this time.

If according to what the young guy in front of him said, that is, Su Yehao, a total of four units and hundreds of houses were won, doesn't it mean that the value of this business...hundreds of millions?

Thinking of the terrifying commission figures, the young girl who had not graduated from college for a while was dizzy and almost unsteady.

She was really curious, and after taking a few deep breaths, she asked tentatively, "What business are you doing, boss?"

"Tossing around, as long as you are interested, you can do any business."

Su Yehao guessed that the other party was worried, and added, "Even if you go on the phone, I'm not entertaining you. You can see that car on the side of the road. It's more than ten million yuan, which is more expensive than the ten suites I bought."

The saleswoman was skeptical, but she took out her mobile phone decisively and walked aside to report the news to the supervisor.

Her supervisor didn't believe it at first, but when she learned that it was the client who bought ten suites last time, she came back to buy a building and planned to win more than 100 suites at one time.

The boss, listening to the boss casually said a few words, knew how powerful the client who bought ten houses before was one of the richest wealthy families in the entire casino.

No matter how unlucky a person is, there will always be a few good fortunes in their life.

In their eyes, Su Yehao is such good luck.

The female sales manager raised her heart to her throat instantly, telling her to be sure to say hello...

Su Yehao was relatively happy, and his emotions were relatively calm.

At this moment, he was continuing to say to Nong Qingying: "The exterior wall of the house is not good-looking, but it doesn't matter, I will keep it in my hand for ten years, and collect the rent during the period. When the renovation is completed inside and outside, it will be sold to the outside world, and I don't need it now. Put a lot of effort into it, and no matter how good it is, it will be old at the time."

Nong Qingying lowered her voice and asked, "There are more than 20 sets, and the price is very expensive. What should I do if I don't have so much money in my hand?"

"I don't either. It's easier to get a loan with a physical mortgage. I'll say hello to the First Persuasion Bank in Japan later. You and I will buy a house in the name of the company."

Thinking of something, Su Yehao added: "Also, the 30 million lent to you before, you don't need to pay it back for a while. When you sell the Yahoo stock one day, just pay the bank interest for me, and the profit is all yours. of."

The volatility at the end of October has only passed for more than a month, and the income brought in by 30 million Hong Kong dollars has exceeded 20 million Hong Kong dollars.

Yahoo's stock price went from more than 30 dollars to 60 dollars.

This wave of operations by Su Yehao made Nong Qingying feel extremely miraculous. She said, "Okay, I'll pay the interest back. I'll send you a helicopter then? I heard you say last time that I want to buy one, anyway. It's the money you made for me that took me to the sky."

"Yeah, I'm holding back and planning to buy a Gulfstream private jet, or else..."

"……forget it."


The manager who manages the building is in a nearby office.

After receiving the news, he stretched out his hands to Su Yehao across the distance, regardless of the suits and leather shoes of the other bodyguards, the manager could see at a glance who was the master.

Hearing that the other party mentioned that he had seen Father Su, and also politely mentioned that the father and son look alike, Su Yehao felt that he was scolding himself.

Although he is a father and son, Su Yehao's appearance is obviously more like his mother, otherwise he wouldn't be fascinated by many girls.

One has to ask how Father Su was fascinated by Mama Tang, who was the eldest daughter.

Su Yehao has not figured out this mystery until now. He can only say that green vegetables and radishes have their own love. It is likely that the **** saw mung bean and got the right eye.

Go to the office with the manager to sit and rest, and ask them to count the prices of four units c, d, e, and f.

A group of people added calculators for a long time, first calculated the total area, while the manager was busy asking for instructions, and finally took the initiative to make a discount. Calculated at 48 per square meter, the total value is more than 109 million. .

With the current market conditions, I don’t know how long it will take for the cold winter period to pass. Repaying the funds in advance is beneficial to the next development work and reduces the pressure on funds.

Su Yehao knew that this company was locally owned, and also knew that the cost was not so expensive.

There are more than 100 suites, how can it be calculated according to the retail price, the two sides negotiated for a while, and then went to a meeting with other management, and they agreed to trade at the price of 99,990,000 in the evening.

This figure was mentioned by Su Yehao, for no reason, it was comfortable to look at.

Although the land was cheap at the beginning, but the land price has risen after all, which is equivalent to another discount on the basis of the preferential price. Su Yehao is more satisfied.

The transaction procedures were handed over to assistant Zhuang Wei to follow up. Except for the troublesome loan process, she already had experience in other aspects.

After sending off Su Yehao, the former saleswoman finally saw his car.

With a bit of show off, the girl told her colleagues: "Do you know that this car is worth more than ten million yuan? It's really crazy, how can there be such an expensive car."

Her colleagues smiled perfunctory one by one.

Today, the big guys went out to run promotions and left her in the company, but she was picked up for a huge bargain, and she would inevitably be unbalanced psychologically...

After Su Yehao made the, he didn't care any more.

I went to the small building next to the golf course clubhouse, and at 5:18 in the afternoon, the tat official website was launched on time.

After that, I contacted Yinhai and sent the prepared copy by email. After more than ten minutes, it attracted some sporadic downloads.

The preparations were prepared in advance, and there were no problems during the period. It was unexpectedly discovered that an employee was using a website for classifying and navigating network information, which caught Su Yehao's attention.

After reading it closely, I found that it is called "Sohu", which is really the "hu" of "Zhihu".

Su Yehao turned to look at Nong Qingying, and suddenly said with a smile:

"If nothing else happens, you have a new task. Help me check this company. If the boss is surnamed Zhang, ask him if he is short of money. In addition, you have to put up the tat advertisement. I want to call The most prominent ad..."


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