Fight To the Third Generation

Chapter 236: before christmas

The latest website: The winter vacation begins.

Nangong Tian, ​​who had been apart for just three days, was clamoring to come to Pengcheng to find Su Yehao to play.

Su Yehao, who received the news, had to find an excuse to support Nong Qingying and let her rush to Sijiucheng again to try to contact the founder of and ask if the other party is willing to be acquired.

In addition, the renovation and rectification of the courtyard has just begun, and the entire house is going to be overturned and rebuilt.

The designer plans to use Ming city wall bricks to build it. It is more troublesome to collect. It is estimated that it will cost money to demolish some old houses. Su Yehao handed over the work to Nong Qingying, and asked her to help pay attention to the fine products in the antique trading market. Old experts act as advisors.

After successfully sending Nong Qingying to the plane, the girl didn't think much about it, she didn't realize that Su Yehao had deliberately arranged many tasks for her.

When Nangongtian came to Pengcheng, it was already the fifth day that Su Yehao came to Pengcheng.

The TAT instant chat program was launched for a few days, and through the promotion of Yinhai and major forums, it quickly accumulated more than 3,000 users.

The market is blank, no one can compete with Su Yehao, and the TAT made with great effort is relatively mature. No matter its function, page, or practicality, it is enough to kill ICQ, which is very popular abroad, and the prototype of chat group and personal space. Already there, the interaction is very good.

Since the investment, the total cost has quietly risen to more than ten million Hong Kong dollars.

Su Yehao didn't stare at it all the time. Soon after meeting Xiao Nizi, they set off on the flight to Shangri-La together.

This time, I was more fully prepared, not only brought bodyguards, but also hired local tour guides.

I went to Nong Qingying over in Sijiucheng, and was followed by a female bodyguard hired from Buckya Jun's house. As long as I stayed in the city and didn't run around, there wasn't much of a problem in terms of safety. Su Yehao told Yinhai's second shareholder in advance. Chu Jun said hello, and the other party said that his daughter-in-law would be in charge of reception.

Probably because he knew that the girls around Su Yehao were all like flowers and jade, Chu Jun took the initiative to avoid them...

The scenery of Jiuzhaigou is definitely worthless.

The urban scenery is not as good as later generations, but the natural landscape is original.

The mountains are covered with snow, and the scenery is refreshing.

After playing happily for three days, after returning to Pengcheng, I found an excuse to let Xiao Nizi go home to accompany her mother.

Su Yehao originally planned to go to Sijiucheng to meet Nong Qingying, but unexpectedly heard that the acquisition and financing had not been negotiated.

Is it worth it?

A small website with little technology and few users is certainly not worth it.

It's just a portal website. It has no technical content. The key is traffic. Therefore, Su Yehao asked his staff to build a similar website, and arranged for John Zhou to help find a reliable and accurate search engine, whether it was an acquisition or a buyout of technology. .

The building plan of "Family Bucket" has been born in Su Yehao's head. With the establishment of the Silicon Valley R&D Center, there is no shortage of money, talent, and creativity.

The time is also okay, all Su Yehao needs to do is to wait patiently and slowly, don't let the development direction deviate.

Step by step, step by step, I was often worried before starting a business, but now I have gained some confidence...


Fast forward to the end of December.

After meeting with Nong Qingying in Pengcheng, Su Yehao, who always felt like a mascot, finally decided to return to the casino.

Christmas is coming, and gifts need to be purchased in advance.

Su Yehao ordered a top-quality jade necklace for Nangongtian, a red convertible Ferrari F355Spider for Nong Qingying, and Yin Liuli's apartment.

The total value is more than 6 million Hong Kong dollars. It is considered that the end of the year is approaching.

He didn't come across anything that he wanted to buy, so he had to arrange it for the girls. After thinking about it, he was going to give Jiang Yu a Patek Philippe women's watch. Don't let the little girl know.

Zhuang Wei, the assistant who was in charge of arranging these things, felt powerless and absurd.

On December 23, 1997, Zhuang Wei accompanied Su Yehao to the apartment building where Yin Liuli was located, arranged for the masters to put the furniture in place, and hired housekeepers to clean it up.

The apartment with a usable area of ​​more than 170 square meters is more than twice the size of the one Yin Liuli lives in now. It has a higher floor and a wider field of vision. Moreover, it is a side house with a wide field of vision and can see Taipa Island in the south.

Su Yehao pointed and told his assistant Zhuang Wei, "Remember to ask someone to set it up. The new home should have a sense of ceremony. Balloons and flowers should be a little simpler."

"Okay, the Ferrari sports car is all right, but I'm afraid it's too late to give the necklace to Miss Nangong. It will take a week to adjust the size." Zhuang Wei said that this girl is more serious in her work. Since she came to work with him, she has no pressure. No worries, eat well and sleep early, the whole person's mental state is excellent.

When she encounters a boss who is lazy when she has nothing to do, and the average daily working time is no more than one hour, her quality of life skyrockets.

So even though Su Yehao was so playful, Zhuang Wei clearly couldn't stand it, but she still closed one eye.

Young master, someone who is as diligent as Su Yehao is already quite reliable.

Su Yehao touched his chin and continued: "Then give it to her first, and then take it to change the size, remember to help me think of a reason for going to Hong Kong City on the 25th, there is no hope for Christmas Eve, and I will definitely go there that day. See Xiaoying, or you won't have a good time next year."

Suddenly thinking of something, he turned his head and asked: "The only movie that has been released recently is "Titanic"? It's too miserable to watch a movie three times in a row. When the time comes, wait for my notification, discuss a secret code, and say buy it. No tickets."

"...Pork Chop Bun," said Zhuang Wei.

Su Yehao asked her in confusion, "What?"

"Password, if you say pork chop buns, I'll go buy other movie tickets. Who made you have so many girlfriends, it's inevitable that you will have a headache during the holidays, how do you arrange Christmas Eve?" Zhuang Wei asked again, as an assistant, she needs to Know your itinerary in advance.

After thinking for a moment, Su Yehao said, "Prepare a few more reasons, and still act according to the secret code. On the 24th, I will accompany Liuli during the day, and Nangong will definitely not let me go at night. I will go to Hong Kong City to see Xiaoying the next day, which is perfect. "


Zhuang Wei sighed secretly, she walked around, the house of more than 170 square meters was only separated by two bedrooms and two bathrooms, so that the cloakroom, living room, and kitchen were very spacious.

Light coffee-colored floors, kitchen with island, it can be seen that the previous owner paid attention to decoration.

It was originally a marriage house for the child, but I didn't expect the child to immigrate to New Zealand, and the house price fell, so it was sold.

Compared with Hong Kong City, the current housing prices in Casino City are really cheap.

After receiving the call, Su Yehao got up and told Zhuang Wei, "Liu Li is back. I'll go to her house to play. You can go straight to get off work when you're done here, you don't have to wait for me."

Assistant Zhuang Wei, who was a few years older than Su Yehao, joked, "Well, tomorrow I'll have someone make soup to make up for you."

The people of Hong Kong City are sloppy and accustomed to being free and comfortable, and the working atmosphere is really not that serious.

Su Yehao didn't care at all and said with a smile:

"Okay, I'll drink the crucian carp soup and buy some good wolfberry for me..."

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