Fight To the Third Generation

Chapter 238: heady festival

Latest website: After careful calculation, Su Yehao has earned tens of millions of dollars for Nangong Tian and Nong Qingying.

And Yin Liuli really didn't give her much.

This is of course related to Liuli's own character, but Su Yehao felt that the bowl of water was not level, and he always felt that he was indebted.

Taking advantage of the festival, I gave her a house. Although this bowl of water was still not level, it was the most practical gift for her. Finally, she didn't have to rent a house all the time and settled down in the casino.

Near noon.

Su Yehao took the opportunity to offer to take the house as a mortgage, and put together another sum of money to buy her some stocks, the total amount being about three million Hong Kong dollars.

Yin Liuli originally refused, but Su Yehao told her that the current investment opportunity is good, and making some money will make her more confident in the future.

If you get too much, you will feel uneasy.

Although it felt weird, Yin Liuli didn't like to argue, so she had to go with Su Yehao.

Going shopping to buy some clothes, plus a Hermes bag, is a year-end reward from the boss to the store manager...

Wait until afternoon.

Su Yehao found a reason to bring the jade necklace to Xiao Nizi.

She went to the Beauty Royal Court Club run by her family and sat down and sang with Nangong. Jiang Yu also came to join in the fun and brought a cousin who was in junior high school with him.

Universities have winter vacations, and office workers will also have vacation tomorrow.

The festivals in the casino are a combination of Chinese and Western, and they are still copying the old Portuguese one. Due to the rest, the streets of the casino were extraordinarily lively that night, and the cinema was full of people.

The big ship in "Titanic" sank again after all. The plot was exactly the same as Su Yehao remembered. During this period, he often covered his mouth and dozed off, and he didn't rest well last night.

On the other hand, Nangong Tian, ​​together with the light bulb Jiang Yu, wept a lot, talking about why there are not enough boats and so on.

The wonderful love, the tragic ending, earned enough people's tears.

Su Yehao was quite calm, rubbed his waist and walked out of the movie theater, saying:

"If it weren't for Xiao Lizi being handsome enough, the box office of this movie would probably be cut in half. I have to admire its plot, the disaster movie that men love to watch, and the handsome guy and emotion that you women love to watch. The stock of the film company, maybe it can create miracles and make a small fortune.”

Nangong Tian, ​​who hadn't escaped from the tragic atmosphere, rarely sang the opposite tune and said, "Brother Hao's heart is as hard as a stone. At this time, he still wants to make money."

Su Yehao shrugged calmly and replied, "I accidentally saw a movie review and knew the plot in advance, so there was no suspense and less nervousness."

Jiang Yu, who is a light bulb, is reluctant to continue eating dog food.

Couples go on a date during the festival, and she can only accompany her cousin and friends, and she is stimulated by the love in the movie, she said listlessly: "It's very late, I'll take him home first, and there are more than ten days before school starts. , I'll see if I can rent the house in advance."

The little girl put her arm around her and smiled: "Continue to live with us, go to the mansion in Dalangwan, there is no one at home, and Brother Hao often goes to the mainland to do business."

Jiang Yu looked at Su Yehao.

He also nodded and said, "Don't waste money, there are many guest rooms in my house..."

After a short conversation.

Outside the mall, he took Jiang Yu and her cousin into a taxi, while Su Yehao accompanied Xiao Nizi to the Four Seas International Hotel.

The two of them didn't plan to go home tonight. When talking on the phone with their mother, Nangong Tian felt guilty and made an excuse to play with friends.

As for her mother, she knew about cohabitation for a long time, and even joked that she didn't want to be a grandmother so early.

Hearing this, Nangong Tian blushed and was at a loss.


Assistant Zhuang Wei did not forget the business.

On Christmas day, I called in the morning and told in a panic that the guests had come early and asked Su Yehao to go to Hong Kong City.

In front of Nangong Tian, ​​Su Yehao dressed up and went out in a hurry. He only said that he had a big business to discuss, and he would probably come back tomorrow.

The so-called guest, of course, is just a reason to get out.

He came to the golf course and boarded the helicopter. Twenty minutes later, Su Yehao appeared in Hong Kong City. He asked Nong Qingying to meet him at the Ferrari store. After completing the car pickup procedures, he took her out for a drive.

At noon on the 25th, I went to the movie again after dinner, and it was still "Titanic".

Holidays really suck.

Not only physically tired, but also mentally tired, spending money to buy gifts has become the most worry-free little thing.

Nong Qingying suddenly proposed that he wanted to go to Tokyo Disneyland, but Su Yehao couldn't find the time. He only said that children like it, and he can go if he wants, but it will take a few days.

Immediately, he thought that he had promised to accompany Yin Liuli on a trip before, which gave him a headache.

Life is like this, happy and distressed.

The ancestors were right, there will be gains and losses, and among the several girls, Su Yehao has already made preparations to find a way in advance to avoid the New Year's Eve.

For example, the collapse of the Pengcheng server warehouse, the acquisition of technology in the United States, and the help of my father, etc., seem to be good excuses.


While in a hurry, the calendar turned a page again.

In order to avoid paying public rations, Su Yehao deliberately got drunk in Lan Kwai Fong. It was better to have an upset stomach than to put ice under his crotch, so he had to admit defeat.

When I returned to the casino, I finally had a quiet and comfortable few days. I called my old friend Buck Tooth Jun, only to find out that he had gone to Hawaii and bought him a big conch as a gift.

John Chow, who went to the United States for Christmas, was rarely more efficient.

During the holiday, I called Su Yehao and said that an old colleague was starting a business, developed a very good search engine, and was willing to sell it. The price was only half a million dollars, which was obviously a failed product that had not been developed.

A software fails for a variety of reasons, and it does not necessarily mean that it is really not good.

In this era of Yahoo's rise, other niche products are too difficult to develop.

In the mainland, search engine technology has just started, and there are even no decent products in the market. The performance will not be mentioned for the time being. We will harvest a wave of users first, and we can gradually change them in the future.

On the 28th, Su Yehao took advantage of the opportunity.

Nangong Tian heard that he only talked about business and not travel, and offered to stay with his mother at home, so he chose to take Yin Liuli out this to Hong Kong City to take a United flight first.

Only in the United States, Su Yehao was only interested in their technology and talents. He was vaccinated in advance in the first-class cabin of the plane and told Yin Liuli, who was sitting next to him, "I'm buying a product this time, so don't expect to have fun. Happy, at most I will take you around San Francisco, eat some western food, and the rest is boring."

Aside from "working to earn money", the attractiveness of the United States will decline a lot. The east and west port cities and casinos basically have all the things that should be there, and there is no attractiveness in life.

But when it comes to making money, the U.S. market does have an advantage right now.

In addition to the acquisition, Su Yehao also wants to see it with his own eyes, and prepares to bring TAT to the United States in advance. Now it is not mature enough to sharpen the knife without accidentally cutting wood.

Yin Liuli smiled and replied, "Just do your job, I'm just going out for a walk, I don't need to take care of me."

Su Yehao held her hand, opened his mouth to ease the discomfort in his ears, and said, "Okay, don't be disappointed when the time comes. I'll check again after landing to see if there are any attractions near Silicon Valley..."

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