Fight To the Third Generation

Chapter 256: Huaxing Ice Room

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Although they are sisters, Zhao Yimeng and Zhao Dingling have completely different personalities.

Zhao Yimeng, who was an older sister, was dignified and elegant, while her younger sister was much more lively and easily got along with Buck Yajun and the others. She also affectionately called Nangong Tian her elder sister, and asked Jiang Yu if she was the second concubine or something.

Hearing Zhao Dingling's words, Jiang Yu's face darkened.

When Jiang Yu was studying at Donghuang Rose Middle School, he was close to Zhao Yimeng, so he met her sister more often, and immediately "chased" the second Miss Zhao family all over the yard.

He Shaofan, Buck Tooth Jun and the others, all pretending to be gentlemen, trying to win the hearts of the second lady.

However, Zhao Dingling was obviously more interested in Su Yehao, and from time to time he stalked and inquired about information.

Su Yehao had already sensed that something was wrong, and his heart was stunned, thinking that he would not be easily fascinated by the second Miss Zhao family... This **** charm is uncontrollable.

Among the people present, only Zhao Yimeng knew why his sister cared so much about Su Yehao.

Speaking of the cause of the incident, it is necessary to talk about the meeting between Father Su and Zhao Yimeng's mother last night. During the negotiation of the transfer price of Donghuang Central Plaza near the Casino Lisboa, Father Su casually mentioned the important life events of the two children.

After Zhao Yimeng's mother heard it, she immediately fell in love.

The former Su Yehao has already made Ms. Jin Yu feel pretty good, not to mention that the current Su Yehao has changed his mind and has made a lot of achievements in business, and behind him are the Four Seas International and the Hong Kong Tang Family, which is obviously a big help.

So after returning home last night, the sisters' mother asked Zhao Yimeng, who was her sister, what she thought.

At that time, Zhao Dingling was listening, and now facing a man who might become her brother-in-law, she couldn't help but be very curious, a little bit like her sister-in-law looking at her future brother-in-law.

Su Yehao's family background is there, he is handsome, and his ability is equally unremarkable.

There are not many faults in these aspects. The problem is that it is a little complicated. This alone is enough for the second Miss Zhao family to vote against it. At this moment, Zhao Yimeng is quietly pulled aside, and she persuades the women of the Zhao family that she must not become a concubine. And so on, even if you get married, you have to be a big woman.

The end is obvious, Zhao Yimeng blushed, embarrassed, Qu Zhi gave his sister a brain break...

Eat and drink well.

Nangong Tian and Buck Tooth Jun played mahjong, and Zhao Dingling also played.

Su Yehao and Zhao Yimeng came to the study, and Jiang Yu, in the name of accompanying his friend, came to have a cup of tea and sat cross-legged beside him.

After simply flipping through the documents on the land in Taipa Island, it is a thick stack of hundreds of pages. On the contrary, the transaction contract is only three thin pages.

A business worth more than 200 million yuan is neither too big nor too small.

Su Yehao asked about the details of the land development and the original loan, but Zhao Yimeng didn't know either, so he made a phone call to Donghuang Group and asked the person in charge to answer the questions in detail.

When it was confirmed that there was no problem, he quickly signed the contract, and then contacted the acquaintances of the First Quanye Bank Gangcheng Branch again, and asked them to complete the approval and loan work.

This transaction does not even require collateral.

As the stock held by Su Yehao gradually appreciates, it is enough to re-sign a supplementary pledge clause.

After so many loans, the total amount has reached more than 800 million Hong Kong dollars. Now Su Yehao is a user of this bank. As long as the reasons for the loan are reasonable and reasonable, the approval speed is very fast, and it can even be less than 100 million Hong Kong dollars.

Su Yehao lacked favorability for the people on that island, but he had to admit that he had always been worry-free in his cooperation with First Quanye Bank. He never lacked gifts for New Years and holidays, and the loan interest rate was extremely low.

It's just cooperation, it's just because I'm too lazy to dredge up the relationship again, so I always think of this bank first when there is a need.

[To tell the truth, recently I have been using Mimi to read and read books to keep up with updates, switch sources, and read aloud tones, which can be used by Android and Apple. 】

In recent months, there has been an endless stream of banks that have approached Su Yehao for cooperation, including Bank of China, Standard Chartered, and Citigroup.

It is a pity that the loan interest rate of mainland banks is generally above ten points, and the local banks in Hong Kong City also have high loan interest rates. Of course, the institution with the least interest is the first choice for borrowing money.

In addition, there is room for the depreciation of the Japanese yen. By lending the Japanese yen to purchase other assets, there is an invisible opportunity to make a small profit through the exchange rate difference.

After simply dealing with business matters, Su Yehao dozed off and listened to gossip, Zhao Yimeng and Jiang Yu chatted, chatting about the recent situation since graduating from high school, and from time to time they talked about who and who they once knew, and what happened now.

It is easier to buy another piece of land than others to buy a house.

Just like the Lujiazui office land he owns, Su Yehao has no plans to develop them in the short term, and he is prepared to drag on for a day until he has enough money.

Just in the evening, mother Tang came to the villa to visit Su Yehao.

Seeing that there were so many people at home, she smiled and ordered some desserts and milk tea from the restaurant, and asked the store to drive over from Mong Kok. It was considered to be entertaining her son's friends. chatting.

Speaking of Mommy Tang, as the chairman of Piaget Medical Group, she is currently busy expanding its business in the mainland.

On the one hand, it is cooperating with major hospitals and pharmaceutical factories, and on the other hand, it is trying to develop a chain drug retail business. When it comes to the market prospects of the latter, there are already precedents abroad, such as CVS, Laideai, Walmart in the United States. Green, the market capitalization and profit performance are outstanding.

The Hong Kong city market is too small, which limits the development space of the Tang family. In the past, they could make some money by investing in financial management. Now the market is not good. Instead, Mama Tang has the idea of ​​expanding into a new market.

In this matter, Su Yehao reluctantly took some credit, and once mentioned a few words at the dinner table.

The house and garden are large, and the clean environment is very suitable for gatherings. In the empty mansion before, it is rare to be as lively as it is today.

Su Yehao thought about it, and he didn't know if he would live under the same roof in the future and have a family reunion...


"Grandpa, stop cooking today and take you out for dinner?"

On the second day of the opening of the University of Hong Su Yehao continued to skip class and came to the Tang family's old house alone to visit the old man.

Before Christmas last year, Mr. Tang went to Australia to travel and lived for more than ten days. An old friend of his bought a farm in Australia, a rural town, a paradise, and the environment is suitable for old age.

Seeing his grandson come to the door, the old man smiled happily: "The sun is coming out from the west, and you want to invite me to dinner?"

"Grandpa, you are too busy and often see you running around. It's no wonder I didn't come to visit you."

As soon as Su Yehao finished speaking, he asked again, "Is Australia fun?"

"It was interesting a few days ago, but the more I lived, the more boring it became. Usually, I had to drive for half an hour if I wanted to go out for a meal. There were more rabbits and mice than people in the field. Well, I was planning to stay for two or three months."

Mr. Tang thought for a while and suggested, "I don't have an appetite today. I'll take you to Huaxing Ice Room to drink iced lemon tea."

Su Yehao didn't care, he had nothing to do today, so he was just wandering around.

I went to Huaxing Ice Room, and soon after sitting down, I saw the original singer of "Ten Years" and walked in with a friend.

Street bumping into stars, although it is very common in Hong Kong City, it is still quite pleasant to see him in person.

Su Yehao's career as a singer has just had a sign, but there is no future. At this moment, he thinks of the commercial movie he planned before, and he has not yet written the script, and has not made any news until now.

When I asked my grandfather casually, his grandfather had a Buddhist expression and said:

"I know all the four great talents. Who do you want to write? I will ask someone to ask for you. Back then, I also invested 2 million in the movie, and in the end I made a bad movie, and I didn't even have the face to send it to the screen. , it's a bit difficult to interlace like a mountain..."

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