Fight To the Third Generation

Chapter 258: wife is right

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There are still ten days before the Spring Festival, and Hong Kong people also attach great importance to this festival.

In some stores, new lanterns were hung up early, couplets and blessings were posted, and restaurants began to book New Year's Eve dinners.

Nong Qingying's parents specially sent some dried fish maw to Su Yehao. The price of this stuff is high, and it will never be lost as a gift. It even includes a large yellow lip fish maw.

After Su Yehao thanked him, he turned his hands and went to honor his grandfather. The old man needs to make up his body, and he himself... soak more wolfberry and eat some lamb loin.

Due to the three-day holiday of the Spring Festival, employees are also looking forward to the arrival of the festival.

The company has drawn up bonuses, and there is also a rank promotion system table. After reading it, Su Yehao felt that there was no problem. While he was distressed that the two million Hong Kong dollars were gone, he signed the documents and handed them over to the finance and human resources management departments respectively. .

While Su Yehao's mother was staying in Hong Kong City, after Father Su went to Fochuan to sign a contract with Midea Group, he turned to Hong Kong City again.

In the name of inviting his son to dinner, let Su Yehao invite Mama Tang out.

It was another family's "reunion dinner". Every time Father Su tried to abuse him, and every time he had a meal, he would bicker.

The place to eat is at Taiping Hall.

The restaurant is well-known, the taste of the food is quite good, and the chefs have first-class cooking skills, but the name of this restaurant always makes Su Yehao feel strange.

She buried her head in eating and pretended to be her son. Next to her, Mama Tang was irritated and mocked:

"The last time I played cards with my friends, I heard that you were kicked away by the little blond fox outside? You are still restless at your age, and you are not ashamed of yourself. I am so ashamed for you. Besides, **** If the basin can't be placed on my head, it will inevitably affect Xiaohao's reputation, you really know how to be a father."


The second aunt, the third aunt, and Mama Tang endured it until another fourth aunt appeared, and they officially separated.

Although not divorced, it is similar to divorce.

After so many years have passed, Su Yehao's mother still has resentment in her heart, and she is gloating at the moment when she speaks.

Knowing for a long time that there must be this hurdle, Father Su was very depressed and sighed deeply: "When I was young, I was blinded by lard. Now that I know it's wrong, it seems a little late."

Stance very low.

Su Yehao ate the melons in silence, always feeling that his old man was playing hard-to-get games.

As long as it doesn't involve business, he is too lazy to take care of things between parents.

It was like this when he was under the tutelage of others, but now that he, the son, has grown up, he is even more reluctant to mix things up.

To put it bluntly, this is the conflict between the husband and wife. No matter whether they are reunited or not, they have nothing to do with Su Yehao. They can continue to live together and live apart.

Mama Tang was smart and sneered, not giving the "ex-husband" a chance to hit a snake with a stick.

Relying on the two of them to be patient and talk well, it is estimated that it is impossible. Su Yehao had eaten half full, raised his head and asked, "Dad, you went to Fochuan this time and signed a contract with the company that manufactures home appliances?"

"It should be soon. There are a lot of messes that need to be sorted out one by one. I'm afraid it will not be signed until the end of the year."

When I went back to Sihai International Headquarters last time, Su Yehao asked for information and read it briefly.

Old state-owned enterprises, it is normal to have more troubles.

He said to his father: "We must pay attention to the big problems, and let go of the little ones first, and look at the whole transaction from a different angle. If the company has no problems at all and the operating conditions are normal, how can you possibly have the opportunity to raise funds? They left it as a high-quality asset for themselves.”

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Father Su nodded and said:

"That's right, the key now is who will manage it in the future, how to dispose of the financing funds, debts plus staff placement, etc. All of a sudden, about 1.3 billion will be taken away, and the remaining money is enough for shit. "

"Reducing the debt ratio is also beneficial. You don't need to continue to pay interest, you can travel lightly, and you can also introduce low-interest loans from the outside. With the reputation and foundation of the United States, you will have the opportunity to become the country's No. 1 home appliance manufacturing company."

After all, it was a big business involving 2 billion yuan, and the profits involved in the future made Su Yehao tremble.

So after saying this, Su Yehao told again: "If you can trust me, I'll take care of it for you for a while, try to clear the mess as soon as possible, and sort out a reliable strategic plan."


His father hesitated for a moment, but chose to shake his head and explained: "The situation is a bit complicated, and you have no experience in this area. For example, now someone in the company hopes to use the remaining several hundred million to acquire a treasure island that is in debt crisis. Home appliance manufacturing companies, if it were you, what would you do?"

After Su Yehao thought about it, he just said:

"It's too vague, and the specific situation is treated according to the specific situation. If it helps the development of the company, it is not completely impossible. But in my opinion, the most urgent thing is to pay attention to the research and development link. Even if half of the profits are used for research and development, I am very I’m willing to pay for it. When the quality is comparable to imported home appliances, and at the same time it is cost-effective, it will be difficult to think about a bad business.”

This answer surprised Father Su deeply.

Even though Su Yehao has made a lot of money for the past six months, in the eyes of his parents, he seems to be very lucky, and by coincidence, he has set his sights on a popular stock - Yahoo.

So far, more than 90% of the revenue has been contributed by Yahoo.

The real estate invested by him does not make money, and the venture capital company and Internet company founded by Su Yehao himself seem to be making small troubles.

As for the Silver Sea in the Mainland...

His parents couldn't even figure out what it was for, the sense of existence was too low.

Father Su is skeptical about his son's

Isn't Su Yehao worried that his father will not accept the environment and ruin the good Meidi Group.

Under such circumstances, Mama Tang suddenly interjected and said, "Since Xiaohao is willing to try, let him try it first. Anyway, it is still in the negotiation stage. If the old master is beaten to death, it will be good for our family. ."

"My wife is right! Xiaohao is so big in the blink of an eye. I'm sorry I didn't pay attention. If there is a chance, I should let him go out to practice his hands."

Father Su's voice just fell.

Both mother and son squinted at him.

Unconsciously, the topic turned to the issue of letting Sihai International land on the Hong Kong Stock Exchange.

In fact, whether the company is listed or not, in Su Yehao's opinion, it makes no difference, but Mama Tang insisted that she refused, and only said to talk to the old man.

Thinking of Mr. Tang, Mr. Su lost his temper instantly.

If you can convince Su Yehao's grandfather, Cosmopolitan International has been listed as early as five years ago, so why not wait until today.

It seems to be just a family banquet, but in fact, it is also an exchange of opinions between the major shareholder and the second shareholder of Cosmopolitan International through a meal.

Mama Tang clearly has the upper hand, and Su Yehao is mainly responsible for checking and filling up the gaps.

After eating a meal for more than two hours, the last topic revolved around Su Yehao.

For example, how do you get along with Nangong Tian, ​​do you want to marry the Zhao family, and have so many debts, if Yahoo goes wrong, it will be dangerous.

As parents, they like to worry.

When she was about to leave after the settlement, Mama Tang suddenly mentioned that she was preparing a family charitable trust fund to transfer 20% of the shares of Earl Medical Group and 20% of the shares of Sihai International, and the beneficiary only wrote the name of Su Yehao.

This brought him back to life with full blood and energy on the spot...

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