Fight To the Third Generation

Chapter 273: thanks, 8 hexagrams

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I sighed with emotion during the New Year's Eve, and then it was nothing.

There are not many relatives who are leaving, but there are many people who come to visit the Su family mansion with gifts.

On the morning of the first day of the new year, Su Yehao received several red envelopes when he returned home.

Not only relatives and friends came, but also partners took the opportunity to visit the door. The house was lively and lively, and my mother had called and made an appointment to have a meal with Mr. Tang in the evening.

Just as Su Yehao was about to set off, he went to find Xiao Nizi first, and met Zhao Yimeng at the door of the mansion.

She was wearing a white trench coat with a blue leather bag hanging around her waist.

Wearing a small slanted hat on his head, he was looking up at the sky in a daze, not knowing what he was thinking.

Parking McLaren in front of Zhao Yimeng, Su Yehao opened the car window, leaned over and asked, "What are you doing here for the Chinese New Year? Why don't you go abroad to visit your father?"

"I watched it a few days ago. I just came back. My dad's recovery is not bad."

The car body was too short, Zhao Yimeng had to lower her head to see Su Yehao's face, she continued to ask: "Are you going out? Japan's No. 1 Persuasion Bank suddenly contacted us and offered to provide a low-interest loan of 500 million Hong Kong dollars. The premise is that someone needs to guarantee, and after asking, you will know that you are helping, so my mother asked me to thank you."

It was just a trivial matter, Su Yehao was just about to say you're welcome. .

I saw Zhao Yimeng's strange expression, and then he said: "Say, what are you thinking about, how can you be so good to me?"

As soon as these words came out, Su Yehao was stunned.

At that time, the bank executive asked him to help recommend some clients, and naturally he thought of the troubled Donghuang Group... How could it be good for her?

While sighing that she was so narcissistic, Su Yehao opened the door and got out of the car, stretched his waist and said with a smile:

"I can't help it. After all, I loved it. I happened to have a cooperation with them, and then I thought of your home. Is it just to say thank you, without any real expression? It's a big New Year's Eve to come to the door empty-handed, so pay attention. "

If someone else said this, Zhao Yimeng might still take it to heart, because it was Su Yehao and he was used to it.

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She only said: "Smelly shameless, to actually reach out for a benefit? My house is already so difficult, and I just passed by, and I didn't enter your door."

"You didn't say it yourself, the problem is the Donghuang Group, and your family is in good condition. Besides, I bought a piece of land, and my dad bought the Donghuang Central Plaza. The money plus your company's cash, together One piece is enough to deal with the difficulties in the short term. Brothers, real men, in order to help you find a loan, I will trust people everywhere, spend several million, and reimburse me?"

After Su Yehao finished speaking, Zhao Yimeng gritted his teeth and cheered.

Seriously speaking, although the Su family offered to help this time, they also benefited from lowering the price.

Especially in the Donghuang Central Plaza project, it is equal to the price of land acquisition and construction cost, which is about 20% lower than the actual valuation. It is difficult to say whether it is robbery.

The phrase "real man brother" once again evoked Zhao Yimeng's dark history, she said proudly:

"Trusting people around? Still spending millions? Who would believe me? Although I would like to thank you, you can't take me as a scapegoat. A few million yen is about the same."

"...Yen is fine. I just used it to maintain my car."

Su Yehao raised his arm and glanced at his watch, and said again, "I have an appointment with a friend. I don't have time to spoil you today. I'll talk to you next time when I have time."

"Hmph, the hair is actually combed to reflect the light, I must be fooling around again, bye!"

After Zhao Yimeng finished speaking, he left.

It was her mother Jin Yu, so let her come over to say thank you and transfer the meaning to the right place.

Su Yehao stared at Zhao Yimeng's back. He is undoubtedly a good girl who can't go wrong in all aspects. Even He Shaofan and the others know that now is the best time to take advantage of it, how could he not know.

Unfortunately, once this girl is allowed to enter the pond, the small pond will probably be completely overturned.

If Su Yehao was greedy for profit, he might do something that likes the new and hates the old, but he is quite satisfied with his current life and doesn't want to mess around easily.

The marriage between the two can indeed save a period of struggle. For others, it may be several lifetimes. In Su Yehao's eyes, it is nothing more than a year or two. There is no need to mix these interests into emotions.

Thinking about it this way, marrying her is equivalent to merging a medium-sized listed company. Facing the "dowry" calculated in billions, it will inevitably make people imagine.

With Zhao Yimeng's conditions, there is absolutely no shortage of suitors.

Therefore, Su Yehao was also a little melancholy when he missed the opportunity to get closer to each other again and again.

Shaking his head, he got into the car and set off again. After receiving Nangong Tian, ​​head to Taipa Island Taipa Island Country Park...


When he was in middle school, Su Yehao was already famous.

Nangong Tian's classmates, how could they not understand his situation, and after meeting, they were friendly, and they were really just taking a walk and outing and chatting about the current situation of their friends.

Facing Nangong Tian's group of best friends, Su Yehao was ready to be the background board and walked lazily behind the crowd.

Datan Mountain has fresh air, green trees, and many birds chirping.

Of course.

The six girls gathered No matter how powerful the birds are, they can't beat them. They all say that three women are equal to five hundred ducks, and they add up to one thousand ducks. The chat is lively, especially lively.

I don't know what they were talking about.

Suddenly, an oval-faced girl asked him, "Brother Hao, English teacher Linda Yun, was she teaching your class before?"

"...Yes, what happened to her?"

Su Yehao recalled the events of the past, and almost forgot her after graduation. Since the end of the school trip, he has never seen her again.

The slightly chubby girl with the oval face told gossip, "My cousin went to teach at Donghuang Rose Middle School, and I heard from her at dinner last night that Linda Yun had a good relationship with a married professional composer. , his wife went directly to the school and smashed her car, and then she couldn't stay any longer, and she resigned years ago."


Su Yehao was deeply surprised, thought about it and said, "No, she is so beautiful, there is absolutely no need to interfere. I remember when I was studying, people often chased her in luxury cars with flowers, and Linda Yun's personality It's also good, not like that kind of person."

The other girl nodded and said:

"I also heard that it seems that I met a bad man and was tricked into going around. When his wife showed up with someone, I found out that he was married. Fortunately, the school security guard stopped her, otherwise Linda Yun would be chased and beaten by her. Anyway, if this kind of thing happens, there is definitely no way to continue to stay, and I will resign the next day."

The casino circle is too small.

As soon as there is wind and grass, it spreads all over the city.

After Su Yehao heard this, he sighed:

"It's a pity that there are so many beautiful women. Linda Yun is very serious about teaching. For example, a scumbag like me, she didn't give up until the end..."

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