Fight To the Third Generation

Chapter 279: Impulsively buying

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The Japanese hippopotamus is a docile animal that likes to be close to humans.

Maybe it was because they had just left their parents for a few days and were locked in a cage again. After they finished soaking in the water, they started to follow Nangong Tian, ​​running around everywhere.

Linda Yun hasn't given an accurate reply yet, and assistant Zhuang Wei is still in charge of handling Su Yehao's trivial matters.

After receiving the order, she contacted the experts of the Gangcheng Zoo and learned that it is enough to feed ordinary vegetables and fruits.

By the way, I also bought a large basin, rubber gloves and a soft brush. Immediately after, Nangong Tian began to scrub the two little guys, and even got their names, one was called "Big Fat" and the other was called "Little Fat".

Su Yehao improvised and decided to raise hippos.

This is hard for the security guards at home, because the two little guys not only love to raise koi in the artificial pond, but also harm the outdoor swimming pool with regular water changes.

When Su Yehao saw them excreting in the pond, he gradually realized the seriousness of the matter... The two little guys pulled too much, and the pond was a little small, almost suffocating the fish.

The originally crystal clear water suddenly became cloudy.

He was a little uneasy. He had to come to the number to contact the experts of the zoo in person, only to learn that the hippo has a famous nickname - a mobile manure machine!

The Japanese hippopotamus is small, and its food intake is not as big as that of its relatives, but it should not be underestimated when excreting. .

That's how pets are.

Before raising, I usually only think about the good side, I think it is cute, obedient and well-behaved, but when it is actually raised, it is another matter.

Su Yehao first considered expanding the size of the artificial ponds, digging separate ponds for them, and changing the water regularly.

After walking around in the yard, I feel that the scenery is too harmonious, and the rash changes may destroy the beauty.

So he went to the attic and stood on the edge of the terrace and watched.

This is not a coincidence.

Seeing the open space next to him, he suddenly remembered that he had seen it in the club and sold the Lujiazui office space to him and his wife, Pei Xinyao, at a low price.

Pei Xinyao and his wife not only held land in Lujiazui, but at first they actually hoped to sell a piece of residential land on Dalangwan Road to the Su family at a price of more than 200 million Hong Kong dollars. In the plan, seven villas can be built, which will occupy a total land area. The area is about fifty-two acres.

If it is planned to build a super high-rise apartment, the value can be doubled several times. Unfortunately, Hong Kong City is very strict in terms of land planning. Otherwise, Mr. Li will not try to use the name of Cyberport to try to get land and build a building on the west side of Hong Kong Island.

These pieces of land are currently sold as a whole, and it is actually okay if you want to split them up.

Su Yehao's house was enough to live in, but at the moment he felt that the size of the yard could be expanded, such as tennis courts, private animal and botanical gardens, dreamy gardens, and so on.

Appetite is always full.

Knowing that spending more than 200 million yuan to buy a piece of land is just to expand the size of the yard, it seems too extravagant. Now you should save money to win the Cyberport project, or go directly to the Tianhe River in Guangzhou and build another one. Cultural Tourism City is right.

However, after the idea of ​​impulsive consumption arises, it begins to spread out uncontrollably.

For example, dig a pool to raise dolphins, turtles, etc., or build a greenhouse to grow some cactus, cactus, etc. In addition, you can build a horse farm and learn from others to play horse racing.

It happened that the land price in Hong Kong City kept falling, so Su Yehao didn't wait for him to calm down, so he called Pei Xinyao and asked her if she still wanted to sell the land.


When Pei Xinyao and his wife returned to Singapore, they would not be able to rush back to Hong Kong City until evening at the earliest to discuss the transaction in person.

Knowing the news, Nangong Tian was speechless at the moment, with black lines hanging on his forehead, and said in surprise: "So... because the little hippo defecates, you plan to spend so much money to buy a piece of land next to you? More than 200 million Hong Kong dollars. , It’s enough to buy a mansion directly, you can’t spend it like this if you have money.”

Su Yehao disagreed and argued:

"The land price has dropped, and it won't reduce the value of the yard because I expand it. It's like investing. I haven't thought about how to plan it. Didn't you say that the manor is beautiful? After buying the land You can imitate the construction. If you dig a large man-made lake and take a walk after dinner, it will be very comfortable. As for the money, I can always earn more in the future, and it seems that I don’t need to think about it.”

Nangong Tian thought for a while and reminded, "Canada's Butcher Garden in the magazine?"

After a few seconds of her heartbeat, her reason still overwhelmed her impulse, and she couldn't laugh or cry: "I really admire you, you always have an idea every day. If you buy such a large piece of land to use as a yard, you will be scolded to death."

"No, they will scold me and envy me at the same time."

Su Yehao spread his hands and said with a sigh, "Impulsive consumption, how can I not be impulsive, I've been weighing the gains and losses, the desire to consume has been suppressed for too long, and it's rare to find something that I want to spend and enjoy."

"...You said the same thing before buying a private jet."

Nangong Tian was surprised for a moment, then thought about it again, and felt that it was not a big deal.

Just like what Su Yehao said, even if they are built into yards, their value will not change. When they want to build a house in the future, they can still apply for the construction, and it is also feasible to transfer them to the outside world.

Facing Su Yehao, it was always difficult for her to keep her mind.

Between three words.

The two of them began to discuss how to plan and design the land if they really bought it.

From the perspective of investment, you need to consider income, market, risk cost, etc., but buying land to expand the scale of the yard does not need to think about it, how to be comfortable and beautiful, and the purpose is to enjoy.

When he calmed down, Su Yehao had a new idea.

He told Xiao Nizi: "If I really do this, I should be in the limelight. Considering the value of my house itself, it's probably no problem to compete for the title of the No. 1 mansion in Hong Kong City. At that time, it will be good for me. The benefits may be scolded miserably, but the rewards are even more amazing."

"Return? Where?"

"On the Internet companies and venture capital companies I created. Think about it, as long as the news spreads to the mainland, how many people will know me because of this? They will notice that the software I invest in is often equal to wealth, just like a celebrity. Others can be more confident when they talk about cooperation, low-key has the advantage of being low-key, and high-profile has the advantage of high-profile.

Su Yehao's words sounded like an excuse for impulsive consumption, but Nangong Tian thought it made sense after thinking about it.

She frowned slightly, thought a lot in her head, and finally said in a serious tone:

"Yes, other business people are rushing to get the news, and your interviews are all pushed. You said before that the growth rate of users is slower than expected, the problem may lie in the popularity, the company lacks a star entrepreneur, the richest man Lao Li The family is often called a vampire, and the business has not yet taken off, because everyone knows he has money and everyone wants to cooperate with him..."

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