Fight To the Third Generation

Chapter 282: Toothache is not a disease

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Time to March.

Su Yehao's new yard is already being designed, and the new public relations department has also been prepared. Occasionally, he will be arranged for some interviews.

The TOT portal website and search engine have just been quietly launched on the last day of February. The first batch of users are mainly TAT chat users. The number of pageviews on that day exceeded 10,000, and the evaluation has not yet come out.

The back-end is always on call, trying to solve the bugs encountered in the public beta process, such as the website cannot be added to the favorites bar, the search engine does not respond, and so on.

There are few competitors on the track, and users are more forgiving. After all, they have never used a better program, and without comparison, there is no sense of gap, but it has attracted a lot of applause.

Many users who came into contact with search engines for the first time spontaneously promoted in the forum and bluntly found a powerful product.

Su Yehao has personally tested the TOT search engine. In fact, in his opinion, it is a bit bad. The search results are not accurate enough, the response speed is too slow, and the experience is far inferior to that of Yahoo, which has become popular in Hong Kong.

However, the people under his command told him to wait patiently, saying that the Silicon Valley R&D Center was developing a set of algorithms, and it would be possible to optimize the search results according to the website scores soon.

As for the optimization method, Su Yehao didn't understand. Anyway, the first generation of TOT search engine can make do with it, which is enough for most people in the short term.

The morning of March 2nd. .

When I woke up, I found that my teeth hurt. After brushing my teeth and rinsing my mouth, the pain worsened. Facing the fragrant pork noodles, I had no appetite at all.


Nangong Tian chose to skip class and accompany Su Yehao to the Royal Earl's Hospital in Sheung Wan.

As you can tell from the name, this is the Tang family's business.

Following the separation of Mr. Tang's family, 20% of the shares of the entire Earl Medical Group have been handed over to Su Yehao's mother for management and attached to the family charitable trust foundation, with a value of about 400 to 500 million Hong Kong dollars.

Similarly, 20% of Sihai International Group's shares were divided, which was given to Su Yehao, but the actual manager of the charitable trust was still his mother.

If it wasn't for Father Su's talkativeness last time, the actual controller of the charitable trust foundation might be Su Yehao.

Until now, he has not given up the idea of ​​intervening in the operation of the foundation. When he is ready to find an opportunity to talk to his mother seriously, such as mortgage a sum of money, buy Nasdaq index funds, US stock options or futures Wait, it's easier to convince her than to pick a single stock.

Recently, Su Yehao himself is also learning to play options and futures. He uses less principal and may earn more...

Toothache is not a disease, it hurts to death.

Before coming to the hospital, Su Yehao called his mother, and when he arrived at the hospital, the directors, president, vice president, and dental director all came to greet him at the door.

The dentists in Gangcheng make quite a lot of money. They are divided into general dentists, senior dentists and chief dentists. The two chief dentists in the hospital all put down their work and jointly diagnosed Su Yehao. They first took a dental film and found that the root problem was not bad. It's big, it's just a decayed tooth in the upper row, but there are wisdom teeth squeezed behind it, and it's best to pull it out.

Just a glitch.

Originally it was just a toothache, but two wisdom teeth were pulled out all at once. When he left the hospital, Su Yehao bit the gauze in his mouth and regretted:

"When my head got hot just now, they advised me to pull it out, and I agreed. But the wisdom teeth were not affected for the time being, only the cavities were hurting, and right now I can't eat anything. I'm asking for trouble, and I might get it later. It's swollen into a pig's head. If it weren't for my hospital, I doubt they would take the opportunity to make money from me."

Nangong Tian took advantage of Su Yehao's tooth extraction and did a dental checkup by the way. She smiled and said:

"I used to go to a dental clinic that earns millions of dollars a year, so I often go to my clubhouse to drink and spend. Seeing people coming and going in your grandfather's hospital, there are long queues for registration and payment. It must be very profitable. ?"

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Hearing this question, Su Yehao thought about it seriously, shook his head and said:

"I don't know. The next time I ask my mother, I will ask for a copy of the financial report of Earl Medical Group. The wealthy people in the surrounding areas also like to come to Hong Kong City to see a doctor, and the fees are very high. Anyway, there are several hospitals in the family, let me I am very at ease, if something happens, the helicopter will come directly to the door."

As soon as the voice fell, the phone rang suddenly.

I thought my mother called to inquire about the situation, but when I saw the name on the screen, I found out that it was the director Dou Jiafeng.

It's been a while since I accompanied my grandfather to a tea restaurant last time and met Director Dou again by chance.

During this period, the other party contacted Su Yehao several times and discussed writing the script.

The film and television industry in Hong Kong City is relatively rough. Some directors even dare to write and shoot without a script, and change the plot at any time.

This led to the fact that no one could figure out what was going on before the film came out.

It is expected to invest tens of millions of Hong Kong dollars. Of course, Su Yehao will not be so sloppy. In mid-February, Director Dou sent a script. He said that a good emotional scene turned into a type of robbery and gunfight. It seems that there is no fight. Fighting and killing, the screenwriter will not be able to write the script, and he will directly rewrite it.

As a party A, it's really cool.

Su Yehao answered the phone and heard that the script had been written again. He continued to bite the cotton to stop the bleeding, spit out a mouthful of **** phlegm, and said in a vague voice, "It's only two weeks, so fast? Okay, you can send the script to Dalang. Wan Dao, I'll wait for you at home."

On the other side of the phone.

Dou Jiafeng smiled and said, " I go to urge every day, stare at them and write, work more than ten hours a day, it's hard work! Go now, I'll be there in about half an hour."

Su Yehao knew something about Director Dou's situation.

The other party is completely a "circle" in the film and television circle. The total box office of the most famous work is only more than 8 million, and it is still the kind with a little color.

Knowing that he wants to be a director, Su Yehao always feels uneasy, so at present he only considers asking the other party to help him polish a reliable script and pay him.

As for who to get to shoot, I have to think about it again.

When I got home by car, I put ice cubes on my face, checked the time with the little nurse who came back, and opened the box to help take out the hemostatic cotton.

There was still a little blood in the saliva, but it was not as painful as Su Yehao imagined. He had just sat by the window on the first floor to rest in the sun and continued to apply ice cubes to his face when Director Dou Jiafeng came over.

Seeing Su Yehao's appearance, Director Dou was stunned for a moment, and he asked, "Young Master Su, does anyone in Hong Kong dare to beat you? What's wrong with your face?"

"...Tooth extraction, the script, I don't want to talk."

"Okay, you continue to rest. I have read this script. It is completely different from the last one. The screenwriter was inspired by "Titanic" and wrote a story about encountering love during travel."

Su Yehao nodded and took over the script, first flipping through the outline.

In short, it was a sweet love in adolescence, and then accidentally became a netizen. During this period, there were a series of encounters and accidents, and finally found the story of finding the old love.

If he could capture the beauty, warmth, etc., it would be pretty good, but he always felt that some bright spots were missing.

I simply thought of myself, tried to change some plots, and also asked Nangong Tian to help...

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