The latest website: two days in a row.

The so-called struggle, and no other news came.

Su Yehao, who is accustomed to reaching for money, has already sensed that something is wrong... Guessing that he might be let go, his acquisition plan was rejected by the First Quanye Bank.

In order to avoid the slack of the McKinsey consulting firm that was preparing, Su Yehao chose to hide from his partner Adrian that there might be a problem with the loan, and instead began to actively contact other banks that had approached him actively, so that Nong Qingying and Koko could be in the same boat. Drop in for help.

The business cards that were previously kept as waste paper were also found by assistant Zhuang Wei. Among them were Hong Kong-funded banks, as well as representatives of banks in Japan, the Mainland, Baodao, and Europe and the United States.

Su Yehao continued to consider other banks in Japan out of loan interest considerations, but from the perspective of safety, Hong Kong City and mainland banks were more reliable.

The one-time payment of about 3 billion Hong Kong dollars does seem a bit scary, so Su Yehao thought about breaking it into pieces and finding more banks to try cooperative loans.

He knew the reason not to put all your eggs in the same basket, but the cooperation with the Hong Kong City Branch of the First Quanye Bank was very comfortable, so he didn't try to find a new cooperative bank, and it was only now that Su Yehao realized that he was stupid.

It is a waste of energy to find a reliable bank again and start contacting from scratch. From this morning until now, Su Yehao has been on constant phone calls.

In this kind of matter, his parents can definitely help, but in order to avoid being taught by his parents in class, Su Yehao felt that he should try it first, and it would be better to contact them after he was desperate.

There were only a few solutions in front of Su Yehao.

One is to try to find new sources of funding.

The second is to abandon the overall acquisition of icq, and instead finance or acquire some shares.

The third is to make more money in the short term, and strive to earn enough funds before the transaction starts and ends.

The fourth is to sell some Yahoo stocks and cash out 100 to 200 million US dollars as a pledge, so that the banks can be a little more at ease and reduce the risks they take.

Faced with these solutions, Su Yehao chose one and three.

The progress of finding other banks to cooperate has not been smooth, and it will take time to investigate and understand and run in.

And Su Yehao asked Nong Qingying to help him to open an account at Morgan Stanley in Hong Kong City, temporarily cashing out 50 million US dollars, and ambitiously looking for a reliable investment target. One, use the 50 million U.S. dollars to add leverage, and try to get a big vote.

When Nong Qingying, in the name of koko venture capital, finished opening an account in the Hong Kong City Dalmore branch, he came all the way to meet Su Yehao with the documents.

When she saw Su Yehao who was standing in front of the computer with all kinds of materials piled up in front of her, she said in a surprised tone, "You haven't seen each other for a few days, yet you don't shave, you look so haggard."

"Haggard? I don't have anything at all, I'm just getting excited."

Su Yehao pulled a chair and let Nong Qingying sit next to him, then smiled: "It was too smooth before, some ambition and courage were temporarily suppressed, and it is rare to encounter a chance to take advantage of the opportunity to gamble, this time I must Just do a hard vote!"

"...Who is one vote?"

Nong Qingying smiled, and suddenly DiDi started the car.

Su Yehao, who was stunned for a moment after hearing the words, laughed and said, "You have changed, and you have become more likeable. In fact, you don't need to come all the way here, I am ready to take time to go back."

"I'm concerned about you. I'm contacting the bank for a loan, and I'm cashing out a transfer. I thought you were **** by someone."

Sitting next to him, Nong Qingying took off her high heels, put her long legs on Su Yehao's thighs, and continued to ask, "I can understand the loan, but you said on the phone that you were crazy about adding leverage, what happened? "

The black stockings delivered to the door, while Su Yehao began to be dishonest, he sighed and said:

"I'm still too poor. I think it's better to ask others than myself, and I plan to make more money. Even if I start negotiating with the acquisition target and succeed, it will take a month or two. During this time, I plan to earn 100 million yuan. To 200 million US dollars, this way I pay a part and let the bank bear some of it, and I have a greater chance of success. Even I feel that letting the bank pay out all the funds is a bit empty-handed, and it seems unreliable.”

"The amount of your loan is too much, and there is no collateral. They are not optimistic about icq and do not want to accept icq shares as a pledge. I am afraid that not only will you not make any money, but you will also put in the cash you have earned for a month or two. Earn one or two hundred million dollars, why don't you say that you have wings and can fly to the sky?"

Nong Qingying felt that Su Yehao was good in everything, but he was distracted, and occasionally he seemed too frizzy.

Su Yehao said with a smile: "To tell you the truth, I already have a clue. It happens that the financial report will be released next month, and the stock price of a group of companies is likely to rise sharply."


Nong Qingying guessed something in an instant and asked: "So...not commodities and foreign exchange, or to speculate in American Internet companies?"

"Yes, Cisco and Oracle, their plates are big enough that I can use more leverage."

As soon as Su Yehao finished speaking, he sighed and added: "If I fail, then I should make a choice between developing my own company and reducing the position of investing in Yahoo. If AOL acquires icq, then I will make a choice. It's going to miss an opportunity for tvt to expand like crazy."

Nong Qingying, who had already seen it clearly, knew that Su Yehao was ambitious and wanted too much, so he was just asking for trouble.

She said calmly: "I want to persuade you to be safe, but you never listen to my advice. If you lose your pants, you can still inherit the family's real estate company and medical group."

Standing up and stretching, Su Yehao picked up Nong Qingying and said cheerfully, "Take a bath with me and shave. I have been analyzing Cisco's recent performance. Let's relax and be happy first."

He hugged Su Yehao's neck tightly.

Nong Qingying dozed off and only said, "Can you let me sleep first? I met a fool on the plane, and I was making noise all the way with a child. It's useless for the flight attendant to give me earplugs."

How could it be so easy to let her go? It will be more than half an hour after Nong Qingying starts to make up her

the same day.

Cisco shares edged down 0.2 percent.

The next morning, Su Yehao used US$30 million as a security deposit to leverage the US$300 million option contract.

The other 20 million US dollars was taken as a deposit, and through Morgan Stanley's Hong Kong branch, the target of Oracle's stock options worth 300 million US dollars.

The former is ten times leveraged, while the latter is fifteen times leveraged. A small fluctuation can involve millions of dollars. It is ups and downs all day, and a single day profit of more than 11 million dollars.

Unlike Yahoo, these two companies have a relatively large plate, and this position is less than 1% of the total market value of the two companies.

Even so, Su Yehao's actions have also attracted attention, and there is even news in the "Wall Street Journal" that there are Hong Kong City institutions making efforts to be optimistic about the prospects of these two companies...


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