Fight To the Third Generation

Chapter 317: 3 good news in a row

Latest website: After more than ten hours of flight, Su Yehao just walked out of the exit of the terminal.

All over the body, the whole bone is crisp.

It was the peak tourist season. There were a lot of tourists at the Hong Kong International Airport on Lantau Island. There were also posters on the walls of the Hong Kong International Tourism Group, a joint venture he established with Jiang Shiye and others.

Early stage of business.

In line with the idea of ​​​​saving as much as possible, the tourism group has not yet found a spokesperson to advertise.

Last time, Master Jiang said something along the lines of his mouth, saying that he would give Jiang Yu 50,000 yuan and ask her to help take pictures.

Jiang Yu, who looks harmless to humans and animals, is indeed suitable for being a graphic model. There is a rare opportunity for her to earn pocket money, so how could Su Yehao not agree.

Thinking of sending Nong Qingying home first, and then going back to the mansion in Dalangwan to rest for a while, Su Yehao glanced at random and was surprised to find a familiar face.

I saw a few men and women in formal suits carrying briefcases suddenly walking towards him.

Just as the bodyguards were about to make a move, they saw the leader suddenly bent down and bowed, almost showing a ninety degree angle, and said loudly:

"Mr. Su! I'm sorry to disappoint you! The head of the head office suddenly intervened, thinking that the risk of this business is too high, which I didn't expect, but we are within our authority, and we have provided you with a plan! "

You can see from the uniform apology that they are all Japanese.

The one who stood at the front was the president of No. 1 Quanye Bank's Gangcheng Branch who had fought back in Tokyo a few days ago, but was rejected by his immediate boss. He had dealt with Su Yehao several times before, and his name was Jincheng Xianren.

The passers-by around looked over one by one.

In the tour group from the mainland, several aunts were whispering, saying that it was the same as the one in the Hong Kong film, and they met the big guys in the rivers and lakes.

Being blocked at the airport by the people from No. 1 Quanye Bank, Su Yehao was wondering how they knew about his itinerary, and then he thought about it and realized that the private business jet was rented through their bank, and it was not difficult to investigate.

From this point of view, it is very necessary to have a private jet of your own.

This time it's just a bank, and it's hard to guarantee that there won't be other people with ulterior motives, and they will find out his itinerary.

At this moment, Su Yehao is more concerned about the phrase "another set of plans" than being known about his itinerary. He is still unhappy that the bank is not optimistic about his acquisition plan, so he put on an air and asked: "Oh? With your authority, dare to go against him?"

The branch manager named Jincheng Xianren continued to stand straight and said seriously:

"His ideas do not represent my ideas. You are a dreamer with fighting spirit. Every time you make a decisive and accurate shot, I don't think you are the kind of person who will default. No matter what business is, there will be risks, but I am willing to bet with you. Put.icq is a good company, and I am very aware of the achievements of tat chat software. The combination of the two is likely to spark dazzling sparks, so we have specially prepared a 500 million Hong Kong dollar unsecured credit loan for you. I hope The previous cooperation can be continued.”

Japanese employees are obedient, capable, conscientious, not half-hearted, thinking about changing jobs all day long.

From the perspective of the boss, it is much more worry-free than other places.

The employees in the United States are different. They go to get off work every day, but they can't pull them back. They talk about labor unions, benefits and security at every turn.

As for the employees of Hong Kong City, most of them are more casual, chatting all day long in the office, like a tea party.

A middle-aged man like Jincheng Xianren has a typical Japanese employee temperament.

Su Yehao thought to himself that the other party had probably heard that he was seeking loans from other banks.

In the face of a businessman of his level, the bank is indeed in a weak position. If Jincheng sage hadn't come to show his sincerity, Su Yehao really didn't plan to continue to cooperate with the First Quanye Bank.

Just short of money, there are steps down.


Su Yehao smiled and said, "I also think the two companies are a good fit, Mr. Jincheng, you have made a wise choice, help me now, and one day I will support you as the president of your head office. This 500 million Hong Kong dollars is useful to me, when I go home and rest, I will prepare the documents first, the acquisition may not be successful for the time being, and I will give you news when that time comes."

President Jincheng Xianren smiled and replied: "If you want to be a big president, you need a lot of resources, and luck is also very important."

"Resources are something you can have if you have money. When I'm worth more than 50 billion US dollars, it will almost be enough."

Casually, Su Yehao spoke as if he was joking, and even he himself felt like it was an empty promise.

However, after looking for money this time, Su Yehao has realized the importance of building a good relationship with the bank. It will always be better if many friends help. For example, the 500 million Hong Kong dollar credit line has made the financial pressure a little less.


I haven't found my father yet.

When Su Yehao returned home, Nangong Tian hugged his neck, feeling tired for a while.

When he sat in front of the computer to check the email, he found that Adrian of McKinsey told him that he had made a plan to go to icq's directors next Tuesday to formally negotiate with them.

Adrian also helped to ask the above, and he could be granted a quota of 200 million US dollars for leveraged buyouts.

The monthly interest rate is 1.5%, and the account is taken from a third-party financial institution. McKinsey is just an intermediary, and some handling fees are also charged.

I have to say, it's really black. The annual interest rate is 18%. If you borrow 200 million US dollars for one year, it is 36 million US dollars in interest.

For the current Su Yehao, it doesn't matter if the interest rate is high or not. The most important thing is to be able to borrow money. If you keep the stocks you hold, you can always earn money back in this hot market for Internet companies.

So without saying a word, he directly agreed to the leveraged buyout plan, and told Adrian that the remaining funds were no problem, and he would rush back to Silicon Valley in time to participate in the negotiations with icq.

Sitting and thinking for a moment, Su Yehao contacted Bank of China's President Peng again...

Carrying the fruit plate Xiao Nizi was so happy that she hummed a song.

Although Su Yehao only went to the United States for a few days, she felt that she hadn't seen each other for a long time. She had a clingy personality because she liked it.

Seeing Su Yehao put on a golf suit, the little girl said in surprise, "Brother Hao, you just went home and are going out again?"

"Well, I have an appointment with someone from the bank to talk about the loan. Oh, by the way, the acquisition of icq has already been announced. I haven't told you yet? It seems that you can do it on your own, when it comes to borrowing money, Brother Hao, I am a professional."

Nangong Tian pouted and said, "Unfortunately, I only have a few million dollars, and my mother is so poor that I can't help you. If my family is like Zhao Yimeng's, then I can take care of you."

Su Yehao looked at her and smiled:

"Her family has been in trouble recently. It's not certain who will help. The house prices in Hong Kong City have fallen again, and the news of real estate stocks plummeting. I have seen it in the United States..."


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