Fight To the Third Generation

Chapter 320: back to the US

The latest website: After dinner.

Father Su took the second aunt and left.

The Pengcheng Cosmopolitan International Cultural Tourism City project is busy. Not long after the financing, the Meidi Group is also busy. Since the company's business focus has been placed on the north side, Father Su often runs back and forth, but the spirit of the whole person is better than before. a lot.


It may also be because the third and fourth concubines left one after another, allowing the little old man to take a breath and cultivate himself.

The foundation is strong enough, and the business affairs are not too busy. As long as you want to be lazy, you can always leave the work to others, and the boss is responsible for keeping an eye on it.

When leaving.

Father Su told Huimei Di Group to transfer 300 million RMB to Su Yehao first, and operate it in the name of wealth management and investment. Su Yehao did not expect this coquettish operation.

It is equivalent to temporary borrowing, and the interest that should be paid still has to be paid.

As long as the interest exceeds the interest on bank deposits, those shareholders will not be able to find fault. Anyway, the investment department has been established before, and the variable is nothing more than increasing the amount from 200 million yuan to 300 million yuan.

With the further deepening of the restructuring and reform of the Midea Group, Father Su's voice has increased, and it is not difficult to operate.

Take Yin Liuli, who got off work early, to her apartment to rest.

During the period, Su Yehao asked her, "How do you feel, is the big stone in your heart gone? I'm just my dad who can deal with it very well. As long as he doesn't mess around, he usually doesn't care about me now."

Yin Liuli nodded and said with satisfaction: "Very good, I thought a big boss like your dad would be very serious, but I didn't expect to have such a good temper. You talked to him like that, and he didn't beat you."


Su Yehao rolled his eyes at her and said with a smile:

"Being at home is definitely different from being outside. Others are still very afraid of my father. Anyway, you can live a good life in a down-to-earth way. In case we have children in the future, let my parents and my second aunt and others give them to me. There shouldn't be any problems with the children wrapping red envelopes and writing their names on the beneficiaries of the family charitable trust fund, and spreading branches and leaves has always been the top priority for my parents and grandfather."

"...Wait a minute. In case of having a child, the change in life must be very big, and I don't feel ready."

Yin Liuli changed the subject and asked him: "How long are you staying in the casino this time? Are you going to the United States to do a big business? I heard you mentioned to your father just now, I have also tried to use icq, and it is indeed better to chat with tat. Software is not as feature rich as your product.”

"Yeah, but it developed early and has a lot of users. When I go back to the United States tomorrow, I need to focus on the negotiation in person. If I can acquire it, I will be able to master the world's largest social communication market. Don't give you bags and clothes then, Even if you buy those luxury goods manufacturers, there is no problem, sprinkle water."

Su Yehao was very relaxed at the moment, adding up all the miscellaneous things, he could make up more than 400 million US dollars.

That is, even if the initial negotiation with icq's shareholders is not smooth, in the face of competition from AOL, he has the confidence to leave hundreds of millions of dollars in price increase space on the basis of the quotation of 330 million US dollars. Online companies are taking food from the tiger's mouth.

From another point of view, once the acquisition is really completed, the suppression that icq is now facing from AOL will be transferred to Su Yehao.

I don't dare to be completely ready, but since I want to become bigger and stronger, I always try to break through in the face of difficulties...

Take a bath at home.

Changed to a big apartment, and after the wooden bed was replaced, the rhythm sound was a little less.

In the middle of the night, after Yin Liuli fell asleep, Su Yehao, who had not adjusted the jet lag, called to reserve a private plane, and sent three text messages to Xiao Nizi, asking her if she wanted to go to Silicon Valley together, and if she wanted to go tomorrow Come to the casino early and meet directly at the airport.

[The book chasing app recommended to me by an old book friend who has known me for ten years! It’s so easy to use, I rely on this reading aloud to pass the time before driving and before going to bed, you can download it here]

She fell asleep at four o'clock in the morning, and was woken up by a phone call from Xiao Nizi at more than eight o'clock. She was already waiting at the airport in the casino city.

With sleepy eyes, Su Yehao hurriedly washed up and ate breakfast. He didn't care about chatting with Yin Liuli, so he went out to the airport.

Casino is a small place, just a few minutes drive from the apartment to the airport.

en route.

Su Yehao first checked to make sure that there was no perfume or hickey on his body. He also called John Zhou and asked him to help contact the servants in the new house, so that they would check the house carefully. Everything is hidden away.

At first glance, it was a habitual offender, and in the end, even the call records and text messages were all deleted.

This time, accompanied by Nangong Tian, ​​I happily embarked on the plane to the United States. It was the private business jet of the previous two days, and it was still a familiar crew member.

When the stewardess saw that Su Yehao was replaced by someone with a faint smile on her lips, she had long since seen it strange. It was normal for her to do a job like her, and what kind of guests had never seen before. As for the abnormal ... Only every seat in the cabin has been polluted. Some people just like to seek excitement in the sky, and they don't hesitate to rent a business jet at a high cost.

Every long flight is a sin.

Compared with ordinary passenger jets, Gulfstream business jets are already comfortable, with less bumps, less noise, and more room for movement.

Stopped in Alaska again, and went straight to San Francisco after a rest. It was good for not getting enough sleep at night. This time, Su Yehao slept in the sky for six hours.

When they arrived at the mansion in the Atherton area of ​​Silicon Valley, even the always active little girl was sluggish, too lazy to check the house that Brother Hao just bought. After a cursory glance, they felt that they liked it very much.

On Monday local time, I will meet with icq shareholders tomorrow.

After a short break, first go through all the house registration and handover procedures, and also meet Adrian from McKinsey to talk in advance at home.

According to the news that Adrian has inquired, the icq shareholders have held a meeting with the employees, but more management supports the acquisition by AOL. They feel that the income is guaranteed and the benefits are better.

Comparing tvt with AOL, it does seem sparse and common, and it is not very popular.

Whether or not to sell it mainly depends on the attitude of the shareholders. After all, Su Yehao's offer was 10 million US dollars higher than that of AOL, so the shareholders were more supportive of selling the company to Su Yehao.

Taking into account the possible loss of employees after taking over, Su Yehao will find a way to move out the icq listing plan in advance. The reason is that if he wants to go public on Nasdaq, he must meet the standard of the number of shareholders reaching 300. That is, the equity incentive plan can be thrown out logically.

After the conversation, Adrian suddenly felt relieved. For the current employees of icq, getting the company's equity is undoubtedly a big killer, and they can get their support.

Once shareholders and employees are in agreement, the next acquisition plan will be smoother, making it easier to realize the vision of the merger of the two companies.

That night.

Su Yehao took Xiao Nizi to Stanford University for a They are still young, and there is no sense of disobedience when walking on the campus. As a representative of the counterattack of second-tier universities, the Stanford campus is very large and quite pretty.

After a long journey, I was really tired, so I simply finished eating and went home early to rest.

At 4:00 am local time, Su Yehao woke up again, sat in front of the computer, checked the email from Adrian, and continued to prepare for the negotiation.

Suddenly I remembered my long positions, and I opened my account to check it.

I don't know if I don't see it, I'm startled when I see it,

Cisco released its first-quarter financial report this year, and predicted a further increase in profits in the second quarter. The stock price soared 17.3% in a single day, and the option value increased by more than 40 million US dollars in a single day. A private business jet has been obtained, and the extra money will be paid back. Can buy a mansion under three feet...

Chapter 320 Return to the United States


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