The speculation that AOL looks down on Su Yehao is most likely the truth.

Once again, I asked Adrian to help inquire about the news. The information obtained was from AOL. It was already believed that once ICQ was acquired by Su Yehao, the threat to them would be reduced.

Therefore, some executive directors proposed to abandon the acquisition plan and use the funds to deploy the online music and online game markets.

Su Yehao asked Adrian how he knew what was said on the board of directors of AOL. Adrian did not explain, but just spread his hands and told him that the news was true and that he had a way to get the information, so he still owed money for it. the favor of others.

As a large company with a market value that is dozens of times higher than ICQ's valuation, AOL does have the confidence to underestimate Su Yehao.

Before, they thought that with the growth rate of ICQ, it was very likely to get involved in the field of paid chat rooms and compress the living space of AOL, so they thought of spending money to buy Ping An and killed ICQ in the cradle first.

However, if the shareholders choose to sell ICQ to Su Yehao, they will have no connections and no funds in the future, which seems to be very intimidating. It is no wonder that AOL will be lax.

After learning this news, although Su Yehao was very angry, but thinking about it carefully, it was a good thing for him that AOL chose not to increase the price. He was able to take the initiative during the negotiation with ICQ. After all, no third party was willing to interfere. And come in, should be able to save a lot of money.

In fact, as he had expected, Adrian co-operated and staged a "turn to invest in Amazon" drama, ICQ's shareholders really relented, bidding 340 million US dollars, the shareholders collectively exited. , no longer required to retain shares.

[In other words, the best app for reading aloud and listening to books at present, Mimi Read, install the latest version. 】

And the funds of 340 million US dollars must be fully received within one month, and the liquidated damages will be calculated according to the amount of 1% to be paid every day in case of default.

As for ICQ's labor union, it requires a salary increase of not less than 8% each year for three consecutive years, and promises not to lay off employees within two years, and layoffs need to pay a penalty of fifteen months' salary.

In addition, in terms of equity awards, ICQ's trade union representatives hope to give them 3% of the total share capital before listing, which is equivalent to about 10 million US dollars at the current value.

To do business in the United States, it is indispensable to deal with labor unions. These requirements are not excessive and are still within the acceptable range. .

Su Yehao made a decision to reduce the equity reward to 2%.

After talking for more than two hours in total, we quickly reached an agreement and began to arrange for lawyers to draw up a memorandum.

It is estimated that several shareholders of ICQ also noticed that AOL's enthusiasm was declining, so they accelerated the pace of transactions, trying to get rid of the more and more burdens they lost before Su Yehao changed his mind.

If it weren't for the fact that it was impossible to make a profit and could not meet the requirements of the Nasdaq stock exchange, these people would have taken the company to go public long ago. Now, most shareholders just want to be safe, and they are really burned. Money speed is scary.


According to her own preferences, Nangong Tian went to San Francisco twice in a row in recent days to purchase a batch of furniture.

Today she went to the gallery again and bought a few oil paintings.

When Su Yehao came home, she was cooking and frying the steak herself, and said with a smile, "I'm back, find a camera in my bag and take a picture of me, isn't it very virtuous?"

"Xianhui, but I originally planned to celebrate and take you out for a good meal. Since you cook yourself, why don't you eat at home?"

As soon as Su Yehao finished asking, he saw Xiao Nizi blink and silently turn off the fire.

She said, "Let's go out to eat. It always feels like it's not cooked enough. It seems that it's too old to be fried. It's the kind that can't be eaten by dogs. It's suitable for drying it as beef jerky."


Without waiting for Su Yehao to speak, the little girl took off her apron and asked, "What to celebrate? Is it a love anniversary, you want to give me a romance, ouch. I'm also thinking about whether it should be calculated according to the date of the port city, or according to the date of the Hong Kong city. Date calculation here in California, otherwise we will take some time to go shopping on Rodeo Drive in Los Angeles and take you to buy gifts..."

Su Yehao understood.

When she is not at home, she seems to be bored all the time, and she can't stop at all.

Raising his hand to interrupt Nangong Tian, ​​Su Yehao couldn't wait to tell her:

"I'll talk about those later, ICQ agreed to my acquisition invitation, just signed a memorandum, and signed a formal contract in two days. I always feel like I'm going to make a fortune again this time, tell me directly what I want to buy, and make sure my eyes are on it. Don't blink."

"...I really sold it to you? Wasn't it very difficult to talk before? How much will it cost you?"

"The total cost is 356 million US dollars. They can sell the company at a price that exceeds the institutional valuation. How can they be dissatisfied? Shareholders can't stand it anymore."

Su Yehao put his arms around Xiao Nizi and forcibly took her out, while laughing: "Before eating, I will take you to see what I have built for you."

Nangong Tian sniffed himself.

Fortunately, there was only a faint smell of steak, so I decided to change my shoes and accompany me.

The transaction has not been completed yet. Going to the ICQ headquarters now is a bit flamboyant. In the end, I just parked the car at the door and stood on the side of the road to have a look.

"There are a total of 377 regular employees, the office is rented, and there are still 11 million US dollars left on the book. After I buy it, at least 20 million US dollars will be invested in the server, and another messy fee of 1 Dadui, including the financing cost, it is almost 400 million US dollars, and more than 3 billion Hong Kong dollars.

Su Yehao is very optimistic about the prospects after ICQ and TVT merge.

It is probably a state of mind where the sky is open and the birds fly.

While Xiao Nizi was happy for him, she was also a little worried, mainly because she was afraid that the business would not be Brother Hao was hit for this.

Actual business is different from investing in stocks, which are two different things.

She took Su Yehao's arm and asked curiously, "What do you do next, are you ready?"

"Not yet, who knows that they will try to contact today, and they will suddenly let go. After the official signing, let McKinsey help to sort it out, let the programmers of the two companies meet, and finalize the merger plan as soon as possible. Keep it, if you can’t, then re-develop it, and it’s best to slowly divert users to TVT, so as not to suddenly have too many people and collapse directly, wouldn’t it become a joke.”

Su Yehao enjoyed the highlights for a moment, and had no intention of going in, so he took her to find a place to have lunch first.

This transaction seems to be relatively smooth, but in fact, it was made with money. All of a sudden, more than 300 million US dollars in debt were added. When it comes to pressure, there is a little bit of pressure.

Previously, it was just a small game in Silicon Valley.

In addition to the successful investment in Yahoo, there is no other achievement in the outside world.

Now that the ICQ is about to be won, it will inevitably attract a lot of attention. Su Yehao feels that it is necessary to keep an eye on it in Silicon Valley, and it is also convenient to invest in stocks.


After eating at noon, he took Xiao Nizi to buy a car.

There are many rich people in Silicon Valley. I wanted to buy a Rolls-Royce or a Ferrari. I didn’t expect to encounter a Mercedes-Benz CLK-GTR supercar, which is limited to 25 cars in the world. The total kilometers are only 300 miles, which is equivalent to a brand new car. , just cleaned and ready to be sent to the exhibition hall.

The car dealer quoted $1.6 million, and Su Yehao bought it without saying a word.

After he bought it, he realized that he didn't have a driver's license and that driving in the United States was an unlicensed driver, so he first arranged for a truck to be pulled into his yard...

Chapter 322 Sold

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