Fight To the Third Generation

Chapter 349: old rose

the next morning.

Su Yehao, who had a drink last night, felt a little uncomfortable in his stomach. He went out to drink a bowl of soy milk and a drawer of xiaolongbao for breakfast.

It was early seven in the morning and the temperature was just right.

At this time, it is the time when people go to work, and the bicycles come one after the other.

Due to the motorcycle ban, it is inconvenient to drive. People living in hutongs mainly rely on it to travel, and some people walk to the bus stop and then take the bus.

After leaving the breakfast shop.

Nong Qingying held Su Yehao in his arms, and asked quietly, "What are the two old men who were sitting at the back just now arguing?"

"Debating whether the renovation of the old city is cost-effective, one proposes to directly expand the outer ring to build a new city, keep the old hutongs, and don't make the mistake of demolishing the city wall again.

Su Yehao lowered his voice and sighed: "Those who can live in this place are not ordinary people, but they underestimate these neighbors..."

Nong Qingying grew up in Hong Kong City and was not interested in these things.

At this time, she smelled a scent of flowers. She looked around and was surprised to find that in front of a house in the alley, there was a very sturdy rose, which had become a tree. Eye-catching.

He led Su Yehao to take a closer look, and it was really good-looking.

An old aunt was sitting at the door eating. After seeing the two of them, she said with a smile: "This rose is quite old. Someone else planted it in 1968, isn't it beautiful?"

"It's so beautiful, I've never seen such a big tree before."

"Yeah, it's just recruiting bees, and every two or three years someone is stung in the yard." The old aunt was holding a bowl with white porridge and duck eggs in it, which looked healthy. .

Nong Qingying's Mandarin is too bad, so he said to Su Yehao directly: "It's very suitable for planting in your yard, ask her if she sells it?"

After Su Yehao looked at the rose again, he thought it would be okay to ask, so he asked with a smile, "Auntie, do you sell this flower? My family lives nearby, three or four hundred meters away, and there is just something missing in the garden. view."

"...Sell it or not... You have to ask the neighbors. There are four families living in the yard, and you can't say it's mine. Tell me how much you can pay first?"

When the old aunt heard that she wanted to buy it, she immediately took a serious attitude.

Su Yehao touched his chin, and after thinking for a moment, he offered the price and said, "The main reason is that my girlfriend and I like it. How about 20,000 yuan? It seems quite rare, and the price should not be low."

He doesn't know anything about the price.

It is difficult to find such an old rose, but I think I can find it, but I happened to meet it today. If it can be done with a little money, I will be too lazy to bother.

Taking advantage of these few days living in Sijiucheng, I might be able to directly transplant it back to my own courtyard.

The old aunt was a little moved immediately. She continued to hold the bowl, look at the flowers, and then look at Su Yehao and Nong Qingying. Although this rose bloomed beautifully, it was worth 20,000 yuan. , worth half a year's salary of her son.

Leaving a sentence "You wait a moment", the old aunt turned around and walked into the yard, shouting and calling for the neighbors to negotiate together.

No matter how beautiful a rose is, it is only a rose after all.

There was a middle-aged man surnamed Yao who was called "Yao Ke". He didn't know where he was working. He was not in a hurry to go to work for the time being and took the lead in negotiating with Su Yehao.

Knowing that when this kind of thing happens, it will be easy for everyone to get confused when they discuss it. Su Yehao waited patiently for a while, and happened to receive a call from the appraiser of Christie's auction house in Hong Kong City. He took the opportunity to interrupt and said:

"Everyone, I also live nearby. When I went out to eat breakfast, I saw that this flower looked beautiful, so I just mentioned that I want to buy it. I have something to do later, and I don't necessarily have to stay in Sijiucheng for how long. It may be the day after tomorrow. Going to the United States, whether to sell or not to sell, let me give you an accurate word now? If you can’t, forget it, so as not to make you embarrassed.”

The middle-aged man surnamed Yao immediately raised his hand in a local dialect and said, "Wait a minute! Don't worry about this little brother, you don't look like a dealer who sells flowers, birds, fish and insects, you are Buying a yard and going up and down, a foreigner who just moved in?"

"Yes, it's really not a dealer. I came from the casino to talk about business and bought a house along the street in Houhaibei. Unless I meet someone like me who likes flowers again, I'm afraid I won't be able to sell it at such a high price."

In the early morning, the experts invited have just arrived at the Hong Kong City International Airport and will not arrive until noon.

Su Yehao has nothing to do and is not in a hurry. He patiently accompanies the people in this small courtyard to talk about business, just like the gourd he bought yesterday. .

Maybe the price of 20,000 per mouthful is too refreshing, and he still lives in a wealthy area near the Prince Chun's Mansion.

Let the people in the small courtyard feel that there is an opportunity, an old lady who looks very ordinary, came over and said, "This rose in our courtyard has been around for more than 40 years, and I'm afraid I can't get 20,000 yuan. Go, at least 30,000 yuan."

Another middle-aged man immediately waved his hand and said, "What is 30,000 yuan, how do the four families divide it? 36,000 yuan, if there is less than one point, we will not talk about it!"

Su Yehao was speechless.

It's true that this rose is beautiful, but this person is not very particular about it.

Immediately waved his smiled happily, and said in his mouth: "Then don't talk about it, if you can't afford it, go."

Originally it didn't matter if he bought it or not, but suddenly he lost interest, Su Yehao said and left.

Talking with Nong Qingying on the road, I didn't take the matter of buying flowers to heart. It's not like this is how to do business. If you can make a deal, you will make a deal, and if the price is not right, you will pull it down.

He was quite calm.

The people in this co-living courtyard began to be restless.

For a while after Su Yehao left, he was still talking about this old rose that he didn't pay much attention to before. Some people thought it must be a treasure, and they didn't worry that no one would buy it. They immediately went to the flower and bird market to find a flower seller to find out the price.

There are also people who are annoyed by the big opening of the couple. For example, the old aunt who was drinking porridge just now is thinking about the 5,000 yuan that she almost got, whispering that the human heart is not enough to swallow the elephant, and it is not a hundred-year-old tree. No matter how expensive it is, it is worth it. How much wait.

Su Yehao went back to the courtyard and went to the Forbidden City to meet the experts together with the Chu Jun who came to the door. By the way, he planned to go to Liulichang again to pick up a few more rare things.

Some businesses are just business, and some businesses can be regarded as hobbies. At about ten o'clock, Su Yehao received a call from his father. Father Su was also very interested in antiques. He made an appointment to meet at Liulichang and take a stroll. .

at the same time.

The couple who shouted "30,000" and "30,006" closed the grocery store today and went to the nearby flower and bird market to find a flower shop owner.

After reading the old rose, the other party only said that it is worth two or three thousand yuan at most, which is not common in Sijiucheng, and there are more in the south.

As soon as the news came out, the people in the small courtyard suddenly became unbalanced, and the noise turned upside down at noon that day.

The little section chief surnamed Yao sighed for a long time. He didn't eat lunch. He took the initiative to run to the North Street in Houhai, and wanted to find Su Yehao and say that he agreed to sell it...

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